Greetings representatives of Samura Heavy Industries,
My name is Alan Shepard I'm representing Gateway Shipping Inc. in this shipping contract request. During the recent travel I could contact one of your members, Mr. Yaguchi, captain of Samura|-Kure callsigned ship. I was impressed by the openness and friendly tone. Based on the conversation I hope I can turn to you with confidence and I would like to introduce our request and motivations.
In the recent period, several module building projects are started by Oceana Shipping Platform these include cloak disruptor modules and hyperspace survey modules. All these high-tech. modules will be manufactured for commercial purposes without individual or company customer. We believe in the legaly and free market.
We would like to request from your company, 20000 units of Optronic Arrays to Oceana Shipping Platform, Gateway Shipping Inc. owned base, in orbit of Planet Curacao (10k distance), Cortez system. We already set up a buying price 1500 credit / unit.
[27.09.2016 07:11:08] Gateway|-GSX-Panama: Alan: Greetings
[27.09.2016 07:11:26] Gateway|-GSX-Panama: Alan: Am I contacting Samura Cpt. ?
[27.09.2016 07:11:27] Samura|-Kure: /showmsgs
[27.09.2016 07:12:00] Samura|-Kure: Yaguchi: Konnishiwa, hai!
[27.09.2016 07:12:23] Samura|-Kure: How may I be of service?
[27.09.2016 07:12:56] Gateway|-GSX-Panama: Alan: I am representing Gateway Shipping Inc. And I would like to ask what are you thinking about a contract from this corp.
[27.09.2016 07:13:15] Gateway|-GSX-Panama: Alan: We need some Optronic Array ..
[27.09.2016 07:13:47] Samura|-Kure: Yagughi: Ah a buisness opportunity!
[27.09.2016 07:14:15] Gateway|-GSX-Panama: Alan: You need to know Gateway is one of open minded corporation
[27.09.2016 07:15:13] Gateway|-GSX-Panama: Alan: We own a base in Cortez system and our survey manufacture needs this Optronic Array commodity
[27.09.2016 07:15:19] Samura|-Kure: Yaguchi: Domo, contact our trade department on the regular comms. Or shall this be discrete?
[27.09.2016 07:17:02] Gateway|-GSX-Panama: Alan: We have nothing to hide. The business is business. We will contact you after I am arrived back to Kensington
[27.09.2016 07:18:42] Samura|-Kure: Yaguchi: Oh, please accept my apology. It was just the offer of an additional service, hai? *bows*
[27.09.2016 07:19:59] Gateway|-GSX-Panama: Alan: No problem there, it is good know the partnership possibilities.
[27.09.2016 07:20:27] Gateway|-GSX-Panama: Alan: I am thinking about to send a classified delivery contract
[27.09.2016 07:21:24] Samura|-Kure: Yaguchi: Hai. This sounds most profitable. I'll write a memo to our trade HQ to announce your offer.
To:Alan Shepard of Gateway Shipping Inc. From:Yokohama Shipyard - New Tokyo Subject:Optronic Arrays supply contract
Konnichi wa Shepard-san,
My name is Ren Kobayashi, Samura Director of Marketing. Pleased to meet you.
We have received a communique from the captain of Samura|-Kure about this contact and that we should expect a contract in near future. Needless to say, Optronic Arrays are on high demand these days and we are shipping them all over Sirius. But enough about that, moving on to your topic.
Samura Omotai Zaibatsu Board of Directors has convened and approved the completion of this contract for the mentioned price of 1500 Sirius Credits per unit of Optronic Array. Our convoys will depart today towards your station.
Until my next transmission with delivery reports...
To:Alan Shepard of Gateway Shipping Inc. From:Yokohama Shipyard - New Tokyo Subject:Optronic Arrays supply contract
Konnichi wa again Shepard-san,
Requested amount of 20.000 units of Optronic Arrays have been shipped to Oceana Shipping Platform. The visual documentations of transported cargo can be checked here: [1], [2], [3], [4].
If you ever again need any materials produced in Kusari, think Samura.
As I promised we returned here with a new business offer. I would like to maintain this communication channel to have a better control over businesses. At this time we are looking to offer a bigger contract. Oceana Shipping Platform is ready to trade with some newly registered metals: Gadolinium, the base is buying this for 2000 credit / unit. Lanthanum, 1500 credit / unit. Vanadium, 3000 credit / unit. Yttrium, 3000 credit / unit. Zinc, 2800 credit / unit.
We would like to ask 15.000 unit from each metals. Furthermore we would like to ask for 25.000 amount of Tobacco, (1900 credit / unit).
I hope this offer suits for your corporation and we can find the success in business. To prove the shipping manifests please attach visual proof (guncams) about delivered commodities. The job has no time limit because anytime you can start deliveries. If you managed to process the datas we are waiting to your reply and questions,
Alan Shepard, Director of Operations Security, President
To:Alan Shepard of Gateway Shipping Inc. From:Yokohama Shipyard - New Tokyo Subject:Resources supply contract
Konnichi wa again Shepard-san,
This time and interesting pick in precious metals, Gadolinium, Lanthanum, Vanadium, Yttrium, Zinc and something more, the tobacco. I have presented your contract request higher up the chain of command and there is a positive outcome.
Samura Omotai Zaibatsu Board of Directors has convened and approved the completion of this contract for the mentioned prices for all metals and tobacco. Our transport ships will start working on your contract as soon as they finish their previous contract. Expect them within the few days.
Until my next transmission with delivery reports...
To:Alan Shepard of Gateway Shipping Inc. From:Yokohama Shipyard - New Tokyo Subject:Shipping contract
Konnichi wa Shepard-san,
Requested amounts of various commodities have been shipped to Oceana Shipping Platform. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen events in Kusari, I was unable to reply you back. But I am sure you have noticed the contract has been completed.
Please accept my recognition this was a great job. With respect I want to continue this partnership by adding some new jobs. At this time we would like to request 40.000 Tobacco because we want to be a point of sales for this commoditite in this region where Oceana Shipping Platform is located. The location and the price unchanged the other informations are clear. I hope it complies for you I look forward to your reply,
To:Alan Shepard of Gateway Shipping Inc. From:Yokohama Shipyard - New Tokyo Subject:Resources supply contract
Konnichi wa again Shepard-san,
We are pleased to do business with you once again, this time for the tobacco. I have presented your contract request higher up the chain of command and there is a positive outcome.
Samura Omotai Zaibatsu Board of Directors has convened and approved the completion of this contract for the mentioned prices for tobacco. Our transport ships will start working on your contract right away. Expect them soon.
Until my next transmission with delivery reports...