One of my pilots, Templar Ryder, took The Ryu for a patrol across the Omegas. After retreating from a Corsair Battleship, he sought refuge in Omega-49. Upon undocking from Gran Vista Orbital, he was opened fire upon by a Corsair Battleship. He took initiative and reminded the Corsair of the No Fire Zone around the bases as described here, as well as the original laws regarding Zoner bases. The Corsair cut his fire immediately, knowing his place. Soon after though, two vessels from The Corsair Brotherhood appeared and started to threaten Templar Ryder. Templar Ryder yet again tried to inform the Corsairs of the No Fire Zone and the Zoner Installation Laws, but they ignored him, their threats becoming more aggressive and dire. Eventually they did open fire, however when Ryder attempted to dock The Corsairs shot Nicolas and raised it's shield, preventing him from doing so.
However, I am not here to simply speak of a few mere Corsairs breaking your laws, I have something more important to discuss. Take a moment to listen to these audio logs:
Quote:[18.02.2015 21:32:12] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Fancy seeing you here, Corsair
[18.02.2015 21:32:53] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Combat is forbidden within 10k of Zoner installations, Corsair
[18.02.2015 21:33:13] Kenobi: ok...respect that...
[18.02.2015 21:33:23] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Mhm, keep that in mind
[18.02.2015 21:33:43] Kenobi: nice manuver ...with destroyer...
[18.02.2015 21:33:52] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Uh, thank you
[18.02.2015 21:33:55] Kenobi: i persumi is agile one...
[18.02.2015 21:34:03] Core|Ryu: Ryder: You could say that
[18.02.2015 21:34:04] Kenobi: persume...
[18.02.2015 21:35:15] Kenobi: so...nice ship you have
[18.02.2015 21:36:17] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Thank you.
[18.02.2015 21:36:29] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Yours seems to reflect poor design, in my opinion.
[18.02.2015 21:36:51] El.Pepe[TBH]: Kenobi, any trace of Core invader?
[18.02.2015 21:36:55] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Such is typical of Corsairs. Inferior to APM engineering in every way
[18.02.2015 21:36:59] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Hello
[18.02.2015 21:37:11] Core|Ryu: Ryder: I'm nestled 10k within a Zoner installation
[18.02.2015 21:37:14] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Don't mind me
[18.02.2015 21:37:23] Kenobi: e 4
[18.02.2015 21:37:33] Kenobi: neer canaria
[18.02.2015 21:37:39] Core|Ryu: Ryder: They're right here, you realise?
[18.02.2015 21:37:44] FIipado[TBH]: Oh? So Core is as pathetic as ever.
[18.02.2015 21:37:50] Core|Ryu: Ryder: You Corsairs aren't terribly bright [18.02.2015 21:38:20] El.Pepe[TBH]: Ryu captain, we are in charge of safety here
[18.02.2015 21:38:25] FIipado[TBH]: *laughs* Do I look like I care what do you think? [18.02.2015 21:38:30] Core|Ryu: Ryder: You are in charge of safety?
[18.02.2015 21:38:37] Core|Ryu: Ryder: You what? What on earth are you on about?
[18.02.2015 21:38:51] El.Pepe[TBH]: Yes senor. We have factories down there
[18.02.2015 21:39:00] Core|Ryu: Ryder: To my knowledge, Omega-49 is an independent system of Corsair reign
[18.02.2015 21:39:21] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Oh? So does that imply the Corsairs have a sizeable influence within this region?
[18.02.2015 21:39:24] El.Pepe[TBH]: We have no political influence, just security
[18.02.2015 21:39:31] Kenobi: yep but is our system of interest...
[18.02.2015 21:39:57] Core|Ryu: Ryder: So you work as the security? [18.02.2015 21:39:58] El.Pepe[TBH]: And seems like OSI takes Core as a danger here
[18.02.2015 21:40:11] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Oh, so they do now?
