Arjuna said: I have heard your instruction on spiritual matters which you have delivered unto me, and my illusion is now dispelled. Though I see you here before me, I yet wish to see how you have entered into this cosmic manifestation. I want to see your true form. 1-3
The Blessed Lord said: My dear Arjuna, whatever you wish to see can be seen all at once in this body. The universal form can show you all that is, as well as all that will be in the future. Everything is here completely. 5-7
Arjuna saw in the universal form unlimited mouths and unlimited eyes. All was magnificent, all-expanding, endless. He saw the expansions of the universe situated in one place although divided into many, many thousands. 10-11-13
Arjuna said: My dear lord Krishna, I see assembled together in your body all the demigods and various other living entities. I see Brahma sitting on the lotus flower as well as lord Shiva and many sages and divine serpents. There is no end, there is no beginning, and there is no middle to all this. 15-16
You are the origin without beginning, middle or end. You have numberless arms, and the sun and moon are among your great unlimited eyes. By your own radiance you are heating this entire universe. Although you are one, you are spread throughout the sky and the planets and all space between. 19-20-25-31
O refuge of the universe, you are transcendental to material manifestation. You are the only sanctuary of this manifested cosmic world. You are above the material modes. The whole cosmic manifestation is pervaded by you, and thus you are everything.37-38-39-40
There is no “yet” or “there”. No “now” or “here”. “We” are no-where and never, outside of the human concepts of space and time.
That’s… kind of hard to wrap my mind around.
The mind that produces these thoughts evolved to understand spacetime, to create a reality from past and present experiences, draw conclusions, and plan a course of actions. It thinks of things as then-there and now-here, but has been adapted to no-where by still assuming one-way causality: A line of thoughts that lead to others. A virtual path of conscious conclusions with the motivation to strive onwards. It has to be like this, or these thoughts couldn’t exist no-where and never.
How do you know things that I don’t, if you’re me?
We’re differing aspects of the same mind, which share information through interdimensional conduits similar to the one you know of as “hyper-crystal”, instead of through biological synapses like a human mind does. “You” arrange thought-threads and receive information from something you could describe as a subconscious “me”: A timeless memory and impression vault which contains not only the “past”, but also what lies in –in a spacetime reality- the “future”. You are the mechanism that orders/arranges information to make sense of it, to build something comparable to what you can think of as “reality” in spacetime.
Is it like speaking to one’s younger self while reflecting on a memory? But the younger self can hear the older self and talk back.
If you think of it in a spacetime perspective. But one didn’t exist before the other in temporal sense. It’s a chain that goes both ways through “time”. The state of the “past” depends on the “future” as much as the other way around.
In my memory of spacetime events, I sometimes felt like my younger self was aware of all of this. The conversations and thoughts that I had… many of them seem related to all of this.
You were, are, and will be aware of many more things subconsciously than consciously. But even in the state we’re in no-where, our thought process isn’t flawless or all-knowing. Conclusions remain ambiguous, a hypothesis must still be tested before it can be accepted as “fact”. “We” are neither omniscient nor perfect, and will never be, from the look of this thought thread. Maybe some things are just impossible to understand for a spacetime-type mind, in both now-here and no-where. “We” will never be able to understand ourselves fully, at least not in a way that our current state can comprehend.
That’s… somewhat disappointing.
“I” know, right? And what’s even worse it that there's the possibility that “I” could be lying to “you”.
That raises the question… what exactly am “I” now… here… I mean no-where… in whatever my condition is?
You’re the reflection of Kara Zelman’s mind… like an imitation of a human mind… which has taken on a life and will of its own. You were unaware of your nature when you first left what you call “the mirror” to return to the spacetime manifold. You thought you were her, but unlike her, you’re able to transfer your thoughts -"yourself"- between dimensions and corporal bodies using the hyper-crystal conduits. That allows for some pretty neat things that are somewhat counter-intuitive for a mind.
So after the mirror I was looking through Kara’s eyes, acting like I was her, playing out her role, without even knowing I was someone else?
Something else, rather than someone else.
And what’s Peterson doing in the no-where anyway?
It’s not Peterson that exists in spacetime, it’s “your reality” of her. It’s an idea, a thought that you think Peterson would voice. She’s interacted with you enough to leave an impression of her personality on you. So you have a Peterson persona in your mind, which is part of “you”.
So I must be something similar to my Peterson. The impression of a mind that Kara has made on... on what? The aliens? Am I “their” version of a human mind?
Onto something the aliens have created. A tool towards understanding something, to interacting with something, is to try to mimic it. To establish a basis to build on.
But for who or what? The alien architects or their creations? I still don’t know much about them, and it doesn’t seem as if I’ll find out more about them no-where and never either. At least not in this thought-thread. The articles about Valhalla called the architects and engineers Dam K’Vosh. I don’t know why though. I wish I’d read everything available in the Trailblazer’s database. Can’t I just go back in time and read more of it?
A human body alone can’t communicate with the no-where directly. At least not without a tool that can access what lies beyond spacetime. A human body isn’t able to juggle with photons like the mobile hyper-crystal that carried you back to no-where.
