Recruitment : Kubana-HAFANANA
my real name is Jakub Pitel
I am 15 xears old
I am playing FL more than 8 months
my PVP skills are good , I have choosen TBH cause my friend told me you that are good and i want to be Corsair.
When I was young amigo, my father was artifact dealer and he was often drunk. My mother was light woman, the best in Spain. I was often thinking about my future. I ever wanted to be Corsair. One day, I think it was saturday, my father did not returned home. We, (me and my mother) were scared. On next day, someone has comed and told us that my father was killed by outcasts. He was carrying high amount of artifacts from Ommicron gamma to Mannthatan. I was not sad, but I was so angry, that i have sweared that I will punish my father?s murders. Couple of days later, I left my home and I went to Manhattan to start new life. In Manhattan I have found ship dealer but unfortunately, the only ship that I could buy was Starflier. So I bought it and I decided to go to Ommicron gamma, to become the Corsair. Unfortunately, when I was heading from New york jump gate to Colorado, a group of Outcasts have catched me. I was fighting like a lion, but my starflier was soon like a scrap metal. Suddenly the a Titan ship appeared, and started to beat the Stilletoes. When they were gone, the Titan have stoped and I decided to thank to this Corsair. He intoduced himself: Hi bro I am Fabiano and I told him my story. He said: Ok bro I?ll give you some Money and come with me I will buy you a ship. I have followed him to Ommicron gamma. There I bought Titan and I wrote my story to you dear reader. I left Crete and I started with punishing Outcasts, and my reputation reached the top. I bought Corsair id and I would like to join TBH clan.
Well I think I will be collecting these admin quotes as my signature "Collecting Admin quotes. So I gave him a Moderator one." -Moveit56 "Tractorlancer" -Jansen "I'm higher than aerelm's ping. ~Narc "Some random quote" -mwerte LWB is the bestest! ~ Moveit56 "Will you be my minion? -Mrs. Altejago No, he's mine ~Snoopy Wow, the Team's memory desk in this sig? K. I'm in ~ Dimon
Karandras Mendoza Hernandez walked into the dim room and took a seat at the terminal. He began to fill out the application which appeared infront of him.
1. Name: Karandras Mendoza Hernandez
2. Age: 46
3. Excellent navigation and scouting skills. Skilled cargo runner and frieghter/gunship pilot. Dog fighting skills improving since arival in Corsair space.
4. Since seeing of the corruption spread throughout the "lawful" organisations of Sirus first hand, and observing the spreading taint of the drug Cardamine, it has become clear that only the Corsairs have remained untouched, and that only the Corsairs can provide an answer to these issues.
5. Hernandez began life as a citizen of Bretonia. He followed his father into the haulage industry. As a result he worked closely with the many factions inolved in Sirus commerce, working his way to the top of a private haulage firm. As a result he was exposed more and more to the machinations of the House Governments, and the corruption rife within them. He was sickened, and so left his lofty position, and became a freelance trader and then smuggler, operating all over Sirus, and cutting himself off from the established lawful organisations once and for all.
While smuggling, it became clear that the most profitable product was Cardamine. However, its effects were profound, and Hernandez was disgusted by its horrific efects. He resolved never to trade in it again, howver this displeased his new clients, the Outcasts. Soon, nowhere was safe. The Outcasts and their protectorate factions hunted Hernandez whereever he surfaced, and forced him to flee to the far reaches of the Sirus sector. He found himself on planet Crete, with a people untouched by corruption and Cardamine. He knew this was where his future lay, and after many years of relaxation, he resolved that now he would give somthing back to those who had provided him sanctuary. He would join the Brotherhood.
Hernandez pressed the enter key, and stretched backwords in his chair and waited. He severly needed another drink
Trader, beat the game quite a few times and I'm a very hard opponent to beat. Currently have a trader account (Trader_Dave) that is level 47, in a Armored Freighter and have 5 mill in cash. Always hate the outcasts and friendly with you guys, but I want to cross the boundary.
Hate the outcasts with a passion, but its fun picking them off like a freighter let alone, and I have a deep seated need for action and violence. Eventually when I have at least 500m from my trader I plan on getting a corsair Dreadnought, which I think is just enough damage for me.
When I was a small boy my life was changed forever when an outcast patrol happened upon my family's profitable Train, trading diamonds from Rheinland to Bretonia. The outcast ships did not even ask for a surrender or demand anything, they just came in with guns blazing, with me at even the young age of 12 I was still an accomplished gunner and was able to take down 3 of 7 Outcast ships. My ship was destroyed with my parents still on board, there was only one escape pod. To get past the outcasts without them picking up my location, my parents had to deactivate the beacon. They shot me on a one-way voyage to the nearest Station, which still took 4 months to get to. After discovering I have a proficiency with trading as well as fighting, I was able to save up enough to get off that cramped border station eventually. With vengence on my mind I started building up my empire, waiting for my chance to strike back. Now is that chance, when I have enough credits I will apply my skills....In a dreadnought.
