So, here we are. I'm coming to you, a man who claims himself and his fellow pilots to be people of iron-clad integrity and that their words follow suit. For every good turn you've shown me, you've gotten one in return, yet what I wanted from you recently was not a monumental request.
I'll judge from that distress beacon and the lack of any summary response that you've neglected this little partnership and very brief friendship. This relationship was built upon a figurative foundation of bedrock, one upon which you've cracked, weakened and the support beams of which you've so negligently allowed to break and crumble.
Perhaps, this sudden beacon and escape of theirs was without your knowledge as well, for the sake of what friendship we did have, you will have one chance and one chance only, should you fail you can go to hell with the Maltese. Trust is not something you play with. Neither is the welfare of our race as a whole. The ball is in your court, return it accordingly or I will break this tennis racket across your neck.
While that might sound drastic, brash and very hostile. Consider it the severity and degree you've gone to in terms of breaching my trust. Should your explanation prove satisfactory it will not fully mend this friendship, we may be partners if you submit ample evidence of your lack of involvement and knowledge of this sudden break-out despite your declaration of willingness to cooperate on the matter. The partnership will continue if that is the case, but you're just another potential liar in a suit to me, Goro. Transmission: End
Your latest message is equally distressing and unjustified. You are talking to a man who has gone in great lengths to build this reputation you so easily dismiss. You also forget your place, you are to address me as "Mr. Yoshida".
What transpired and I couldn't get in contact with you is not your business. However you should not doubt a single moment of what we discussed about the extraction was and remains being valid. The extraction is due to happen very soon and your assistance can be crucial and save many lives from both sides. I also accept your request and all survivors will be checked within our hideout in the Barrier while an active video uplink of the operation will be streamed to your ship. We have the equipment and the experience to conduct this operation as the Lane Hackers have recently made a similar check-up to all of its members.
So what will happen Mr Reeves? Where your loyalties truly lie? Has the media propaganda affected and clouded your judgement or you are still loyal to me? Choose wisely because greater plans are in motion and I want you there with me.
My loyalties have and always will rest to those scared and too helpless to live the life I do. To those who cannot face the aggression and violence prevalent in our society. To those who don't deserve to suffer like I did. I am loyal to no one person, I'm loyal to an ideal. I am no pawn in anyone's game Mister Yoshida. If you wish for us to be partners in this endeavor you will have to treat me as such, or at least an equal.
Saving lives over the alternative which is rather shamefully taking them. When presented with those choices, I will always seek a way to achieve the former, in the absence of true choice or when my own life is on the line, only then will I take the latter. Which is why over the past few days I've come to the conclusion that a group of like-minded individuals must form and work together to further strive for these goals.
This is your official invitation to said initiative, a loosely bound task-force that ignores the colors of which you fly. A conglomerate of individuals or like-minded organizations that can look past propaganda and petty difference, focusing on true betterment of our species against malefactors that only try to undo our progress and harm our people. I will only tender more information to you should you accept.
You and I will continue to work together as PARTNERS, so long as I remain certain in my stance that everything you do is ultimately for the greater good. Should this ever change, so will our nature as partners, even going so far as complete termination. My conscience and judgement stand resolute in that regard and will not change. Regardless of occasional outbursts of PTSD and until my very death, these ideals I've bound myself to will be the ones I follow. Not the Republic's ideals, not the propaganda people spout to 'demonize' our supposed enemies and not even your own. I will follow what I can see and feel is the right thing to do. And those actions and decisions are ones that I will defend with my own life should such ever be required.
You've satisfied the necessary request and terms for now, but much is still left to be discussed as to how we will cooperate in the future. Transmission: End
So an idealist it is. We will have that discussion Mr Reeves about your new role once the extraction mission is complete. In person.
For now I want you to provide me with information about the layout of enemy forces around Alaska, Virginia and New Hampshire. We have to contemplate on a plan which will allow those loyal Libertonians to slip through the net and safely reach the Barrier. Your insider information is what will minimize casualties and reduce the possibility of infested personnel to escape. Any other option is far worse.
As for that group you mentioned, I cannot accept by knowing only that tiny amount of information. Your reluctance to share with me more about your newly forged alliances, is noted.
You'll have to give me a little time to fully canvas the patrol routes of ships in all three of those systems, it's going to be quite the chore single-handedly and without sensor suites as advanced as the ones you enjoy.
Moving back to the Topic of this Taskforce, I am yet to form it, as of right now I am merely in the process of inviting parties whom I can see are working towards the betterment of Sirius. You were the first recipient of such an invitation, likewise there are other people and even whole organizations that I feel would be appropriate of the same. I will be inviting them into this 'fold' as well, but all in due time.
The next time I contact you will be with a set of patrol flight-paths of any ships I can successfully stalk through the mentioned systems. This won't be easy and it will be fairly risky if local forces notice my subtle observations, not to mention also down-right time consuming. Transmission: End
Tracking the movements of patrol craft even with the utmost of subtlety proved a very finicky thing to do, people always got slightly wary of it and either thought I was trying to 'bed them' or merely be an annoyance. As such I thoroughly examined the passages from Alaska, Virginia and New Hampshire and I've formulated a route for you. I've put quite some thought into this and its not been easy, it's also cost me quite a bit of sleep.
