Captain Ezrael Vertiga here. You already know me, I believe. The last time you denied my request for harbourage, without any counteroffer, ignoring my invitation to a diplomatic meeting. I know very well how the situation in Bretonia is, as it's not like I am not able to take a smaller ship. It should be obvious that if I would have been about to start anything, I'dn't have needed a battleship for that.
But I get the point. Trust is something to be earned. You refused my invitation, though, so I would want to make an counteroffer. Baby-steps, so to say. I would like to request permission to enter the Omega-3 system with the Apahanta. It's characteristics are still the same as last time. The ship itself is moored at Livadia in Omicron Kappa and very rarely leaves it, as IRG is working on refitting its systems, while the Confederation of Freeports was kind enough to provide us with supplies and maintenance. You could contact them, if you wish to get a second opinion.
All I want is a chance to gain trust, as I can assure you I am not the bad guy, and I never had the intention to harm Bretonia in any way. In fact, I rely on Bretonia as a protecting force for my homeworld in the Cortez system.
[img float=right][/img] Priority:Medium To: Ezrael Vertiga From: Admiral Jacob McIntire, BAF Location: HMS Ark Royal, Newcastle System
Mister Vertiga,
First off, apologies for the late answer. This request went over many desks, some on wich it should never have ended up and the Fleet Admiral seems to be too busy to answer after all this inconvenient happenings.
To come to the point though, your request has to be denied in this form. You say trust has to be earned but you dont offer anything to do such, you just demand less. Apart from that your ship could cause serious political disruptions we can not risk at this time.
You are still welcome to visit Bretonia in a usual manner, but the Aphanta can not be allowed within our borders.
I spare you the voicing of the frustration that is the result of another two months wasted just to get another refusal. You want something in return? I offered insider knowledge of the Core about the Omicrons, rare data about what lies beyond the public knowledge of the Edge Worlds. That was refused. The only other offer I can make is the use of my battleship against common enemies. While you probably care less about the Lane Hackers, Gallia is currently only one jump away from the Cortez system. My offer are the Apahanta's guns to defend Bretonia and, more important to me, the Cortez system. It will take a while to make the ship fit for that, but if you accept to give us a chance, you have a quick little battleship in reserve.
At least allow me to visit Bretonia for an audience. I don't want to wait another two month in the Omicrons, having the potential to help while I have to sit there and watch how Gallia even attacks Liberty while strangling Bretonia at the same time.
There must be something that I can do for Bretonia.
[img float=right][/img] Priority:Medium To: Ezrael Vertiga From: Admiral Jacob McIntire, BAF Location: HMS Ark Royal, Newcastle System
Mister Vertiga,
Indeed another two months of waiting seem inappropriate, the more since the gears of bureaucracy left you waiting long enough already.
Your proposal is interesting and I will inform the Fleet Admiral of it at the earliest convenience, but I'm afraid she will not listen without a detailed explanation of what you offer.
So a meeting in Bretonian space seems to be the best solution to bring this matter forward. Name a date and time that convenes you and we can talk. The only condition is that it has not to happen within Magellan, Leeds or Edinburgh. I feel no need to take talks or even negotiations into hot warzones.
One more thing, I remember you descend from Curacao, if it does not mean too much effort bring some fine tea from it with you, I do not get to fill up the stocks as often as I would like to.