What I offer the brotherhood is incoming resources from the home fuel the growing base of the corsairs! I will not request anything except safe passage and maybe protection. Eventually I hope to join you...but for now I lie in waiting.
Skills: Knowledge of chemistry, especially that which is related to terraforming gases. Some experience in research and development of shield and weapon systems. Currently working on a project to make Kalhmera habitable. Seven years of self trained light fighter piloting experience.
Reason for choosing TBH: Amatiel has pratical reasons to be involved with TBH. TBH's ideology fits Amatiel's needs, in that she must acquire expensive research materials to fund herself and provide her research team with material. Besides the practical reasons, Amatiel also has emotional and ideological reasons to be a part of TBH. Her deep hatred of Bretonia puts her in a position to uphold the nature of TBH by personal will and not solely by obligation to her Brothers and Sisters. She herself feels ashamed that her blood is tainted with Bretonian blood, but she also remains sympathetic to her mother, who managed to fall in love with a Corsair and not deny her own feelings. Her conversion to TBH was by choice and not purely situational; she is a true believer and honors TBH by never denying her Brothers and Sisters even at impossible odds.
Bio: At the age of 13 Amatiel Castillo was deemed a child prodigy when she patented her first synthetic gas Argon Hexanitrogen (ArN6) amazing chemists across the Sirius sector. The gas was later found to be a cheap way to assist in prolonged terrformation of certain uninhabitable planets by causing a volatile chemical reaction that thickens atmospheres. She lived the first years of her life as Abigail Clark and floating through Bretonia with her father, a Corsair living under an alias as well, and her Bretonian Mother. The situation was ideal for Amatiel and she studied at Oxford and Graduated by the age of 16 with a degrees in both analytical and polymer chemistry. Over the next year, Amatiel continued her studies independently at her father's digression, and also assisted her father in his own work as part of a Brotherhood controlled research and development team for future shield and weaponry concepts.
Life changed for Amatiel when her father's research activities were leaked to Bretonian Police. Further investigation in the matter pegged Amatiel's father as working for the Brotherhood, and when he refused to give up his research, and the names of other members of his research team, he was imprisoned on the charge of treason. Manuel Castillo, true believer in the ideology of his his Brothers, unable to cope with the loss of his way of life, and with the fear of leaking sensitive information to Bretonia, managed to bribe a prison guard into providing him with a rope in order to hang himself with it.
Amatiel was enraged by the hostility of the Bretonian government, and faced her own troubles. She was taken to Leeds in front of a secret tribunal and told to swear an oath to Bretonia, and all records of her Corsair past would be eliminated. Members of Manuel Castillo's research team paid the Gaians a large amount of credits to mount a diversion attack on Stokes Mining Station during the tribunal. This gave the Brotherhood a small window where they managed to infiltrate Leeds and rescue Amatiel.
To embarrassed to admit to the general public and scientific community that the child prodigy was actually a Corsair, Bretonia faked the deaths of both Abigail Clark and her mother. Amatiel's mother is being held and silenced against her will at Leeds to this day. Amatiel, for fear some harm will come to her mother, has kept her former Bretonian life a secret within the Brotherhood.
Upon her arrival to her new permanent home in the Omicron Gamma system, Amatiel immediately began training to become an expert light fighter pilot. Her interests are simple. She holds a deep hatred for all Bretonia, and is an heiress to her father's legacy as a true believer of the Brotherhood's ideology. She now works with a research team on Crete designing chemical mixtures to further terraforming technology. Her major goal is to assist making Kalhmera habitable. In her free time Amatiel acquires materials for her research by forcibly removing them from enemy hands. This true believer of the Brotherhood is prepared to assist her Brothers and Sisters in any way possible.
Skills: Knowledge of chemistry, especially that which is related to terraforming gases. Some experience in research and development of shield and weapon systems. Currently working on a project to make Kalhmera habitable. Seven years of self trained light fighter piloting experience.
Reason for choosing TBH: Amatiel has pratical reasons to be involved with TBH. TBH's ideology fits Amatiel's needs, in that she must acquire expensive research materials to fund herself and provide her research team with material. Besides the practical reasons, Amatiel also has emotional and ideological reasons to be a part of TBH. Her deep hatred of Bretonia puts her in a position to uphold the nature of TBH by personal will and not solely by obligation to her Brothers and Sisters. She herself feels ashamed that her blood is tainted with Bretonian blood, but she also remains sympathetic to her mother, who managed to fall in love with a Corsair and not deny her own feelings. Her conversion to TBH was by choice and not purely situational; she is a true believer and honors TBH by never denying her Brothers and Sisters even at impossible odds.