[18.02.2015 21:40:27] El.Pepe[TBH]: You might know why I see
[18.02.2015 21:40:49] El.Pepe[TBH]: Being here with your war ship
[18.02.2015 21:40:51] Kenobi: damn you are thin...
[18.02.2015 21:41:19] Core|Ryu: Ryder: War ship? This is a reconnaissance vessel. [18.02.2015 21:41:41] El.Pepe[TBH]: Point is your vessel can kill civilians
[18.02.2015 21:41:56] Core|Ryu: Ryder: I'd think not
[18.02.2015 21:42:12] El.Pepe[TBH]: You might not having that task, but potential is obvious
[18.02.2015 21:42:14] Core|Ryu: Ryder: With that logic that would imply that it is the gun that does the murders, not the gun itself
[18.02.2015 21:42:15] Kenobi: on your ship says DESTROYER....
[18.02.2015 21:42:19] FIipado[TBH]: It would seem you are not bright at all, senor
[18.02.2015 21:42:38] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Your ships says battleship. I think that's more potent than my vessel
[18.02.2015 21:42:40] Kenobi: not reconnaissance...
[18.02.2015 21:42:51] El.Pepe[TBH]: I see you'd rader talk than move away, si?
[18.02.2015 21:43:01] Kenobi: (proudly) yes it is....
[18.02.2015 21:43:02] Core|Ryu: Ryder: With brutes such as you around the Omegas, a vessel such as this is required for exploration.
[18.02.2015 21:43:34] El.Pepe[TBH]: Senor, we will start shooting you soon
[18.02.2015 21:43:38] FIipado[TBH]: Amigo, of course he talks while he is hiding like a coward behind Zoner installations
[18.02.2015 21:43:47] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Within 10k of a No Fire Zone?
[18.02.2015 21:43:57] Core|Ryu: Ryder: This isn't delta /senor/
[18.02.2015 21:44:11] El.Pepe[TBH]: So leave now. I will take a risk of diplomatic problems.
[18.02.2015 21:44:53] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Such threats break the No Fire Zone, Corsair
[18.02.2015 21:45:07] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Does the Brotherhood have such a right where they can void the No Fire Zone?
[18.02.2015 21:45:18] Core|Ryu: Ryder: I shall repeat myself. This is not Delta.
[18.02.2015 21:45:25] El.Pepe[TBH]: We are able to solve that later. You are only threat I see at the moment
[18.02.2015 21:45:49] El.Pepe[TBH]: Trust me. We will shoot [18.02.2015 21:46:01] El.Pepe[TBH]: We must to
[18.02.2015 21:46:07] Core|Ryu: Ryder: You must?
[18.02.2015 21:46:12] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Is OSI telling you to do this?
[18.02.2015 21:46:13] FIipado[TBH]: Pepe is serious! You don't trust him?
[18.02.2015 21:46:35] El.Pepe[TBH]: I will answer no more *charging snac*
[18.02.2015 21:46:46] Core|Ryu: Ryder: Your choice
[18.02.2015 21:46:47] Kenobi: dud just leave...we will not follow you...
[18.02.2015 21:47:25] Core|Ryu: Ryder: You need to perfect your aim, Corsair
[18.02.2015 21:48:00] FIipado[TBH]: Is hiding all you can do?
[18.02.2015 21:50:31] FIipado[TBH]: Hostile has taken extensive damage, keep it up. Yalalala
I am quite concerned as to what involvement OSI may have here. Corsairs are in charge of security in Omega-49? You see us as a danger? You think we will kill civilians? Corsairs own factories on Gran Canaria? You will explain, right now.
I am Jerard Voncloud, Director of Security for OSI.
In Regards to the Corsairs breach of the No Fire Zone, that is something i will tend to separately, as you say your concern is the implications the corsairs have created.
First, i will explain to you that Gran Canaria is an independent planet, one that we try to keep away from the influence of house or other politics. It has become a safe haven for many who wish to leave behind their previous lives, whether it be retirement from their civil duty to Pirates looking to reform themselves, we even have ex Order members settled on the planet. We have a very colourful mix of people on Gran Canaria, this includes Corsairs and retired Bounty hunters such as myself.
