Since I returned I've toyed with the idea of forming an inter-faction secret society. The RP possibilities inside a secret society are plentiful, and so is the fun. We at TAZ have some secret societies, but I want something that crosses the boundaries of factions, so I came up with this idea.
Basically it's a secret society that specializes in hyper space navigation. It'd be composed by people who want to be at the vanguard of this new technology, sharing research, exploration and navigation among it's members. The secrecy of the society wouldn't be it's existance but the identity of it's members.
The main activities of this guild would be to offer Surveying and Jumping services. In the case of coordinates, the guild members will input their surveys in the Guild's database, and the guild would make them available to the public market. This protects the surveyor's identity and also gathers all hyperspace "products and services" into one hub where jumpers can go and buy the data.
I figured this should at least have 1 Zoner, 1 Junker, 1 Lane Hacker and 1 Gallic unlawful or semi-lawful, but almost anyone could be part of it I guess.
I'm ready to be that Zoner (though others are welcome). Does this whole idea appeal to anyone else?