I'm willing to donate on a regular basis of $30 a month to the discovery server, with $100 as my first donation. Is Discover accepting donations, if so where do I donate too?
I'm donating regardless, but, I'd like to exercise an old gimmick of mine...
If it's okay with the server admins, I will give each donator 10million credits per 10 dollars donated. I know thats not a lot, but hopefully the amount I can give will increase over time.
I'd have no problem donating around ?10 ($18) a month, though I might do if I quit my job... but for now I'm happy with that. I would, however, have to be enticed into my first donation by promises of upgraded server hardware ;0)
Ok gentlemen, if you would like to donate, talk to Wolfpack, as he would be more then happy to put the donations to bettering the server that Discovery is on. :)