Now im sure you are very much aware that the Corsairs in their past had to resort to...creative means in order to feed themselves, well in an attempt to keep this from being the norm, and from having to always rely on raiding for food, some Corsairs sort to better themselves and their people by building Food processing facilities on Gran Canaria, a noble feat for people who ate each other, do you not think?
Second. Their claim for being security in the system. You are foolish to think you are the first to lay claim to Omega 49 as being your system, in fact your Core is quite far back in the line of would be rulers of the system. The Corsairs for sometime considered Omega 49 as part of their Empire, even going as far as bombing and blockading Gran Canaria to prove a point. At this stage in time, the Corsairs have left well enough alone, checking on their Food processing from time to time, your Vessel obviously was present during such a time. We have no actual involvement with the Corsairs and as we Zoners respect our neutrality, what they do in Omega 49 is up to them, as long as they respect and adhere to our No Fire Zones and Laws of our neutrality. So in this instance it would appear it is just a case of Pirates Versus Hunters, where your hunter decided to try and use our installations as a shield.
Third: Do we find you a danger? no, you have little to no presence in Omega 49 and unless you consider Zoners bounty-able, we have no quarrels with you. What we do find to be a danger is your sudden Grandeur in claiming all of the Omicrons and Omegas as Core Territory. This will certainly ruffle some feathers on the headdress' of other such self proclaimed chieftains and the fear of another turf war has seeded itself into the populous of Canaria. The planet still bares some Scars from the last time 2 opposing forces laid claim to an independent Planet and system. I do not think you nor your Hunters will kill civilians willingly, but i fear your actions and claims have a potential to cause unintended Civilian deaths by those reacting to your announcement. Do i think Core is a Danger to us? no, its actions and intentions however, that is where the Danger lies.
I will address the issue that the Corsairs breached our No Fire Zone and shot our trade centre. And although your ship, by what i can gather a Cruiser of sorts, was also in breach of our laws, i will let that slide since you reported this to me in the first place.
I trust this answers your questions Guild Master.
Firstly, I don't not care for Ex-Order, Ex-Corsairs and so forth. They have resigned from their positions, thus they are no longer considered threats to my men and our operations. However, active Corsairs conducting possible military activities are a concern to me. They should also be a concern to you too, as Corsairs doing such business may drag you into another troublesome and taxing conflict. Food processing factories may not be militaristic, but they are still of a concern to me given that it's supplying a treacherous enemy with provisions and ensuring that their population remains strong, rather than being the starved rats they deserve to be.
Secondly, The Core has not claimed Omega-49. Merely, we uphold our laws within that system due to it being of significant interest to both us and yourselves due to it's location within the Omegas and connection to Bretonia. We'd hate for anything to jeopardize the system, for example a repeat of Toledo. Of course the laws of your Freeports are taken into consideration and are respected (as Templar Ryder shows). As Zoners, I would expect you to at least hold up your laws regarding your installations and to inform all parties that travel through Omega-49 about them. Therefore whether it is a matter of Pirates vs The Core is irrelevant as both parties should adhere to the Freeport laws and respect the No Fire Zone.
Thirdly, indeed the Omegas and Omicrons are indeed our territory, or rather an area of interest. You do not have to worry about a turf war however, as those who speak up will quickly be slapped back down with minimal casualties. Our actions and intentions are of no concern to you and you should not worry. Provided the Zoners do not interfere in the same way The Order, Corsairs and so forth do, then there will be no danger.
Finally, according to your laws the passage of Cruiser class vessels is legal:
Confederation of Freeports Wrote:
2. The presence, passage, and combat of cruiser class vessels is permitted in Omega-49, however, combat between these entities is prohibited within 20k of any permanent or semi permanent installation except in self defense, any vessel initiating combat with such vessels within 20k of any permanent or semi permanent installation is grounds for a fine or ban under Confederation Law.
The Cruiser was not the aggressor, it was merely passing through.
