Okay so im officially factionless, what is there to do for me now
I hate trading, and most people wont allow me in their factions due to things i've done in the passed which I do apologise for. I have recently had bad news about my health and I have failed my Army career but I may be able to try again with that if not I will hopefully still be around here but I am factionless and have no clue what to do now. Flying alone is sooooooooooooo boring and im sure some of you will agree with me
Make an indie ship? I don't know if that still works, because last time I played seriously I think we were in 4.86 or maybe at max 4.87? Anyways aim for Liberty, always plenty of activity there. Dunno about the current lawful/unlawful ratio, but back when I played unlawfuls were really underrepresented.
I don't think being a member of some faction is so important... imo. You can still fly with them if they are online, (I don't know what you've done) but maybe if they see your interest in RP/game/cooperation, they may give you a second chance to rejoin their faction again. Meanwhile you can create a new personal (RP) story, meet people, Rp with them, evolve your story etc.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502