now that you are here let me speak about the sisterhood's offer...
as you are aware the Battleship Matsuda is currently more or less 'stranded' in the Okinawa system. The Sisterhood of Dreams is trying to change that."She pauses a moment."That and the fact of our 'status' within Kusari and beyond led us to the decision to request the gas miners', your, cooperation to hopefully change the Matsuda's current state for the better.
As you might be aware the sisterhood's goal is to achieve true ~equality~ in Kusari by creating a matriarchy leading it into a new and bright future... thus both of your organizations will be treated as equals by us as well and you both will have the same starting position in that matter."Munen smiles generously.
"Our engineers brought together a list of the required initial commodities for their task. You'll find said list in the following attachment:"
"The only condition is that these commodities wont come from our enemies within Kusari - if possible-. I think you know who those are, hai?
There is obviously no desire to support the shadows lying over Kusari - not even indirectly. Other than that, we ask you to keep in mind that our sisterhood isn't... 'profit-oriented'... and therefore we'd ask to give us the courtesy of a 'gentle pricing', if you turn out to be interested and have investigated your possibilities."The Kusarian bows and smiles with false modesty.
She was about to speak her last few words and to end the transmission, but then Munen seems like she remembered something else and puts her index finger over her lips, lost in thoughts for a brief moment before she continues...
"I just remembered... we received a 'Mandate of some sort from the Ryukyu Guild and I have to admit that one specific point left me quite puzzled."She looks intrigued and continues."In the contraband section you mention 'The Orange Dream' as... 'outlawed' - without any exceptions. We can tolerate that others see the 'Dream' as a mere drug as it shares a -a few- similarities with them and we of course accept and respect the sovereignity of both of your groups within Okinawa and the Sigmas."
A worried look flashes over her face.
"However, as you probably know the sisterhood not only 'dreams' but also truly embraces 'The Orange Dream'.
The foresightful thing to do here would be to exclude Golden Chrysanthemum vessels from said point as it would endanger me and my sisters to have no possibility to 'dream' when needed and to have to deal with the -painful- symptoms of withdrawal while piloting a ship."
The list you have sent forward has been recieved and is under current review, rest assured I will personally put the most effort into the Guild succeeding in this task.
Unfortunately. Any statement about the 'Orange Dream' which was discussed with Sister Ken I have been discussing more with Guildmaster Cong, is still under talks. I will talk to Sister Ken on this matter personally.
"Arigato for your swift attendance."She bows respectfully."It is good to hear that this 'contraband-issue' is already being discussed within the Gas Miners Guild.
I'm afraid, but I have to inform you that for the time being Hatsuyume, will not be reachable for any gas miner. I was instructed with opening this dialogue between our three groups and to push this 'issue', to solve it adequately and as fast as possible by her personally.
Gomenasai if this causes any 'inconvenience'..."Munen lowers her head slightly in an apologetic manner."...but for the time being -I- will be your, Cong-sama's and the Ryukyu Guild's contact for any matters between the Sisterhood of Dreams and the both of your organizations." She clears her throat and tilts her head slightly."I hope together we can find a fast and more than suited solution between our three groups before it starts to cause any problems for either of us, hai?"She smiles with false modesty.
"As we are still waiting for the representative of the Ryukyu Guild... may I ask, how the relations between your two organizations are? I saw RG|- as well as GMG|-tagged vessels conduct mining operations in Okinawa so far. So I assume you share your field of work? Mining. A cordial cooperation, hai? I'm asking, because we would like to get these supplies as trouble-free and fast as possible to the Matsuda. Cooperation is mandatory as you may understand even more than I do, considering that..."She smiles encouraging.
Transmission from Planet Miura, Okinawa.
07-13-822 A.S.
To: Munen Musou Topic: Re: Supplies
Haisai, Musou-san.
As yes, the drifting heart of Yuyu Matsuda. What a wonder she was. "A blossom of morning," as someone once told me. I hope that her dream lives on in your actions.
Michi bappe saibitan, lost in my own thoughts already. I see you took our offer about the need of supplies. I've already spoken to Tenson-sama about this matter and he agrees with what is brewing in this old head of mine. The Ryukyu Guild will deliver these as we promised, as for payment I think a service will be required later on, so we will keep it as that until the time comes.
The two current branches of the Gas Miners have not had any noticeable conflict. I don't understand your comment really, but I'll pass it off as misunderstanding. As to the Mandate...
You understand the situation we are in, Wakaimi? We want a safe location for our citizens and to meet their needs as they arrive. As such, we have to agree to some of our neighboring nation's guidance to keep ourselves supplied and running. It's an annoying state but it's a grey area we are stuck in for now. The Mandate is a public document of how the Ryukyu Guild will be operating within Commonwealth space.
That being said, cardamine is a drug. Just as the newer Nox or the painkillers you get from the store. I understand the workings of the substance and understand what it means to remove the Orange Dream and Soul from each other. We will not stop the Sisterhood's vessels should they be found carrying it in their hold. We do not wish to have our hands stained in blood.