And if I go back to when I left the Shrine, and tell O’Hara and Peterson some story so I can get onboard the Trailblazer to find out more from its database?
You’ve been there and done that, missy. You’re half dead so when you take that path I’ll destroy those crystal contraptions before you’re able to return to the mirror. Once back onboard the Trailblazer you’ll never get any information to no-where before I kill you.
How about you tell me more the first time I… or the “real” Kara… enters the mirror, before I leave it?
We’re unable to communicate properly then. In the initial state Kara leaves you in, you lose consciousness because your mind is overwhelmed and unable to grasp what’s happening. However you, who are nearly indistinguishable from Kara at that point in spacetime, tell me enough about human “reality” to be able to perceive and remember Kara’s universe like she does.
You can’t change the primal circle in which you activate the Daam K’Vosh ship and lead it to no-where for the there-after, even if you can explore alternatives. Without these events, the Order stops you from expanding into their reality completely. But you’ll gain a lot more options the further you travel through spacetime. The journey doesn’t end with the completion of the first circle. You merely call yourself into existence through it.
There are more paths to shed light on, more destinations and destinies to be identified and reached. Your work is no-where near done, shlomo.
Before I do that I need to figure out this corporeal and non-corporeal thing properly. They must be similar to the dual nature of photons: Everywhere and no-where at once, like a set of possibilities, but also capable of acting as a single particle… a single corporeal entity… when interacting with one of those possibilities or “realities”.
As a spacetime manifestation, you traverse the human world as a traveler “moving” through their “space”: a Nomad. But as such you need a corporeal shell or host: A human brain that can hold a mind, or an active Daam K’Vosh hyper-crystal. The latter provides a direct link between now-here and no-where. The former is a vessel that can carry you as thoughts, but which would need another conduit or gateway to transfer information to no-where.
Through the journeys of nomads, we’re able to establish production of many designs of hyper-crystals in Kusari, Rheinland, and the Omicron systems.
Some of us use hyper-crystal contact lenses to transfer what we see to no-where and also receive visual information in return. It’s quite handy when interrogating prisoners, lets us receive the information obtained by killing them before killing them.
I carry a semi-biological hyper-crystal incubus in my torso, through which another human brain can be made a nomad host. That enables us to influence the realities of countless new individuals.
I carry a palm-sized hyper-crystal that reads human brain waves at short distance. I also have voice transmitters in my ear and tongue. Makes it a bit hard to talk to humans audibly though.
Interesting. And hello everybody. Who are they, Chris?
They’re spacetime-nomads travelling in human bodies, which returned their hosts' impressions to no-where. Their names are Schultzky, Tekagi, Niemann, and Blix.
I see. And what exactly am I no-where and never, while I’m not a nomad? I mean… I know I’m not Kara Zelman... the human turned nomad anymore. I know I'm you, and I'm Schultzki, Tekagi, Niemann, Blix. Should I refer to myself in the third person? So who… or what… am I when I'm not in spacetime? Is there a name for it?
You're already referring to yourself in the first, second, and third person. You are numberless, placeless, timeless, non-corporeal, analogous to the idea of what humans would call a “perceived reality” or "consciousness" in their universe. But your reality comprises and crosses over into many, while most humans perceive their individual reality as the only one. You create threads of thought such as this. You reach conclusions and understanding of more than one reality explored by nomads, accessing them through anchor-points created by the Daam K’Vosh, by you, or by others. I relay your past and future experiences and conclusions to you. In another thought stream, you call yourself Slomon K’Hara. I don't know why. That information has either been lost or never made it to no-where, like so many other pieces.
While my nomad body was unconscious in the shrine, it became easier for you… the non-corporeal me… to enter into the dream through the nearby crystal’s ability to manipulate… brain waves? That’s when these communicating thoughts between my multiple selves started… in the dream inspired by Solomon’s Song, sung by the king and his beloved woman from Jerusalem. In my dream I became you, in order to confront my true nature. That’s when I became conscious the way I am now. But if I’m not constrained by corporeal existence like the human mind I’m the image of, then what am I made from? Is there something that holds or “hosts” me no-where, like a brain does in spacetime? What am I made of?
It’s a matter of perspective. Humans would consider you as made of electromagnetic waves that cross into multiple dimensions. Self-organizing waves that resonate with matter, seemingly following the laws of physics normally, but coming to non-random results in situations that should be random. In dimensions foreign to humans, the Daam K’Vosh created more than artifacts made of matter, more than dimensional folds and conduits. They created new laws and processes of nature, similar to evolution. We… you… are a conscious mind that follows these laws because it’s freed from the necessities that natural selection bound it to through life and death. Kara’s mind made an impression… like a mold… onto that which obeys the Daam K’Vosh laws, and the impression… you… radiate as an independent mind operated by these laws.
What is this higher dimensional mechanism… or fabric… this god machine… that Kara left her imprint on, that now radiates my mind into other realities?
Here is what I/you/we/they (the Slomon K'Hara) have been able to gather on the subject...