PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
That's what balance is. There are Junker Marauders, there are Congress, and there are some smugglers. Why not to have some enemies? It must be fun in terms of both RP and PvP. That's why I'm interested in getting in.
Go for it. Most of the peeps in the group has one. I am making a junkie GB as we speak.
I suggest that instead of going :S you peeps make a junker anti-hogosha group or something along those lines and we can have epic pewfests in Texas.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502