From: Coalition High Command
To: Coalition Forces
Priority: HIGH
[Message Begins]
"Comrades, the first part of our reconfiguration for the push has been completed. The Roster has been updated with some changes so be sure to check on the Coalition Neural Net for changes to the command strucutre.
Two of note are the reinstatement of General Junjie Chen to the rank of Field Marshal until further notice. Secondly for his continuous service in the name of the Coalition Captain Mehmed Selim has been promoted to the rank of Colonel.
Continue the serve the Motherland dutifully and with pride Comrades, for the final victory is drawing ever closer to reality. Only through effort and loyalty to the cause can we hope to reach it. "
ID:Alexej Lisitsyn ENCRYPTION:ENABLED LOCATION:Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system SUBJECT:Hispania Mission
Zdravstvujte comrades, this is Junior Lieutenant of the People's Army.
This is my report from the Hispania mission which was a success, but with a cost.
The route I used: Omega-52 > Omega-9 > Omega-47 > Omega-41 > Omicron Gamma > Omicron Xi > Omicron Beta > Omicron Alpha
First of all I went to the Quartermaster to get my first orders and my ship.
After settling in the XKR-151-A "Partisan", which is a nimble little craft perfect for my mission, I sat in the cockpit waiting for the ship to be fueled.
On the Partisan I had 2 Dragunov SVD-2 and 2 Kalashnikov AK-4 perfect for any situation and ready to fire at a moments notice.
With everything ready I exited the station ready to begin my mission.
I met comrade Alexei Volkov in Omega-41 system, he agreed to help on my mission, and I can't begin to thank him for saving my life.
We encountered a few Corsair scouts but nothing we couldn't outrun.
When we got to the Hispania, I started my upload on the secret capsule inside.
The scans showed few Outcast ships flying around the planet but they didn't notice us until the transfer was complete.
After the mission was done on our way back my ship got destroyed by a weapons platforms and with it all of my gun camera, I survived the destruction by ejecting and comrade Volkov was there to save me.
The shots being fired at me were easily avoidable but my left thruster failed from the radiation in the cloud and I got hit. My shields went down in 1 shot and I ejected just before the 2nd shot destroyed the ship.
The programming logs from the transfer survived on the black box in the pod, but the gun cams were to corrupt to be read.
I ask for forgiveness for loosing one of our fighters with a promise that it won't happen again!
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Junior Lieutenant Alexej Lisitsyn
Priority: HIGH
[Message Begins]
"You have ventured forth, you saw the Sleeper Ship that bore many agents of the ancient Sol Coalition to the Sirius Sector where they could continue the fight and ensure a victory for the Red, Black and White Banner that flies over the Kremlin Dome today. You have also witnessed the lengths the enemy is wiling to go to in order to extinguish our cause and ensure Sirius falls under the sway of the Orange Plague. Learn from these experiences, ensure that you commit the lessons they teach you into your very soul Comrade. For this is only one face of the former Alliance that we seek to destroy.
For your efforts and for taking the journey many before you have we are awarding you the Hispania Memorium Medal and promoting you to Lieutenant. Go forth and spread the Coalition's message, we will not go silently into the night, we will not stop and most of all the People shall rise. Ura! "
It appears that our defense systems had become pretty lenient as well, since my scans showed his cargo bay and manifest to be filled with weaponry, ammunitions and other ordinance of Volgograd Industrial origin, meaning that this junker must have been able to come up as neutral (or even friendly) to Zhukovsky's ID sensors.
A theory for this issue's origin is that it is a side effect of a relatively recent update on our defense system's IFF sensor systems, implemented to avoid friendly fire on our allies and their supporters. The junker in particular expressed a desire to engage in economical exchange and activities with the Coalition, claiming that his access was transfered to him by his father.
After the interception was successful, I informed him of the need to get a visa from our border control before gaining clearance to enter the system and trade as well as how he could get it. After speaking with him, I escorted the junker out of the system through Omega 49, ordered the deletion of his navigational data about New Moscow and its entrances, then let him on his way before docking with Sevastopol depot.
I'm putting up the record log for this event, in case the High Command decides that this event's intel could provide them with any use
[30.11.2016 22:33:41] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: Unidentified contact! Stop your vessel at once!
