(03-07-2018, 04:06 PM)Giorgi Wrote: BCs were okay after the rework. They were better at killing cruisers, which is their main purpose.
It wasn't their main purpose before the rework, and they were better balanced for their previous purpose than they are now. It's kind of a circular arguement to say they were rebalanced because their purpose is killing cruisers, or rather it's switching cause with effect, it's more like their purpose became killing cruisers because they were rebalanced.
There was a thread of the upcoming capital balance changes where Titan outlined that the BCs were good at killing BSs and not so good against cruisers, so the purpose of the rework was to make them better against cruisers and worse against battleships. I agree it is just semantics and can be argued.
(03-07-2018, 04:06 PM)Giorgi Wrote: BCs were okay after the rework. They were better at killing cruisers, which is their main purpose.
It wasn't their main purpose before the rework, and they were better balanced for their previous purpose than they are now. It's kind of a circular arguement to say they were rebalanced because their purpose is killing cruisers, or rather it's switching cause with effect, it's more like their purpose became killing cruisers because they were rebalanced.
There was a thread of the upcoming capital balance changes where Titan outlined that the BCs were good at killing BSs and not so good against cruisers, so the purpose of the rework was to make them better against cruisers and worse against battleships. I agree it is just semantics and can be argued.
I'm just saying that before Titan making that announcement the intended purpose of BCs were to be a counter against BSs, and were well balanced according to that purpose.
I think BCs were fine with their previous purpose/balance, but I admit I can easily be biased. In my personal case the changes rendered Council Obstinates completely useless (affecting three shared faction ships at the time), and if Barb and Durandal would have not made the Triumph and the Penance, that would have become permanent.
The main purpose of a BC is the fine line between a BS and a cruiser, everyone knows this. Comparable speed of a Cruiser with the range of a BS.
The fact that this was overlooked for the 'counter-of-cruisers' idea is pure crap. Anything if put right could counter a cruiser, and other cruisers were no exception. The fact that the plan was to practically nerf an entire class of ship just to create 'balance' that was already there is also pure crap.
Either you can rework BCs into the effective machine they once were, or you can remove the entire class altogether. The fact that we now have an entirely useless class of ship that can't do it's own fraking job anymore is just a waste of potential and theorizing that honestly can be put to better use elsewhere.
What's the point in making them counter cruisers? I don't see the logic in that at all. Heavier Cruisers were already good Cruiser counters.
And why pick a Battlecruiser over a Cruiser anyway? Cruisers have better survivability in group engagements because they're more lightweight, and as a result, they're actually better at anti-Battleship now.
Our Bullheads collect dust because there's just absolutely no reason to use it over the Thresher or even the Mako.
(03-07-2018, 10:42 PM)Spectre Wrote: 'balance' that was already there
Except the "balance" wasn't even close to being "there", they were way too good against battleships. The beloved LABC even had its crosshair off-center for a while. Anyway, BCs have received a noticeable buff just half a day ago, give the patch notes a read.
The only 'buff' I see is the new guns and shield. Everything else is still terrible. They can't fight cruisers because both their guns and speed is too slow, and they can't counter BS anymore because they're too big and have worse range.
One small fix to BCs before would've been fine, but instead a 'total rework' was done when all that was needed was tweaking. As Lyth said, heavy cruisers (Donau, Thanatos, etc.) can easily counter cruisers, and now BCs can't counter anything.
I've dueled BCs before, and while I'm not good, I've easily outdone an LABC with an LSC, a ship that is, as per the changelogs and the plan with BCs, SUPPOSED TO COUNTER CRUISERS.
So you tell me, pal. Are you going to keep supporting a ship class that is being subsequently broken with each update geared towards fighting a ship class it instinctively cannot counter because of the efforts made to make it crap against BSs? The simple fact that they're being made worse against BSs is the sole reason why they're not fight-worthy. You cannot counter anything effectively in a BC anymore, and that's why there's no one flying them anymore outside of true dedication, unholy skill or just pure reluctance to switch ship classes.
(03-07-2018, 11:41 PM)Giorgi Wrote: Except the "balance" wasn't even close to being "there", they were way too good against battleships.
No offence but the only people who believed this were bad Battleship players tbh. They were absolutely fine vs Batteships and were very skill dependent. A Battlecruiser is dead meat if it gets cruised on.
(03-07-2018, 11:51 PM)Spectre Wrote: As Lyth said, heavy cruisers (Donau, Thanatos, etc.) can easily counter cruisers, and now BCs can't counter anything.
Just making a clarification, I never said BCs can't counter anything (except Battleships). The rework didn't make them unusable, and they are certainly effective against Cruisers, there's just no reason to pick a BC over a Cruiser. Or a Battleship.
(03-07-2018, 11:41 PM)Giorgi Wrote: Except the "balance" wasn't even close to being "there", they were way too good against battleships.
No offence but the only people who believed this were bad Battleship players tbh. They were absolutely fine vs Batteships and were very skill dependent. A Battlecruiser is dead meat if it gets cruised on.
Well, I was testing cruisers/BCs extensively at that point (3 BCs 2 cruisers in the account) and it was pretty obvious the BCs were too good against BSs, especially in groupfights (esp Obstinate/Bullhead), Also, any cap is dead meat when it gets cruised on by a heavier ship, that really isn't exclusive to old BCs.
(03-07-2018, 11:41 PM)Giorgi Wrote: Except the "balance" wasn't even close to being "there", they were way too good against battleships.
No offence but the only people who believed this were bad Battleship players tbh. They were absolutely fine vs Batteships and were very skill dependent. A Battlecruiser is dead meat if it gets cruised on.
Well, I was testing cruisers/BCs extensively at that point (3 BCs 2 cruisers in the account) and it was pretty obvious the BCs were too good against BSs, especially in groupfights (esp Obstinate/Bullhead), Also, any cap is dead meat when it gets cruised on by a heavier ship, that really isn't exclusive to old BCs.
Well through my extensive experience, whilst I could solo Battleships with old BCs back in my prime, better Battleship pilots like Thunderer could get the better of me. And at the same time, I would see many Battlecruiser pilots that would really have no idea what to do when met with a Battleship charging them head-on. There's a lot of skill and understanding involved in piloting Battlecruisers. One wrong move and that's it - you're toast.
Cruisers have much more survivability when cruised upon by Battleships. They're agiler and have a better chance of escaping alive. Battlecruisers don't get that opportunity.