I logged on today and noticed that my indie Nomad cruiser had been upgraded to a BC. I've never liked piloting BCs for reasons I'm not going to get into right now, so I thought I could try out that snazzy new Nomad cruiser. Well, that didn't pan out (wrong ID), so I tried to purchase a Nammu - same result.
First question: Is this going to be a permanent situation for indie Nomads, i.e. a very narrow selection of permitted vessels (BC and snubs)?
Second question: Since the redesigned Marduk has a smaller power core, is there any chance of allowing indies to use it within the indie Nomad capship ZOI?
The new Nomad ships are currently locked for everyone, as stated in the bug reports. This will change with the next hotfix patch. Only the Marduk will continuously remain restricted to officials.
I wouldn't mind giving access to the Ish'Tar to the officials (one per) and the Marduk to the indies, as long as Indie nomad ID loses its right to treat transports as combat targets.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
(10-30-2017, 02:42 PM)sindroms Wrote: I wouldn't mind giving access to the Ish'Tar to the officials (one per) and the Marduk to the indies, as long as Indie nomad ID loses its right to treat transports as combat targets.
The problem was with the permission to engage anyone anywhere, so people might make a nomad BS to "avenge" themselves in any system they got shot in. Nomad cloaks, full Sirius ZOI and able to attack anything, that's the reason.
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