I would advise everyone not to follow the aforementioned instructions unless it's been made sure by the staff that it is allowed. Otherwise you might get banned for cheating while you simply wanted to load the dynamic economy in your FLC...
(07-28-2015, 02:04 PM)momokdp Wrote: Ok I just made a *.bat program that do the work for me
Be sure to type the right path on the code. Replace "PATH TO\" and "USER\" by the right path
You also need to create a file named "universemod.ini" it's juste the "universe.ini" without the [6;25] line
Here is the code :
@echo off
SET /P launched=Freelancer is started ? (o/n)
IF %launched%==n (
ECHO Please launch Freelancer by the launcher
GOTO :question)
echo Updating data...
copy "PATH TO\\Discovery Freelancer 4.88.1\DATA\UNIVERSE\universe.ini" "C:\Users\USER\\Desktop"
echo Updating data...
del "PATH TO\\Discovery Freelancer 4.88.1\DATA\UNIVERSE\universe.ini"
echo Updating data...
rename "PATH TO\\Discovery Freelancer 4.88.1\DATA\UNIVERSE\universemod.ini" "universe.ini"
ECHO Launching Freelancer Companion...
start C:\"Program Files (x86)\Freelancer Companion\FLCompanion.exe"
ECHO Restoring data...
RENAME "PATH TO\\Discovery Freelancer 4.88.1\DATA\UNIVERSE\universe.ini" "universemod.ini"
ECHO Restoring data...
COPY "C:\Users\USER\\Desktop\universe.ini" "PATH TO\\Discovery Freelancer 4.88.1\DATA\UNIVERSE"
ECHO Restoring data...
DEL "PATH TO\\Desktop\universe.ini"
ECHO I hope it work fine for you !
Well, lines from 6 to 25 are multiuniverse configs (that 3rd map layer). This script seems to be okay, but only if configured correctly. As it doesn't use path variables, and wrong path will end to losing universe.ini file (as it uses copy-delete instead of rename for backuping) or anticheat triggering as it haven't reverted universe.ini. Use at your own risk.
I think better solution is to use 2.02 companion (it's compatible with multiuniverse) or just to copy Discovery to another folder, modify universe.ini there and set FLC to that folder, BUT NEVER USE IT TO CONNECT TO THE SERVER.
Thats wierd. I just installed and it asked to remove the old 2.02 and poof ! , it's the same as ever, just loads the game data now. I use an old win 10, that has never upgraded. Just had to run the program as an Admin. is all.
(09-20-2017, 05:52 PM)ronillon Wrote: I tried it, but it looks like this: https://imgur.com/8bdLqG6
Does it happen for eveyone? I would like to use it fullscreen.
It's not scaled to fit fullscreen. You'll have to make do with how it is.
I recently started experiencing a problem with companion that I may have caused inadvertently and I'm hoping someone knows a solution.
So, I recently decided to play the campaign again using the Crossfire mod and tried using companion for it (before finding out they had basically blocked it). Every time I run it now I get an error message saying "The parameter is incorrect" and therefore no info is displayed. This is using the 3.0 version. I've uninstalled it then tried 2.01 and 2.02, as well as 3,00, several times, all giving the same result. I used RegEdit to delete the Wizou folder, but it still isn't working. Any ideas on how I can fix this, or have I totally borked things up now?
Try renaming your Crossfire folder and then running FLCompanion. Companion should then redirect itself to your vanilla Freelancer install when it can't find Crossfire.