A gunboat that cannot ''solo a battleship'' via damage nerf cannot fend off more than 2 fighters.
And I think there is still no way to balance against numbers.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
(01-07-2016, 03:30 PM)Wesker Wrote: Every gunboat veteran in this mod can solo a battleship though.
Fixed that for you. The video you uploaded with the LR gb/Hessian guns proved how underpowered are BB vs Gunboats and how unrealistic are gunboats close to BB, in terms of possibility to deal damage and be unable to be hit (especially those razors that missed ya several times)
Of course yet again - average players would not accomplish such level of "defense" like you but if players exist - like you - that could push gunboats to be "efficent" vs battleships then gunboats need more nerf or battleships needs more buffs.
Before you start throwing rocks on me, watch Wesker video again, think for few seconds and then post.
(01-07-2016, 05:14 PM)FallenKnight Wrote: if players exist - like you - that could push gunboats to be "efficent" vs battleships then gunboats need more nerf or battleships needs more buffs.
Once again:
(01-06-2016, 04:18 PM)FluffReborn Wrote: Not everyone are as skilled as top PVP players and such criteria should never be a reason for nerfs.
Why to nerf something on basis what best players can do, making it unplayable for "peasants", such as myself?
Good point. Still, gunboats (a class not supposed to engage BB) to have a chance to solo a BB alone is wrong. Such a chance must not exist cuz then players will simply aim to master a gunboat and kill all. Two-Three gunboats can then rekt entire fleets...skill is factor but the possibility to use only skill and turn such a ship in to "that" is wrong. Which lead us back to the "counters" people were commenting on other threads. "No matter how good you are - you must always have someone to counter you with different ship and own you".
Thats my opinion.
(01-07-2016, 03:30 PM)Wesker Wrote: Every gunboat veteran in this mod can solo a battleship though.
Fixed that for you. The video you uploaded with the LR gb/Hessian guns proved how underpowered are BB vs Gunboats and how unrealistic are gunboats close to BB, in terms of possibility to deal damage and be unable to be hit (especially those razors that missed ya several times)
Of course yet again - average players would not accomplish such level of "defense" like you but if players exist - like you - that could push gunboats to be "efficent" vs battleships then gunboats need more nerf or battleships needs more buffs.
Before you start throwing rocks on me, watch Wesker video again, think for few seconds and then post.
Well spazzy did say what gunboats are -capable- that means the ship itself. Yea most can't do that, but I'm just stating that when pushed to their max potential all gbs are capable of doing it.
(01-07-2016, 05:33 PM)Wesker Wrote: when pushed to their max potential all gbs are capable of doing it.
BBs pushed to their limits remain the same and in order to counter specific ships with vets inside requires different build which is not possible to be changed during combat. Meanwhile - full primary gunboats pushed to the limit - kill all and even can solo BB. That is the issue - simple as it is.
(01-07-2016, 05:14 PM)FallenKnight Wrote: if players exist - like you - that could push gunboats to be "efficent" vs battleships then gunboats need more nerf or battleships needs more buffs.
Once again:
(01-06-2016, 04:18 PM)FluffReborn Wrote: Not everyone are as skilled as top PVP players and such criteria should never be a reason for nerfs.
Why to nerf something on basis what best players can do, making it unplayable for "peasants", such as myself?
If you aren't a skilled pvper I don't see why your thoughs should determine pvp balance. If we nerf everything or buff everything based off of people that lack pvp skill (aka ppl that think that the thresher/bottlenose/and all gbs are op and go claim that ships like the geb are well balanced) we'll end up in a never ending cycle of unbalance.
The mako was underpowered, when I recommended this it was balanced to combat its opponents and isn't op.
People complained that the thresher was op, I believe it revieved a turn rate nerf that was nagged at by cap fighters that were probably bad, and thus the thresher isn't good.