Wyrms and Dragons, yes? Don't use Chimaeras please. It's a military craft.
Also, I don't like the GB thing either.. But if it's gonna be one or two only, I guess it's fine.
But put them in different systems, so they can't work together.
For example, one GB - Honshu, another GB - Kyushu.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
Mobile bases might be a good idea. For the 1-2 Gunboats that is. So like Chopper said - have them in different systems. Also, restrict them to the 2 people in command and do NOT share them under any circumstances. 1 for each leader should be fine.
Well, I am getting me a Wyrm, and I'll keep the Tachikaze grounded at New Tokyo unless something big comes up, so there will be a maximum of one (1) gunboat, bomber or vhf actually in use, initially.
Edit: for the record, I would consider, for example, BLS running convoys or coordinated squad-level attacks on New Tokyo or Honshu as 'something big', and bring out the Tachikaze (OR other gunboat/bomber/vhf) to deal with it. Compare to bringing in the SWAT.
Edit2 after reading Nietzck's post: if two gunboats are needed at the same time, I expect to be calling the KNF, actually.
John Johnson - Master of Synth.Foods-Convoy|049
Hans Adler - Synth Foods escort wing
' Wrote:Edit: for the record, I would consider, for example, BLS running convoys or coordinated squad-level attacks on New Tokyo or Honshu as 'something big', and bring out the Tachikaze (OR other gunboat/bomber/vhf) to deal with it. Compare to bringing in the SWAT.
I would say you should call the navy for that...(KNF)... the point of police is not to defend the space at all costs.... if a big force comes up.. and there is no KNF (or Merc/BHG that you can pay) around.. you should not fight.
Just warn traders one TL (or system) away, that they should not go there.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
' Wrote:I would say you should call the navy for that...(KNF)... the point of police is not to defend the space at all costs.... if a big force comes up.. and there is no KNF (or Merc/BHG that you can pay) around.. you should not fight.
Just warn traders one TL (or system) away, that they should not go there.
Set the army on smugglers? Well, of course US coast guard is under military rule, but in civilized nations...
For squad level attacks at the core - yes, I'd call the KNF. But just as the police would be brining out the heavy weapons if... lessee... Alaskan separatists would attack, until relief could come, so should the KSP. Not run and hide.
Also, there may be problems with either Hogosha or Farmers Alliance - and such problems, only the KSP could act against. Setting the KNF against citizens (somewhat) loyal to the Emperor? Unthinkable!
I think that I need to make something clear here - I find I dislike flying Gunboats (I sold my Order GB and brought first a fighter, then a bomber), and I've never even tried (or tried to get the cash for, even in SP) for something bigger. Some of you might have noticed I have not used the Tachikaze a whole lot. I don't gunboats to the faction because I want to fly big ships - I have a Zoner char, I could get a friggin' Battlestar if I wanted to. I have them in the faction proposal because I believe they fit. The smugglers run what is akin to a armored truck with 20mm auto cannon - and that is when they run unescorted. Of course the police needs to have heavy weapons in reserve.
One other thing I had thought I would bring the Tachikaze out for - the initial enforcement of Diamond/Nib licensing. It is sure to be unpopular, and nothing says 'crowd control' quite as much as a gunboat.
John Johnson - Master of Synth.Foods-Convoy|049
Hans Adler - Synth Foods escort wing
I'm alright on the having gunboats buisness. Its true that every police someone stashed SOMEwhere. I think. I hope. :mellow:
I think that the gb would be our equivelent of having a battleship, only the commander could have it.
I'm thinking that this would dramatically reduce the amount of strain the KNF is under, both protecting kusari and attacking bretonia. Preventing smugglers is a time consuming process and can open up a spot for attacks to just blow through undefended.
The command structure would have to be well organized over who 'commands' who. Since the KSP has a lot less action involved and <in some cases> less experience.
However, it would allow the KNF to focus on its primary function, which currently is the war on Bretonia.
I don't think that it would be fair to the people who have been for months or even years on end in the KNF to suddenly be outranked much quicker than those in the KSP.
Well, about 'fair'... I don't really care that much about fair.
However, the initial plan is that there will only be two players (four characters) in the KSP that outranks Commanders and above. And, as noted in the faction proposal, the police are expected to allow the military to take control of military situations.
John Johnson - Master of Synth.Foods-Convoy|049
Hans Adler - Synth Foods escort wing