[30.11.2016 22:33:58] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: This is the SCRA, you are flying in restricted space, you are ordered to stop at once
[30.11.2016 22:35:10] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: Greetings, stand by
[30.11.2016 22:35:25] El.Gringo: This is trading vesel El.Gringo,Cpt Sergej Ilich
[30.11.2016 22:36:00] El.Gringo: Everything ok sir?
[30.11.2016 22:36:02] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: This is Juan Montes of the Commissariat, I request to know how did you find this system, this space is restricted to the -
[30.11.2016 22:36:05] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: Coalition
[30.11.2016 22:36:40] El.Gringo: Old family ties,sir,my father sir
[30.11.2016 22:37:08] El.Gringo: He was a long time trader
[30.11.2016 22:37:21] El.Gringo: He gave me the coordinates and pass here
[30.11.2016 22:37:37] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: You are aware that this system is highly restricted and to enter you need to request a visa, right?
[30.11.2016 22:38:08] El.Gringo: Didn't know of visa but i can aply for it,of course
[30.11.2016 22:39:01] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: However, the state of this system is highly regulated, so I'll ask you to delete all navigational data you've recorded while in
[30.11.2016 22:39:11] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: this system, and of the entrances
[30.11.2016 22:39:22] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: As well as escort you out
[30.11.2016 22:39:59] El.Gringo: Yes of course sir but i will verry much like to trade with your people sir,of course with hihg descreation
[30.11.2016 22:40:35] El.Gringo: I will erase all data if that's what you want Sir
[30.11.2016 22:41:00] El.Gringo: There is a high demand for your ordinances sir
[30.11.2016 22:41:04] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: And I appreciate your support for our cause, however the protocol is clear, no vessel can enter the system unless it has -
[30.11.2016 22:41:38] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: obtained a visa from the border control, you can apply for it in the neural net, and after it is approved, you become free to-
[30.11.2016 22:42:19] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: come into the system and engage in economical activities with the Coalition
[30.11.2016 22:42:36] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: I need to ask you to move to Omega 49 now, sir. I'll be escorting you out
[30.11.2016 22:42:59] El.Gringo: Yes,of course sir,i thought that i was cleared allready couse station cleared me for dock
[30.11.2016 22:43:20] El.Gringo: You are free to follow me sir
[30.11.2016 22:43:38] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: The defense system can detect one as friendly when they have had dealings with our allies
[30.11.2016 22:43:55] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: but under normal circumstances, you'd have been shot on sight
[30.11.2016 22:44:09] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: Please jump ahead now, sir.
[30.11.2016 22:44:12] El.Gringo: My father had buisness with your supporters,so am i
[30.11.2016 22:44:54] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: Alright, now you are to delete all navigational data of the system
[30.11.2016 22:45:06] El.Gringo: On my way to Kepker system sir,hope to see you again,i will aply
[30.11.2016 22:45:21] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: Sure.
[30.11.2016 22:45:31] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: Did you delete your navigational data already?
[30.11.2016 22:45:49] El.Gringo: Just did it,noi wories sir
[30.11.2016 22:46:03] El.Gringo: I know how this things work
[30.11.2016 22:46:06] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: Muy bien, you are free to go now.
[30.11.2016 22:46:21] El.Gringo: God day to you sir
[30.11.2016 22:46:34] SCRA|CPW-Igualdad: Have a nice flight, sir.
From: Colonel Mehmed Selim, CPW-Lenin
Security Encryption: ABSOLUTE Report transmitted to High Command and Commissariat Officials ONLY.
This report is to detail events which have transpired following a request for imminent backup and heavy suppression issued by the Commissariat. A rapid-response stealth deployment to Omega-49 to detain OSC artifact smugglers was authorized and our firepower was levied against them. Although they had disposed of some artifacts to the Commissar on duty they had not surrendered all artifacts by the time we had arrived and we were forced to take action despite the presence of a large civilian contingent -- no one is innocent when Crete's marks are involved. The pursuit took us through Bretonia until the Commissar was shot down and we could no longer maintain interdiction. Not all was lost however -- the OSC escort vessel countering us was shot down and its own cargo seized for transit to TOR-ONE forthwith.
