You may have seen us, pirates with the [Y] tag, recently. I will do a short faction write up tomorrow perhaps, but for anyone who's wondering we are just cousins (in RL) who made the faction so we can pirate together as allies.
Oh, and that base that will undoubtedly be destroyed soon (between Ft Bush and the Colorado JG) that was a mishap - we were bored and wanted a base, and a OSC ship conveniently placed it there for our HQ. -thanks heaps
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
what spazzy would (maybe) do if he still had his large ship probably
logs in
gathers friends
blows up base
possibly record it
make a joke
job done.
one of the many reasons people love spazzy
keep up the good work!
Before flapping your gums about topics like this, I suggest posing some screenshots backing you up.
Since you want to talk about this, please show me when was the last time I, as you put it, gathered friends and blew up a base, filming it and making jokes..
Do it. I'll wait.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
As long as you have a Pirate ID I will not let you dock at the Haven.
But we have some Serenitys specialised on pickup duty if you really intend to go for cargo piracy, and will greet neutral ships at our dock as long as they have a clean history.