Mr Nodtviet
Apologies about my mistake with the Confederation Laws, seems my data on it was out of date.
Now, i am going to be blunt here, what happens on the planet, is none of your concern, the same how what you do out in space, is none of ours. Any business built on Canaria is welcome as it provides job opportunities for any who inhabit the surrounding areas, leading to economic growth. What your views on the Corsairs are do not concern me, what residents do on the planet do not concern you, and that is the end of it. Gran Canaria in simple terms is a Planet Sized Freeport.
You mention doing business with the Corsairs may bring about conflict, yet you are the only ones out of the Corsairs enemies who have even approached us about this topic, so in turn, if conflict were to be brought to us, it would be your doing, not the Corsairs. As you say, both parties should adhere to the laws, and the Corsairs generally behave themselves, you cannot deny that your pilot didnt egg them on a little.
You mention you uphold "your" laws, however i was not aware, nor do i recognize Bounty Hunters as being a political entity, or even a race, as I'm sure your members are from all over Sirius and walks of life. If your laws mean, claiming bounties and hunting, then fine, uphold them, but away from our doorstep. Omega 49 is Zoner space, under the jurisdiction of the Confederation, which you have mentioned about us upholding our laws, which we will in regards to the Corsairs.
With as little offense as possible, you say that "any who speak up will be quickly slapped down" but i do not have much faith on your ability to do this quickly and with minimal casualty. Your actions and intentions however do concern me, but only as far as when they happen in Omega 49 and near Gran Canaria. If and that is a BIG IF. Your actions become a threat to Canaria either directly or by proxy, then we will have to intervene, so do not tell me not to worry, as this is a big enough worry to make the planets inhabitants worry.
Last thing, you mention wanting to avert what happened to planet Toledo, now correct me if im wrong but, Bounty Hunters were at least part of the reason for its downfall were they not? Because this to me sounds like a hidden threat, that such an event would be used as an example does make me wonder.
Regardless, the point is, i have answered your initial questions and in answer we are to keep out of each others business unless it becomes a threat. Agreed?
J Voncloud
OSI Director of Security.
What happens on your planet does concern us. Unless you haven't noticed the edgeworlds are far from a nice place and strengthening the Corsairs can only lead to creating more anarchy. Tell you what: to keep things within both of our interests, we'll just keep an eye on the corridor between Gamma and Omega-49 for now. We
My pilot was minding his own business. The Corsairs approached him and immediately acted hostile.
I take offence at your statement, labeling my organization as mere hunters. I don't think you quite understand who we are. But I can forgive you for your ignorance, I guess news of the split between BHG and The Core hasn't traveled as fast around Sirius as I thought it might. And for your information, we are strong. We have the means to attain, obtain and complete great things. Our organization is on a continued rise from the fall of Toledo. Our members do come from all walks of Sirius, but we are united in achieving our goals. We do not claim bounties, we see no reason to do so within the Omicrons and the Omegas.
Do not worry, we are efficient at what we do. We are already ensuring that Delta becomes clean of trouble. We're the most efficient and elite fighting force within the Edgeworlds. The BHG Core played their part in Toledo and did what needed to be done to cripple The Order. Ultimately, it was the Nomads who doomed them. The latter is exactly what I want to protect Gran Caneria from.
Finally, as long as our interests don't clash, then there will be no troubles and I can only foresee that there may be, hopefully, cooperation.
I understand perfectly who you are, and until proven otherwise, i will continue to hold my opinion that you are Hunters and nothing more. We do not require your protection at this present time, we will be sure to contact you if that ever changes.
Your goals are grand, but you have much ground to cover in order to prove it. Be sure that whatever business you have in Omega 49 stays out of our immediate air space. And any Business you wish to conduct on the planet that isn't for leisure purposes, goes through me first.
Actions speak louder then words, and at this point your actions are barely a whisper. So, we will see in time how things progress, but until then, you are classed the same as any other bounty hunter group until proven otherwise.
Good Day
J Voncloud