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Junior Lieutenant Jia Wu
Priority: HIGH
[Message Begins]
"Comrade. The Republic has a duty to bestow upon you, a rite of passage that has been completed by many pilots before you. It is a reminder of where we came from, what we are fighting against and what lengths we may have to go in order to see our dream realized.
You are to head to the system known to Sirians as Omicron Alpha, a nest of depravity and corruption, you are to visit the ancient wreck that was once known as the Hispania. Onboard you will locate a recorder hidden inside one of the sleeper pods, you will transmit a data packet baring your name to it with visual evidence to prove that you went and performed your duty. Upon completion of this task you must return to New Moscow alive and well.
This is a sacred tradition of the Fighter Corps Comrade. Do us proud. "
Apologies for the delay. I'm reporting my findings after the call to support our allies of the Republic of Dublin. I took the opportunity to further try out the capabilities of the "Partisan"-variation of our XKR fighters, taking advantage of the high velocity it displays in this configuration.
Taking my first waypoint to the Dublin system, I headed out to the Jump gate and, effectively, found the area to have a small local garrison stationed near the gate, with it's main operative base being the battleship Essex stationed several clicks straight ahead from it. Taking advantage of the Partisan's speed and thin profile, I decided to do several fly-by's on the warship, taking pictures of its defense systems in action: - Front - Back - Right - Left. I took the opportunity to test the ship's abilities against a few heavy defense drones as well, only taking very minor damage that did not risk the mission.
Moving on, I traveled over to the Poole system from Omega 49 and, very conveniently, found the Battleship Fes just a few clicks away from the Jumphole. I made the same proceedure as with the Essex and made fly-bys on it and took picks of its defense systems: Front - Back (Take 2)- Left - Right. after this, I headed over outside of the ice field and into the clearing zones, but found nothing much of military use, other than a trade lane under construction. two corporatestations and one strange station transmitting a Reaper transponder sitting in relative proximity to one of them that was still not connected by trade lanes, as well as a jump gate heading to Cambridge. Going back to the ice field, I found no further threatening elements other than a few corporate mining vessels in a certain area of the field and a Jump hole leading Cambridge at the edge of the ice field.
The reconaissance task was finished and I returned to Svedzny Gorodok. Hopefully this intel will be of good use for our allies of the Republic.
¡Por la Revolución!
From: Colonel Mehmed Selim, CPW-Matochkin, Zvezdny Gorodok.
We have successfully made contact with the "Frumentarii" splinter group of the Independent Miners Guild who have outlined their situation against the Kingdom of Gallia. Contact was favorable and this group stands to be a useful addition to anti-Gallic efforts. Once we are able to establish more firm cooperation we can proceed in earnest.
[16.12.2016 21:07:27] Initialising CoalitionOS v.88.1
[16.12.2016 21:07:27] Options:
[16.12.2016 21:07:27] -logchat on
[16.12.2016 21:07:27] -logtime on
[16.12.2016 21:07:27] -localtime off
[16.12.2016 21:07:27] -logappend off
[16.12.2016 21:07:27] -showinfocards off
[16.12.2016 21:07:27] GUNCAM Resolution is 1920x1080
[16.12.2016 21:07:36] CoalitionOS Started
[16.12.2016 21:08:02] Timestamp 823 A.S.
[16.12.2016 21:17:31] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: Greetings, this is Sarah O'Riley of the Frumentarii.
[16.12.2016 21:17:51] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: We are coming in from different locations. ETA should be less than 5
[16.12.2016 21:19:14] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: Alright, make that... more like 8 minutes.
[16.12.2016 21:19:22] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: My nav map seems to be outdated.
[16.12.2016 21:20:05] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Our automated defenses are firing on one of your pilots.
[16.12.2016 21:27:08] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Alright. Rerouting to the new RV point.
[16.12.2016 21:27:31] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: Roger, we're moving to Omega-49
[16.12.2016 21:30:52] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: We have entered Omega-52 and are moving to D2
[16.12.2016 21:31:24] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Affirmative.
[16.12.2016 21:33:31] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: Greetings, Coalition Commander.
