Towards Lane Hacker Proffesorship, their eyes only.
According to private discussion that took place between Codename "The Blade Itself" and "Leiden Traverser", you have decided to procure palladium and samples of Order produced weaponry for evaluation. 13th of this month, small taskforce infiltrated border of Liberty and delivered requested cargo at Cochrane Depot, Ontario star system. From the transcript of conversation, it appears that palladium in particular is currently most sought after commodity after several of your well established smugglers failed to locate appropriate source. The Order is capable of sending greater quantity shortly, should you need it.
Gentlemen, I am sure you remember me, the good ol' Wolfgang. I would like to inform you that your weaponry codenamed "Kemwer" is currently tested by our R&D to determine its effectiveness and capabilities. Once the tests are complete we will be able to provide you more insights and solutions about its importation in Liberty's black market.
Regarding the palladium metal, we would like to purchase 8,000 units from the Order. Cargo should be moved for storage at Cochrane Depot. We are offering 2,000 credits per unit at the top of what the local dealer is offering. For the return trip it is highly recommended to purchase counterfeit software from Leiden. We know how difficult it is to find up-to-date software in a region of Sirius where no trade lanes exist.
There is a certain annoying group which is contacting us for the past week. They are called Battlegroup Auxesia and based on USI traffic data, they have significantly increased (again) their operations in Liberty in the past 3 weeks against our allies as they are employed and allied with the neo-nationalist cell known as Hellfire Legion. They even use their tech.
Publicly they claim that they're mainly fighting the alien threat and thus we would like to know if this claim bears any segment of truth. Undoubtedly this question cannot be answered by any other than the premier fighting force against the nomads, and our dear friend, the Order. In case you have more interesting information about them, we would like that intel as well. They have already exhibited erratic behavior in the past, allying and working for those they supposedly fought against, so I personally believe they should not be trusted.
To attention of Wolfgang Weisen. Admiral Golanski speaking.
We remember you, yes. The 8k run of Palladium to Cochrane depot has been completed by our Logistic assets with the monetary incentive to be splitted between Order|LV-Jupiter and Order|LV-Snow. They had not run into any issues save for an odd smugglers minding their own business along the way. Transports and their escorts are back in the Omicrons as I send this transmission.
Concerning the so called Auxesia Battlegroup you are late. We had already a share of their ill intents shown vividly towards our organization. Their leader, Sapphire Raven is mentally unstable and sought after war criminal with such crimes as genocide, premedidated murder of Order personnel, unprovoked assault... you sure get the picture. This ex-Core subhuman is known to be heavily involved in an affair with own second in command Joshua Hunt, something we came across by "accidentally" getting hands on some of her medical details - courtesy of one of our other Admirals. That one in turn is wanted for act of attempting to incite civil war amongst The Order Overwatch - and failing miserably at more than just covering his tracks. Both were issued death sentences and as far we are aware, if you insist on hunting them down we will handsomely reward you for expressing my personnal wishes upon their health and unholy union with healthy dose of antimatter.
Their minions are blind to the bigger picture and are insignificant in the wider relations but are willing to die in interests of Raven. Tread carefully or you may be outnumbered and outgunned when you least expect it, or worse yet see them in companion of the Core warships they so vividly claim to broke off from. Their involvment with Hellfire Legion is interesting... and I do doubt that they are factually aware (or frankly dont care at this point) what their "friends" are doing outside of widely understood Liberty. I want this unpredictable narcisstic Auxesian cult of false idol cut off to starve and disperse into the oblivion if we can help it. So far we succeeded in barring this infestation upon the world from Omicrons.
You sound surprised with the conduct of the nationalist cell, aren't you? Do you think they are Auxesia's allies by accident? The Lane Hackers have very recently uncovered undeniable evidence of a possible infestation or something worse.
We would of course like to share this vital information to your organization but uncovering intel is a costly business. So what I am offering is a trade. The Order has ears in many places vigilantly looking for infestation or other nomad-related issues. Subsequently, it is mathematically impossible that over the years you have not also uncovered juicy intel which does not directly involve your business. Intel which we can use instead for extortion or blackmail but it is mostly useless in your hands. So an information exchange would undoubtedly be profitable for both of our sides.
