Greetings agent. I'll try to keep my message brief.
Yes, we will try to give you a base of operations. Due to the sensitive nature of our forward post in Tohoku, I believe the Admiralty is not too keen on having you fly from over there right now. As such, I'm settling you on Matsue base less used hangars, from where you can deploy very quickly to any corner within Kusari.
Core agents are clear to move within Kusari in transit or in business related to this agreement. They are to not interfere with law enforcement operations unless explicit request comes from field officers. With the exception of nomad related affairs, they are not entitled to intervene. As for the Order... well, if they are present, it's probably because nomads are afoot too....
Core agents are given clearance to operate in secured areas of Tohoku, Hiroshima, and outer regions in the Kusari sphere of influence, and combat any incidence of Nomad activity on their own initiative. All action reports are to be relayed to the KNI office for review of the operation.
Hardware trials and lease will be operated under the watch of the Kempeitai and KNI, mostly in Hiroshima. Details at a later date.
When able, provide me a timetable for the start of the operation, and a list of field officers taking charge of the actions.
I guess Core operations had to go into hibernation, considering the time lapse between last contact and now. The situation in our homelands has changed quite a bit, and I'm not at liberty to make agreements and concessions as I was when we were "off season". I presume the news feed are stable enough in the Omicrons for Core to get the gist of things.
That being said, my suggestion is to consider something that does not involve the sigmas, or any operations that with substantial demands of our resources. Other than that, let's see what you can bring to the table.