[16.12.2016 21:33:38] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Hail.
[16.12.2016 21:33:57] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: Greetings everyone
[16.12.2016 21:34:02] IMG|Don.Draper: Good evening Commanders.
[16.12.2016 21:34:07] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: I am Colonel Mehmed Selim, of the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army.
[16.12.2016 21:34:10] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: Privyet IMG Vessel.
[16.12.2016 21:34:15] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: My name is Sarah O'Riley, and we are happy to have made it here.
[16.12.2016 21:34:40] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: Emerson Bradshaw here, I believe we've spoken a bit before, it's a pleasure to be here
[16.12.2016 21:35:13] IMG|Don.Draper: Don Draper, glad we could finally meet.
[16.12.2016 21:35:37] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: So, it is nice to talk face to face, and I think we have quite a bit of questions to cover, I assume.
[16.12.2016 21:35:57] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Indeed.
[16.12.2016 21:36:01] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Do you have any, or do you want us to just start going over the issues?
[16.12.2016 21:36:21] SCRA|C-Libertador: Buenos dias, Camarada
[16.12.2016 21:37:02] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Coalition Command has briefed me on the nature of your organization, although I do not have all the details regarding --
[16.12.2016 21:37:20] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: -- such. Additionally I am curious as to why our automated defenses are targeting your vessels on sight.
[16.12.2016 21:37:34] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: <nods> Alright. Let's deal with the automated defenses first.
[16.12.2016 21:38:02] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: There seems to be a problem with the new transponders. This is a new ship - and it seems to be broken.
[16.12.2016 21:38:51] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Transponder malfunction, hm.
[16.12.2016 21:38:52] IMG|Don.Draper: I think we'll have to check with the Guild and fix those asap. We wouldn't want this in the middle of a battle.
[16.12.2016 21:39:07] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: It isn't the first time visitors have had trouble with this.
[16.12.2016 21:39:08] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: Indeed. I will see to have it fixed. It used to be fine in the past.
[16.12.2016 21:39:35] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: But all of a sudden now, things seem to have gone bad. Software update, likely. Anyway, we apologize.
[16.12.2016 21:39:55] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: I can concer here, I believe there has been an issue with our Transponders, we are planning a retrofit at singapore
[16.12.2016 21:39:57] IMG|Gremlin: station soon
[16.12.2016 21:40:29] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Until you have fixed your transponders it will make your approach to our facilities quite impossible.
[16.12.2016 21:40:35] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: No need to dwell on it. Let us continue.
[16.12.2016 21:40:57] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: It will not be important for our ships to have a physical presence in your space, if we take a look at the mission
[16.12.2016 21:41:14] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: <nods> You were briefed on the agenda of the Frumentarii?
[16.12.2016 21:41:31] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: I know you're after the Gauls, and not much else.
[16.12.2016 21:42:05] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: Indeed. The Guild's move to appease the Gallic oppressors might have made sense at ths start. But by now, it has-
[16.12.2016 21:42:29] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: become painfully clear that this assumption of peaceful coexistence was foolish. The Frumentarii believe that false decisions-
[16.12.2016 21:42:42] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: need to be corrected. We are working on exactly this, from inside the Guild.
[16.12.2016 21:43:22] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: So you intend to better align the Guild against the Gauls, rather than for them.
[16.12.2016 21:43:33] IMG|Don.Draper: Let's face it, Gallia is a threat to the entire Sirius, not just us or Bretonia. Actions must be taken.
[16.12.2016 21:43:51] IMG|Don.Draper: Yes, yes we are. They've been allowed to plunder Sirius for far too long.
[16.12.2016 21:44:02] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: Though you must remember right now on the surface of things the IMG cannot be seen to be involved.
[16.12.2016 21:44:22] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: <nods> Yes. The rebellion in the Taus is the ultimate goal. But it has to be carefully prepared to not end in massacre.
[16.12.2016 21:44:30] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Typical House narrow-mindedness. But yes, we are aware of the Guild's precarious position.
[16.12.2016 21:45:13] SCRA|C-Libertador: Buenas, camadaras
[16.12.2016 21:45:16] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Privyet, comrade.