Moving on, we have verified that the Paladium deliveries have been completed. Naturally your transports have been compensated for their deliveries -- pease relay our gratitude to your captains. Furtermore, I also have the R&D's report on my hands regarding the tests they conducted on your manufactured munitions, codenamed "Kemwer". The report is mostly made up with techical details, so in order to save our time I'll simply provide a short summary.
The R&D is impressed with the quality of your munitions, they are estimated to be only slightly inferior to the latest top Detroit models. The R&D believes that the munitions can gather a very good price and demand in Liberty's black market if we sufficiently "advertize" the product. In the end they are advising us to proceed with the deal.
So, as agreed, we would like exclusivity in Kemwer sales directed to Liberty for the remaining 823 A.S. In return we will make sure the so-called darker elements of Liberty will learn of your product and have a reliable supplier (ie. The Lane Hackers) to provide it to them.
To attention of Wolfgang Weisen. Admiral Golanski speaking.
The Admirals had a discussion... about Liberty, and request of exclusiveness to Kemwer in House of Liberty. It is night on impossible to enforce as we do not have nearly enough people to aggressively sort through Liberty's black market to ensure every shipment reaches you and you only, not speaking of diplomatic incidents that may arise. While we are capable of covering Kusari and Rheinland demand as of today, I cannot exclude that a friendly smuggler or one of our collaborants jumps the border. It may even be the case of second hand equipment eventually finding its way in circulation. In the end, we would rather not hear about our inter-Sirius clientele engage in war over our export.
We are also surprised at your respective R&D's tests of our hardware. It had already caused chaos among Rheinland intelligence services according to our information, and Kusari counterpart, being far proffesional than their German-speaking collegues to not project their weaknesses and outbursts so vividly yet we still anticipate that they are in fact highly concerned. Nevertheless, here it all comes to funds.
The solution I find is as follows... while The Order will not take responsibility for Kemwer units already present within Liberty or what is brought by other traders, We will however agree to not sell Kemwer munitions to another faction in Liberty such as Liberty Rogues, Legion, Liberty branch of Junkers, local Zoners et cetera. The Order will keep Lane Hackers as intended distributor of our product among local planetary population until 1st February of next year, as well local representative and connection to blackmarket in general for purposes of Kemwer sales - which should ensure that your profits remain unthreatened by other gunrunners firmly established in the underworld alongside you. The sole exception to above being neccesities of our own logistics, either supplying our own operations in Liberty or neighbouring systems or passing through to other colonies. Kemwer is very much standard that The Order adopts to replace aging or hard to acquire designs of Detroit munitions developed for needs of Liberty armed forces in the past twenty years. For purposes of this deal, we will consider Liberty as following systems: New York, Texas, California, Colorado, Ontario, Pennsylvannia and Alberta
A wide selection of energy based sidearms, personnal defense weapons, military service rifles, combat energy projectors and assorted attachments will be handled by our forces at Junker installations when possible. It is most convenient location of exchange for The Order forces in your home systems before dispatching back to Omicron sector with needed supplies or other black market products that are simply easier to buy here than to build among our stars. I believe this deal will be beneficial to both of our organisations.
As for the intel exchange program, I have personnally conducted this business on occassion with your past leader, Nicole Hunter. Whenever we catch on of something of profound interest to Lane Hackers, we will not hesitate to contact you.
On behalf of the Lane Hackers, I agree to your terms. This is another significant step in further improving, upgrading, developing and cultivating our bilateral relations.
As for the intel, we are ready to meet an Order operative today for this important intel exchange. The meeting is not expected to last long.
Due to ongoing hostilities, we will covertly send single fighter capable of finalizing the exchange to Magellan system, within safety of Barrier nebula under your protection. Anything greater than reconaissance flight would no doubt draw attention of Auxesia who are attempting to track our agents and fleet movements for some time now - however we will not hesitate to send in reinforcments to wipe out the threat should they interfere in any capacity.
Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"
O.C.V. Fedayeen