Bio: At the age of 13 Amatiel Castillo was deemed a child prodigy when she patented her first synthetic gas Argon Hexanitrogen (ArN6) amazing chemists across the Sirius sector. The gas was later found to be a cheap way to assist in prolonged terrformation of certain uninhabitable planets by causing a volatile chemical reaction that thickens atmospheres. She lived the first years of her life as Abigail Clark and floating through Bretonia with her father, a Corsair living under an alias as well, and her Bretonian Mother. The situation was ideal for Amatiel and she studied at Oxford and Graduated by the age of 16 with a degrees in both analytical and polymer chemistry. Over the next year, Amatiel continued her studies independently at her father's digression, and also assisted her father in his own work as part of a Brotherhood controlled research and development team for future shield and weaponry concepts.
Life changed for Amatiel when her father's research activities were leaked to Bretonian Police. Further investigation in the matter pegged Amatiel's father as working for the Brotherhood, and when he refused to give up his research, and the names of other members of his research team, he was imprisoned on the charge of treason. Manuel Castillo, true believer in the ideology of his his Brothers, unable to cope with the loss of his way of life, and with the fear of leaking sensitive information to Bretonia, managed to bribe a prison guard into providing him with a rope in order to hang himself with it.
Amatiel was enraged by the hostility of the Bretonian government, and faced her own troubles. She was taken to Leeds in front of a secret tribunal and told to swear an oath to Bretonia, and all records of her Corsair past would be eliminated. Members of Manuel Castillo's research team paid the Gaians a large amount of credits to mount a diversion attack on Stokes Mining Station during the tribunal. This gave the Brotherhood a small window where they managed to infiltrate Leeds and rescue Amatiel.
To embarrassed to admit to the general public and scientific community that the child prodigy was actually a Corsair, Bretonia faked the deaths of both Abigail Clark and her mother. Amatiel's mother is being held and silenced against her will at Leeds to this day. Amatiel, for fear some harm will come to her mother, has kept her former Bretonian life a secret within the Brotherhood.
Upon her arrival to her new permanent home in the Omicron Gamma system, Amatiel immediately began training to become an expert light fighter pilot. Her interests are simple. She holds a deep hatred for all Bretonia, and is an heiress to her father's legacy as a true believer of the Brotherhood's ideology. She now works with a research team on Crete designing chemical mixtures to further terraforming technology. Her major goal is to assist making Kalhmera habitable. In her free time Amatiel acquires materials for her research by forcibly removing them from enemy hands. This true believer of the Brotherhood is prepared to assist her Brothers and Sisters in any way possible.
(P.S. posted originally as a topic, and admin might want to remove it. I apologize)
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Hello? I'm in range now, can you hear me?
Hey there, I got a friend here you should talk to, he's not much of a talker but he has always had a way with making those ships burst into flames. One moment, patching him through...
<<Re-establishing connection>>
<<Incoming Transmission>>
Hello, my name is Mark Cane, I won't tell you a lot about my past because somethings are better left unsaid. I'm 28 years old I've had a lot of experience on the outskirts of liberty space. I'm a full fledged fighter pilot but recently had a run in with outcasts and lost my ship, all my credits, and my son...This is why I am here, I am here to cleanse the universe of those god forsaken Outcasts untill every last one of them begs for mercy to be spared by my hand. I am aware that The Brotherhood can help me on my quest. All I have to offer you is my skill and cunning, because of the fact I have lost everything I have ever held dear. I cannot remember a time in my life where I have been respected, or happy about the things I have accomplished, but I am hoping that The Brotherhood will be able to provide me with that opportunity
That is all you need to know about me. The rest will go with me to the grave.
3. Skills: Im a new pilot so i don`t have very good skills.
But i want to become a good pilot.
I work a lot to get better and i will learn fast.
4.Reason: I want to got to Brotherhood because i want learn more about Discovery and Cosair History
and fight for my favorite Faction to bring my family honour and glory back.
5. Biography: In age of 15 years i have to leave Crete because my sister Savana was lost on a mission and my father give me the mission to find she. 2 months ago i find a Freelancer who boast he kill a Cosair pilot with a ship like them of my sister so i kill him and go back to Crete but my father not accept my reason why i come back so he disown me. Now i went back because my father die and i have to take his place. I do the work i have to do and now time is here to get to one of the factions to bring my family her old honour back.
Tow yeras i escort artifactsmuggler to Sigma systems now i think time is come to get another job for me.
But my family is not strong as it was when my father live. Now other familys became more powerful so i can`t get another job and now im search for a possibility to bring my familys strong back and get a good first men. My life is not really intrested so i want to go to a faction who is interesting to become a better pilot and this felling when you do somthing really good for some others. My last chance to bring my family a bit of its old honour back. If you not take me i can`t be a cosair any more.
Since the Elders were not able to contact you as they are all busy currently. I have sent you a few questions on a more secure channel, if you're sincere about joining our cause then I'm sure you'll answer correctly.