[16.12.2016 21:45:29] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: Indeed. So, as we clarified the endgame of this, the path that leads us there is what we need to talk.
[16.12.2016 21:45:41] IMG|Don.Draper: It has to be like this sadly. Thousands of lifes are at risk on Java. Everything must be evaluated precisely.
[16.12.2016 21:46:07] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: We are no strangers to guerilla warfare.
[16.12.2016 21:46:25] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: It is a difficult positon to be in, our ultimate goal however is to help loosen the grip the Gauls have on the outter
[16.12.2016 21:46:27] IMG|Gremlin: systems
[16.12.2016 21:46:28] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: We are actually talking about a potential eradication of the Guild from all the Taus. Millions would be exiled. So, caution.
[16.12.2016 21:46:52] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Don, your turn. Tell them about our plan.
[16.12.2016 21:47:27] IMG|Don.Draper: We are glad you brought that up. Guerilla warfare is one of our plans. Yet the Guild is not an expert at this-
[16.12.2016 21:47:40] IMG|Don.Draper: -and advice in that field is a necessity.
[16.12.2016 21:48:18] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: I see.
[16.12.2016 21:49:17] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: <nods> The Guild is rather good at fighting in the fields, but we will only in endgame attack ourselves.
[16.12.2016 21:49:32] IMG|Don.Draper: We know the ways around the Taus and systems surrounding them. But a proper plan by experts needs to be placed together.
[16.12.2016 21:50:08] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: What we lack is means of communication, means of secretive planning... it's difficult at the moment. We figured-
[16.12.2016 21:50:39] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: that a group that has been fighting all Houses forever must have developed strategies to cope with this hardship.
[16.12.2016 21:50:45] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: You need a means to hide yourselves from House spies and other troublemakers.
[16.12.2016 21:50:57] IMG|Don.Draper: At this very moment shipments of Oil pour through Tau 23, this making our system one of the most important under Gallic control
[16.12.2016 21:53:16] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: I believe what we need figure out today is how will this partnership effect us both, you have the military knowlegde
[16.12.2016 21:54:01] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: I have one important question as I have just got good news now: We have green light on the Tau 44 offices.
[16.12.2016 21:54:44] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Carrier Hades has agreed to host a HQ with the necessary infrastructure that we can use.
[16.12.2016 21:55:19] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Hm. Ask your question.
[16.12.2016 21:55:25] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: So, the Coalition would be invited to send 2 officers as liaison to Tau 44, Hades.
[16.12.2016 21:55:47] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Does that make sense to you? Are you willing to streamline our communications and make it more effective?
[16.12.2016 21:56:35] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Coalition Command would likely not be opposed to such a plan.
[16.12.2016 21:56:57] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: Great. You are on neutral or friendly terms with the Crayterian forces?
[16.12.2016 21:57:49] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: The Crayterian Republic is considered a friendly Nation to the People's Republic.
[16.12.2016 21:58:11] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: Perfect. Our intel was correct. You are alright with being in a room with the Council representatives?
[16.12.2016 21:58:38] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: The Council and ourselves are at most neutral towards eachother, we do not interact often.
[16.12.2016 21:58:45] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: So we wouldn't have qualms about such a thing.
[16.12.2016 21:58:51] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: Right now we're working on multiple patnerships to help achieve our goal
[16.12.2016 21:59:07] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: Good. You understand that the Council has to be a key element in any actions against the Gallic invaders.
[16.12.2016 21:59:38] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: We're aware of the Council's nature.
[16.12.2016 21:59:40] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: We also have the Blood Dragons that are helpful for the Guild - secretly of course. They have been invited as well.
[16.12.2016 22:00:01] IMG|Don.Draper: We plan to expand this alliance further into Sirius. Basically anyone who's got a personal grudge against Gallia, or who-
[16.12.2016 22:00:06] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: It is not yet decided whether they will have a presence in the HQ physically, but to have the cards on the table: we asked them
[16.12.2016 22:00:07] IMG|Don.Draper: -acknowledges their threat.
[16.12.2016 22:00:50] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: We have good working relations with the Blood Dragons. They will not be an issue.
[16.12.2016 22:01:03] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: I have a quesiton if I may?