I'm glad you could free some time in your most likely busy business schedule. I am glad to hear that the Ryukyu Guild is willing to support the restoration of the Matsuda free of any 'financial charges'. However, I hope you are aware that we are noone's vassals and therefore decide to choose the 'service' you will ask for in the future -wisely-, hai?"She smiles."As to my other question, I was merely wondering in what relation the two branches of the gas miners stand to each other, operating as their own body each, cooperating, anything else? The reason being I wanted to find out if I have to make seperate agreements or not, you see? Anyways..."
Munen pauses and tilts her head slighty showing a modest smile."I am glad to hear that this 'Mandate' is not obstructing me and my sisters in our efforts for Kusari and 'The Orange Dream'.
are you agreeing with the terms of your colleague or do you and the miners from the Gas Miners Guild have different plans for how to support the sisterhood and how these deliveries to the Matsuda should be handled in your case?"The Kusarian comes a bit closer to the camera looking curiously with slightly narrowed eyes at the person on the other end for a few seconds. She lowers her head and steps a few steps back.
"Considering the urgency... it seems like the Gas Miners Guild has -lost interest- in aiding us, Sho-sama..."Munen gives him a stern look, but it is apparent that her gaze isn't actually directed at him but at the non-present GMG-representative. Her face begins to show a friendly smile and she continues."Sho-sama, our hangar and crew on the Matsuda are ready to receive your first deliveries. We are looking forward to welcome your pilots - and the materials. They are welcome to stay for brief periods to rest if they happen to wish. We have enough supplies of food, water and 'The Dream' aboard to share with your people." She bows.
"We shall not forget those who -actually- support us."
Apologies on the lateness and shortness of this reply.
Deliveries are being worked upon as we speak.
On the discussion of the Orange Dream, we will not be interupting any transports bound there. However I perssonally request to see where it is distributed to within the SIsterhood if such is possible.
"Oh...? Takato-sama."Munen acts surprised."I thought you might have left us. Good to see you didn't."She smiles and makes a welcoming gesture with her left hand."I am glad to hear that you seem to agree to the same terms as the representaive of the Ryukyu Guild and therefore your pilots are just as welcome on the Matsuda as theirs until the deliveries are finished."Munen nods generously.
"Your question is simple to answer: everyone. Me. Every single one of my sisters. Every single one of our male partners and every single one of our children gets provided with all of 'The Orange Dream' they need and beyond. We embrace it and know about its true value to humanity unlike the Kusarian government and their lies might make you believe. If you ever become interested in experiencing its capabilities first hand let me know.~We can arrange a meeting to guide you through your first experience of the enlightment and clarity it provides~."She smilles alluringly."Obviously it would be quite impossible to introduce you to every single sister, their male partners and our children personally. I am sure you understand."The Kusarian seems apologetically.
"Now, since we all came to an agreement. I would appreciate to be updated how your guilds' progress with the deliveries goes to keep track of what is still remaining and what is not."Munen bows.
Taking into consideration it was I who decided to push the envelope in diplomacy than our previous administration did, I would see no reason to have relations between the Sisterhood and the Guild deteriorate due to an oversight. Please remember it was I who thought of the repairs to Matsuda as a guesture of good will from the Guild to the Sisterhood.
As the request on the gathering of commodities to not be gained from within certain parties of Kusari, I have made a small list of what is currently being worked on and where it will be shipped from.
Quote:- 10.200 Quantum Multiplexors - Liberty Space - Currently Being Shipped
- 12.500 Nuclear Devices - UNACESSABLE
- 19.700 Optical Chips - Under Discussion
- 24.300 Optronics - Under Discussion
- 29.000 Engine Components - Under Discussion
- 30.100 Industrial Materials - Rheinland Space - Currently Being Shipped
I am sorry to state that our ability to gather Nuclear materials is an option we within the Guild can no longer obtain directly as Hegoland has cleared out the remains that were it's main source in Sigma 13. We will have to gain these from another group but for now rest assured we are working to rectify the issue.
On the other issue. I believe I was not accurate on my request. I wish to take an overlook on your distribution methods and main center. For study and diplomatic reasons I assure you, nothing more. Perhaps in such after restorations are complete we can work on a continual contract.
Munen has a stern look on her face as she responds to Ilo Takato. Her usually smooth forehead shows a few wrinkles."And may -I- remind -you- that members of the Golden Chrysanthemum movement were the ones who found, salvaged and restored it to it's current state for over a decade by now - without any help from the Gas Miners Guild. The restoration is and was already in process before you even mentioned your 'good-willed thought' and we have yet to see 'good-willed actions' - for instance deliveries actually arriving at the Matsuda."
The Kusarian picks up a Cardamine-breather and puts it infront of her mouth and begins inhaling, stops in the middle of her breath, then continues and finishes it. As the initial tingle going through her body begins to subside Munen continues.
"As to your request. iie. I mean no offense, but while members of the Golden Chrysanthemum movement are fully commited and trustworthy to our cause and keep our secrets until they die, ensured by the enlightment of 'The Orange Dream'..."She presents the emptied breather from earlier"...- your employees might not be. I don't question your personal trustworthiness, but that one of a mere miner working for your organization who might be able to get his hands on such information and earn a fortune by selling such vital informations about our routes, stores and methods to our and therefore Kusari's enemies. This is -not- a negotiable 'price' to pay for your 'help' by any stretch of your imagination...