Ayy sorry shelco I havent seen it... so first of all thanks to tanith to make the stand of separatists clear and the second thing is that we dont need to belive everything they said they are probably the biggest enemy besides HF that liberty fears so why shouldnt we accept there help if they want to give it to us? Sure sure if they in the end wants to take liberty over than we will have a new and bigger enemy that will be harder to beat but until than they can be a really good allie for us. And if Amina or the SSRT belives them all they say is simply out of question as long as they belive what we say so why shouldnt Amina lie or say what they want to hear to get the support from them?
I question whether it is realistic that you are overcoming the fact that Gallia killed a lot of your ex-comrades, or rather, whether it is realistic that you can already forget that and ally with them. However, I'll just leave it to you and assume you have not done this for the reasons I described earlier. Saying that it was all simply a lie seems a bit iffy to me but I cannot look into the head of your character so I will just assume that you are not making this up. Good luck with your roleplay in that case.