[16.12.2016 22:01:15] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: Even better. So... yes. Emmerson, your turn.
[16.12.2016 22:01:49] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: If we were to put resources forwards to attacking a Gallic outpost or force what kind of reinforcements would -
[16.12.2016 22:02:11] IMG|Gremlin: we be looking at from the Coalition, as we would like you militray input on any offences
[16.12.2016 22:02:25] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: The Coalition as you know is fighting a war against the Corsair Empire, as such our resources are limited in the Taus.
[16.12.2016 22:02:55] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: We can however should be able to spare a few ships to aid in harassment operations of Gallia.
[16.12.2016 22:03:18] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: We can commit light but effective raiding forces to aid an assault on Gallia.
[16.12.2016 22:03:36] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: That is understandable and thank you for any help you can give, I would offer our resources towards the Corsair front-
[16.12.2016 22:03:52] IMG|Gremlin: however I'm unsure on whether or not the guild will be able too just yet
[16.12.2016 22:04:29] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: Naturally we can't expect the Guild to fight against the strength of the Corsair Empire AND Gallia.
[16.12.2016 22:04:44] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: Thank you for understanding that
[16.12.2016 22:04:56] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: as long as the Guild is not involved in a direct confrontation against Gallia, we can try and influence the -
[16.12.2016 22:05:06] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Guildmastery to increase our Omega efforts.
[16.12.2016 22:05:17] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Once the Taus go up in flames, this ends, obviously.
[16.12.2016 22:05:37] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: Indeed, but for now we must focus on the foes you can fight reasonably.
[16.12.2016 22:05:41] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: A dangerous proposition, no doubt.
[16.12.2016 22:06:01] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: I agree, we should focus all guild efforts into clearing the Tau's first
[16.12.2016 22:06:14] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: But as the Guild at the current stage cannot hit Oil transports and ammo convoys and troop transports, we need -
[16.12.2016 22:06:32] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: Tau-23 is the lynchpin of the Gallic war effort. We hit the enemy where it hurts when it's exposed.
[16.12.2016 22:06:33] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: some assets of allies and friends to do it. We can aid in logistics and mainly intel.
[16.12.2016 22:07:06] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: The Guild has sensors on Java to register Languadoc traffic. We know who is moving when. Pattern can be made.
[16.12.2016 22:07:26] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: The Coalition also can supply small-arms direct from our factories, I doubt all the fighting will purely be ship-to-ship.
[16.12.2016 22:07:36] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: Eventually the fighting may come up close and personal.
[16.12.2016 22:07:41] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: That's the intel we are talking, exact, timely on point target intel for precision strikes.
[16.12.2016 22:07:58] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: The few military ships that we do have like myself will be commited in helping you in any gallic offensive if needed
[16.12.2016 22:08:01] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Patrol, back off.
[16.12.2016 22:08:17] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: <curses> Transponders
[16.12.2016 22:09:07] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: I suggest... you send your liaison officers to the Taus. Falkland. We organise the transfer to Tau 44, Hades.
[16.12.2016 22:09:17] IMG|Don.Draper: Ship to ship combat is not in our plans. The Gauls already have superior numbers. Contact with their Navy must be done as a -
[16.12.2016 22:09:20] IMG|Don.Draper: -last resort.
[16.12.2016 22:09:40] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Naturally.
[16.12.2016 22:09:50] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: That would be the best option.
[16.12.2016 22:09:58] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: Their Navy may be large, but from what I hear they're poorly trained, but I do agree with you
[16.12.2016 22:10:17] SCRA|C-Libertador: I believe that the VI can be issued instructions to provide support as well.
[16.12.2016 22:10:28] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: The only way to fight an enemy such as that is to hurt their supply chains, without supplies they will eventually wither.
[16.12.2016 22:10:38] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: For now if any offensives do happen I believe we should focus on their shipping first
[16.12.2016 22:10:40] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Carefully and precisely.
[16.12.2016 22:11:03] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Bleed the supplies, spread discontent among the masses, they will fold under the weight of their massive fleet.
[16.12.2016 22:11:24] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: Indeed. It's classic insurgency.
[16.12.2016 22:11:35] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: *sigh* Who let these muppets in the Army.
