Armor: 55 k
Bats/bots: 250
gun/turrets: 0/6 ( all of them forward)
cargo space: 280
max. angular: 0.72 (doesn't reflect handling)
- agility better than some bombers and much better than nearest GB (Lane Hacker)
- size smaller than some bombers and half the nearest GB (LH again)
- 6 forward firing turrets
How it affects combat
- Very dangerous to fighters/bombers - almost impossible to hit with SN (when frozen can't hit me with 4/5 SNs in his Catamaran it's almost impossible)
- Quite dangerous against other GBs/capships - as 80% of gunboat survival is in its shield, it can dodge GB/Cruiser fire when shield gets down and then fire (say 4 Cerbs, or some infernos) in short periods, having same firepower as most GBs ( same powersupply and 6 turrets).
What could be changed
It could remain anti-fighter/bomber specialized =>
- One less turret (drop completely or make it rear-only)
- lower cargo space so that it can't mount any capship armor, without one it dies to 1 SN
Let's get this done.
After spending a lot of time fighting these things, I'm sick and tired of them. Spending some time in Liberty in a 'criminal' bomber, I get hounded down by hoards of fighters, liberty gunboats and cruisers. All fine. But when I see a gunship...oh boy... my heart just sinks when I think about the 30 minutes of retarded dodging and insane aiming I'm gonna have to do to try and take that gunship down...
I remember a time when both Orcas and Gunships were used, but lately, it seems everyone's ditched the Orca (for it's obvious flaws) and all fly gunships now.
Hittability (is that a word?:P)
I can attest to Mjolnir saying that thing is impossible to hit, OK it's bigger than a fighter (which can be hit) but barely. On it's own, it's easy to hit, but when dodging 6 gunboat guns, even a straight flying gunship becomes near impossible to hit. If you're attacking from the side, the small size, turn rate and speed of the gunship makes it impossible to hit without ramming it, which is... ironically... illegal...
If I'm 'jousting' a Gunship in my Praetorian, it really is just that, jousting. The turn rate of the gunship is so high, that's almost all I can do. I try and pass and turn quicker, I make the turn quicker by half a second, and the gunship's already facing me.
6 turrets... With the exception of the Corsair gunboat and the likes, 6 turrets is 'normal' (maybe a forward gun but you know what I mean). Take that and it's size and mobility, you've got one uber-ship that can solo and survive for quite a long time (and even kill some) 5 bombers...
What should be done?
Nerf it or even delete it.
First of all the Orca needs to be fixed up, the stats are OK at the moment, but the forward gun needs work, hell give the forward gun a full hemi sphere arc, I don't care as long as that justifies the Gunship's nerfin'.
1. Remove the gunship's cargo hold, so only fighter armor can be mounted, and reduce hull(52.8k and below) so that one supernova/heavy mortar will kill it.
2. Reduce the number of guns, take 1 or even 2 turrets off, with that mobility 4 turrets ain't that bad.
3. Reduce it's energy so it can't just spam it's guns like a normal gunboat, but has to do quick passes and do damage in short intervals, reducing it's energy also means it won't be able to shoot cerberus, which should be the case since the info card says it's anti fighter.
4. Delete it. It's a star wars ship, the BHG already has the Orca, and BHs are infamous for spamming these things against a single fighter/bomber. We don't need it, everyone hates it, and it's abused. Just get rid of the damned thing.
Remember, I'm suggesting ONE of these options, not all of them together, so don't think that I'm trying to completely cripple the gunship. (with the exception of number 4;))
' Wrote:I agree it is very good, I am a user of this vessel, as I was of the old rogue gunboat (and new one)
I think #1 would do perfectly, simply limit its cargo hold so cap armors cannot be mounted.
Yea the way I see it, if it's an anti fighter ship, then it should be similar to the SHF class, overwhelming firepower and mobility, but vulnerable as well (1 supernova)
Look at Dreygon's BHG Capital thread for my design for the new Bounty Hunter gunship. it's similar sized to now, but actually looks like a Bounty Hunter ship (mix of bomber and Orca).
It will only have 5 turrets, so it can be balanced around that. A reduction in cargo is necessary I reckon.
Just make it the same stats as the Hacker Gunship it's not much use against anything but fighters these days unless it has numbers on it's side anyways. Unless I'm not taking the ship sizes into account of course which I'm probably not I haven't seen them both together.
' Wrote:Options.
1. Remove the gunship's cargo hold, so only fighter armor can be mounted, and reduce hull(52.8k and below) so that one supernova/heavy mortar will kill it.
It kills it now with normal armor, but yes hold should be 249:P
Quote:2. Reduce the number of guns, take 1 or even 2 turrets off, with that mobility 4 turrets ain't that bad.
Quote:3. Reduce it's energy so it can't just spam it's guns like a normal gunboat, but has to do quick passes and do damage in short intervals, reducing it's energy also means it won't be able to shoot cerberus, which should be the case since the info card says it's anti fighter.
Might require new powerplant.. or maybe not: Luxury liner one has 300k capacity 30k recharge, compared to GB one 500k/ 65k recharge.
Quote:4. Delete it. It's a star wars ship, the BHG already has the Orca, and BHs are infamous for spamming these things against a single fighter/bomber. We don't need it, everyone hates it, and it's abused. Just get rid of the damned thing.
Not I guess, will require player wipe.
I would got with 1 AND 2. Not to mention a hitbox that fits. Right now the front is not really covered much.
EDIT: @Teknikal hitbox size is the biggest difference there.
LH GS has a hitbox that is twice the ship... while the ship itself is twice the BHG GS.
BHG GS has a hitbox that is like 2/3 of the ship.
So LH GS has close to 4 times the hittable volume compared to BHG GS.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
put a good gb pilot behind it, and a certain type of setup, its a davastating weapon.
im all for it being removed, but since it wont be removed, nerfed down to what it should be. also, teknikal, its not just a fighter weapon. a bh gunship can easily whoop a cruiser's butt, even with only 4 gun turrets (done it)
also, while we are at this, why not consider mjolnir's idea about giving gb turrets ammo? those of you who are on the unlawful side of liberty, and fly fighters/bombers know what im talking about. in the past 2 weeks, the number of gunboats has risen, but thats not all. they are mounting a minimum of 4 missile turrets, while some are going for a full missile turret loadout, with the pure intention to whore em against the enemies that are restricted to fighters/bombers (xenos, anyone?):dry:
But after some more thinking I thought restricting the number of missile turrets a GB can mount (by introducing an own missile class (one is still free - Class 6), it can server almost the same purpose, if it's not possible to make them use ammo.
' Wrote:im all for it being removed, but since it wont be removed, nerfed down to what it should be. also, teknikal, its not just a fighter weapon. a bh gunship can easily whoop a cruiser's butt, even with only 4 gun turrets (done it)
Ah I think you misunderstood me I was trying to say the Hacker Gunship isn't really a match for another Gunboat of course that isnt taking the pilots into account.
If the hitbox of the Hacker Gunship is in fact 4 times larger than the Bounty hunter Gunship then yeah I'm in agreement with the suggestion to nerf it even though I would ussually be against the idea of nerfing anything.