Do the corsairs really need more ships? They already have one of the most filled shiplines in the mod, comparable with other houses (LF/HF/VHF, GB, Cruiser, Dreadnought, BS) - they only lack a carrier (although, since they have two battleships, that's basically the same thing)
I'd rather more effort went into developing ships for unfilled shiplines (a la GMG, Kusari and Rheinland unlawfuls, et cetera)
Concerning number of Praefects in use, I'd say Sairs need a dessie. I like old one model a lot. Maybe even a gunship and one light bombero-sombrero could be in good use too. Legate could support more docking bays, solving carrier issue. And that's really it - fullhouse.
Why so many ships? Because Sairs currently actively fight: OC, Core, BHG, Order, RM, RHA, VWA, IMG, SCRA, Mollies and BAF. Sorry if I forgot to mention someone, like Nomads, Wilde, GMG, mercenaries of all kind, many good companies...
Sair diplomacy really sucks, so gib moar ships! What idiot runs their show?
Look awesome Rook. I really love it. The preafect being over a century old will, eventually, INrp, need a replacement with "new technology", targeting system and so on. The Preafect is obsolete and i really think its time to replace the old flying sombrero by a new one!
Looks like logical ship for Imperator shipline, now go for Legate, lol
I can't say I like it, but people like Imperator, so this thing could be decent replacement for Praefect
why I don't like it, cuz people think sair ships are supposed to have horns and those weird shapes used in Imperator. Vanilla Sair ships don't have any horns on them, IRP it's not really great idea to add such details for ships designed to be used within asteroid fields too
I do understand everyone thinks horns are cool, so I don't really insist on this, I'll just meh
Also lore-wise it's quite unlikely Corsairs do have any need for siege cruisers at the moment, that's why I say it's rather Praefect replacement
I'm all for kitbashes of things that make sense with distinctive original bits mixed in, such as the Prosecutor or Liberty Gunboat, but you can't just take pieces of existing models (Imperator and Armicustos in this case) and call it a model.
I think you have a clear sense of aesthetic and it definitely shows, but you should try modeling from scratch instead of throwing parts together.