[16.12.2016 22:11:47] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: It is our bugged transponders.
[16.12.2016 22:12:02] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: I assume we should move out anyway. Is there anything we needs to clarify here and now?
[16.12.2016 22:12:08] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: You'd think they would get some common sense. Anyways.
[16.12.2016 22:12:08] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: This will force them to rethink their position and pull back in to their own space
[16.12.2016 22:12:25] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: I believe we're good for now, unless anyone has anything else to say?
[16.12.2016 22:13:05] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: I believe we are finished here. We will need to report back to the Premier and our superiors of this meeting.
[16.12.2016 22:13:36] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Sarah: Perfect. The Frumentarii say thank you for your help. We are convinced that a cooperation can succeed.
[16.12.2016 22:13:48] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: Understood we to need to get back, though we will remain in contact
[16.12.2016 22:14:02] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Best of luck to you then.
[16.12.2016 22:14:45] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Pilots, form up.
[16.12.2016 22:17:01] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: I believe that concludes our meeting here.
[16.12.2016 22:17:09] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: It is done, then.
[16.12.2016 22:17:10] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: Copy that.
[16.12.2016 22:17:11] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: IMG wings, we escort the Gremlin.
[16.12.2016 22:17:17] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: We'll keep an open channel for you to contact us on
[16.12.2016 22:17:25] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Thank you, Coalition Commanders.
[16.12.2016 22:17:29] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Keep it safe. Do svydania.
[16.12.2016 22:17:31] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: It has been a pleasure.
[16.12.2016 22:17:32] IMG|Don.Draper: Glad we have talked. Any further questions should be directed to the Frumentarii only. Thank you again.
[16.12.2016 22:17:43] IMG|Don.Draper: Your help could change the course of the War.
[16.12.2016 22:17:53] IMG|Gremlin: Emerson: Take care and stay safe
[16.12.2016 22:18:06] SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov: We should return to New Moscow.
[16.12.2016 22:18:06] IMG|Sarah.O'Riley: Let us know when your liaison officers arrive in Taus. Good luck.
[16.12.2016 22:18:14] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Pilots, lock on our nav signal and return to Zvezdny Gorodok.
[16.12.2016 22:18:26] SCRA|C-Libertador: Acknowledged, returning to base
[16.12.2016 22:19:23] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Course locked for Zvezdny, let's go.
[16.12.2016 22:20:12] SCRA|CPW-Matochkin: Selim: Communications, get me a line to the Premier and Command as soon as we dock.
[16.12.2016 22:20:57] SCRA|C-Libertador: I'll have to check for any further assignments required, otherwise I would like to volunteer as a liaison officer
[16.12.2016 22:21:13] SCRA|C-Libertador: depending on what the Premier decides
[16.12.2016 22:21:18] 2016-12-16 22:21:12 SMT Traffic control alert: SCRA|Nikita.Tabakov has requested to dock
[16.12.2016 22:21:23] 2016-12-16 22:21:17 SMT Traffic control alert: SCRA|CPW-Matochkin has requested to dock
[16.12.2016 22:21:55] System Shutdown
After having equipped and outfitted an 'Insurgent', I took off from Zvedzny Gorodok and made my way through the Omegas, with minimal resistance found along the way. On the way, I had a chat with Commander Alejandro Rivera, which then assisted me on the way back, after RVing in Omicron Gamma. Below, the programming logs and the moment when I scratched my name on one of the cells. >> Click me <<
No losses from our side, as Commander Rivera and I arrived safely back at New Moscow.
That is all for now. For the Revolution!
- Michel De Grasse
:: Transmission Ended ::
:: Video Feed Closed ::
:: Signal Lost ::
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Junior Lieutenant Michel De Grasse
Priority: HIGH
[Message Begins]
"You have ventured forth from New Moscow, making the journey through peril and the infinity of stars to the ark that brought our fore-bearers to Sirius. From that vessel many of our people sprung forth and begun our mission to bring unity to Humanity under our banner. You now know the lengths we must go in order to achieve the dreams of those who had come before us, to that end we are awarding you the Hispania Memorium Medal, In addition you are to be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant with the privileges it entails. Ura Comrade! "