Phase 1 - Running the Blockade:Your first and potentially biggest hurdle is going to be this step, dangerous or not your choices are fairly limited. Move quickly and tactfully and this will go smoothly. I leave the option up to you, but I thoroughly advise AGAINST using Virginia whatsoever. The two battleships positioned in the sector along with the increased LPI and Naval patrols make your movement through Virginia near pointless, you may as well give them your people and have them kill them, that's how fruitless it is logistically speaking.
Instead however, assuming that you are transporting the Loyalists from Kodiak, the New Hampshire jumphole is relatively close-by, Sector G2 to be precise. Have your map display the mine-field in a two-dimensional format and then look for the southern-most point, that's the hole through the mines encompassing the stable anomaly. Though it might be best to have a few light scouts merely go on ahead and locate this gap ahead of time using their eyes and less scanner pings, lower your detection level wherever possible.
Phase 2 - Marathon: Here's where my extra thought processes went. I stopped looking at things from the mere perspective of an Operative working on the right side of the law and put myself in the shoes of a blatant criminal. If I were such and stuck in New Hampshire, where would I go? The answer largely being Puerto Rico, provided of course the people you're transporting haven't done anything particularly bad to the Junkers. You'll start out roughly on Grid H-5 of New Hampshire and you'll need to cruise the entire distance to A-3, from the same two dimensional perspective I mentioned earlier, the hole is fixed within the center of that specific grid and on the eastern side. The only Battleship of Consequence I know in that sector is Whitefield, and it being able to detect you isn't likely so long as you don't go right for it. Use the route around the system's sun that takes you closer to the icy world of Winnipesaukee, you'll most likely have some respite in Puerto Rico should you not have been pursued by a wing of interceptors, the likeliness of which I consider slim, but that can always be subject to change dependent on variables none of us are in control of.
Phase 3 - Relative Respite: Should you not be pursued into Puerto Rico, I'd assume you can use your sway with the Junkers to quickly repair any damage you've taken through either of the other two phases, though I personally advise against any stops. Time is literally of the essence. This is where the route gets tricky, as useful as Puerto Rico is in this operation, you've got only one exit, Bering. While that's not especially bad it can pose unnecessary complication, but I'm sure if you managed to assemble a few Unioners on the flanks on any pursuers you'd have considerably less problems. You'll find the Bering Jumphole at sector F-6 of Puerto Rico aligned in the center and western end of that specific grid. Once within Bering, it's a straight run to the Texas jumphole, a place your benefactors such as the Unioners should they be an asset during this operation can pose further distraction. This is where the risk severely escalates and where chances of detection and interception run high. You'll find the Texas Jumphole at Grid B-3 almost dead-center.
Phase 4 - Everything's bigger in Texas: I won't lie. This part is a blatant risk but choices are slim, you'll start off in Grid H-7 and your destination to reach another place of potential assistance is quite a distance away. Located in Grid C-4 and slightly off-center is the California jumphole, I've picked this particular hole located in Texas because it spits you out near Alcatraz, a few pals of yours that fly under the Rogue colors can no doubt be of some assistance to you. Be wary of Suglarland and any patrols that might frequent your immediate flight-paths. I urge you to remain very alert here, you cannot afford to be stopped here. It'll no doubt end in detriment should you be out-gunned.
Phase 5 - End-game Sprint: This is your final phase and the most important. Once you get through the Jumphole into California, it's important you 'hit the ground running' so to speak. If you've been pursued you must fight and retreat, do not stop moving towards your goal, persist and you will arrive there. Alcatraz and it's platforms should prove of some use to your convoy, though the Naval and LSF craft will have to navigate around it to avoid being fired upon as well, the Rogues are less lenient towards their colors than the Junkers are. Your destination here is grid C-5, aligned in the center and western end, leading your to Cortez and within relatively close range of Montezuma. From here, things tilt to your favor, these are your alleys, your rocks and your station, you know it better than anyone else does, persist and you will succeed. Your destination for this last part is E-6, Center and towards the South, navigate along those grid-lines. Your pursuers if any will be vulnerable to support you can draw from Montezuma and even Montezuma itself. From there you'll end up in Magellan, you know exactly where you need to go. Get there and your operation is a success.
I hope this proves satisfactory to you and ensures the safety of whom I'm going to trust your word on and also assume are innocent servants of the greater-good. Tread smartly, Yoshida. Transmission: End
There is nothing more we can do at this point Mr Reeves. Perhaps you can pray if you are of the religious sort. If it goes according to plan, the next thing you'll receive from me is the live video uplink of the infestation check-up.
I've had my plate full as of late with investigations so forgive my tardiness in responding to you. I can only hope the resistance you encounter is minimal and if the event has already transpired then I can only hope you've made it out without too much of a struggle.
I've been meticulous in how I've both collected and then verified the information I relayed this plan to you, I can only hope the opposition hasn't been equally wary and prepared.
Regardless, a set of cultists have become quite a prominent source of worry among the few that have seen them, I've managed to classify their direct assault on Manhattan for now as a first-responder and solution to that attack. Termination of drones controlled by the very same cultists yielded some interesting data. I'll let you know if I find out something interesting or generally worth noting, perhaps beneficial to the both of us. Transmission: End