Alright, this time I can confirm two completed deliveries with all necessary documentation.
Delivery Confirmation: Invoice #04 Invoice #05
Total units of cargo delivered: 8080 out of 87.880 Optronics / 79.800 remaining
Just like last time, payments and bonuses can be made payable to IMG|Yurienne[R] or TheSK01. More deliveries will be made later today but I need to take a break. See you later.
Hey there, Yurienne here again. This time I've brought you four deliveries of Optronics and that'll be all for the night. Payments can be sent to IMG|Yurienne[R].
Hey there, Yurienne here once again. This time I've brought you six deliveries of Optronics and that'll be all for this night. Payments can be sent to IMG|Yurienne[R].
Assuming my math is right, there are only ten more deliveries of Optronics remaining, this is also assuming that I am the one that delivers all of them. Only time will tell.
See ya next time, Yurienne K.
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤
We're getting pretty close on these Optronics, hopefully tomorrow I can finish them up so I can take a break. If no one else delivers the other items soon I can start picking them up for you. As usual, any payments that you need to send my way can be sent to IMG|Yurienne[R].
See ya next time, Yurienne K.
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