Since this forum is already bloated with almost anything, i could not find any "ship models" "ship source model" "...." threads through search.
So, i would be grateful if i could get my hands on source models of these ships:
Outcast Dreadnought - Ranseur(no link yet)
Phantom Cruiser - Umbrage(no link yet)i miss Huntress (was a beauty)
Phantom VHF - Shadow(no link yet)
Order Assault Carrier - Geb(no link yet)
Red Hessian Cruiser - Vidar(no link yet)
Nomad Battleship - Marduk(no link yet)
AI Cruiser - Harvester(no link yet)
I'm working on a project of mine, but it concerns real life not the actual game, hehe. - I guess you already know what am i up to.
If the above mentioned models are scattered around the forum, this thread could also change to "model list thread".
Please don't post here if it's not about the models. aka. no post hunting.
~The eyes that only see prey. An instinct to act on~
~The bloodlust and it’s just, Not enough... Not enough.~
~But that’s the chain of command, And now we know we must not hide~
The sources for most of those will be almost impossible to find - you'll have better luck importing them with the Milkshape importer and then cleaning up their geometry.
~The eyes that only see prey. An instinct to act on~
~The bloodlust and it’s just, Not enough... Not enough.~
~But that’s the chain of command, And now we know we must not hide~
Nom Marduk - if you want the 2.0 revision, ask Yuri @Treewyrm ; Default one is vanilla and came with the game, so no source files for it.
Phantom shipline - imports from other mods, we never had any source files for them;
Order Carrier - made by @Jinx so ask him;
Outcast & Red Hessian lines - @massdriver and "epyonthebored" whom I never knew the forum account of.
Special promotion on cloaks. Made In Donesia. *We claim no responsibility for any kind of damage or sudden explosion that might occur from proper use of this product.
Eppy is going to be virtually impossible to get in touch with.. if I could, I'd have brought him back from the dead a long time ago. Massdriver and Yuri aren't impossible to find, Jinx tends to be a little more difficult.
On a related note, if you'd like to do any of the following models, I have the sources for all of these, as they're my own work:
@eigos & @Durandal: Check git repo, .max files for most nomad mk2 ships are in there. You always had those.
OC dread I might have in some backups since I did mesh optimization and texturing.
Ranseur has the biggest value for me *smiles*. (Ships are ordered in their respective importance)
Could someone post/pm-me the link to that git repo ?
~The eyes that only see prey. An instinct to act on~
~The bloodlust and it’s just, Not enough... Not enough.~
~But that’s the chain of command, And now we know we must not hide~
~The eyes that only see prey. An instinct to act on~
~The bloodlust and it’s just, Not enough... Not enough.~
~But that’s the chain of command, And now we know we must not hide~
(01-30-2018, 10:20 AM)Durandal Wrote: On a related note, if you'd like to do any of the following models, I have the sources for all of these, as they're my own work:
May i have the "Arbiter Hellfire Legion Battleship" ? =)
~The eyes that only see prey. An instinct to act on~
~The bloodlust and it’s just, Not enough... Not enough.~
~But that’s the chain of command, And now we know we must not hide~