I know, this is a rather unusual thing to happen, comms between us I mean, given our history. Anyways... Let me introduce myself. I am Zack Xander, Fleet Admiral of Crayter Military, member of Quorum and Captain of CFV Olympia, which is a vessel you probably know well enough already.
Now the reason I am contacting you is, in fact, Gallia's advancement into New London. As you know, Bretonia is making a last stand at this point and they need every available help they can get. That means, we should not grapple eachother, at least in Bretonia and instead, focus on Gallia for the moment, until the imminent threat is fended off. We can do our usual business once again when we manage to stop Gallia munching both of us, hmm? I do not see the need of wasting manpower of eachother right now while both of us are so near to conflict zones, you being next to Lorraine and we being right next to Bretonia. I hope your so-called enhanced personas can see the logic behind my words and reach an agreement.
Xander, out.
Signed, Zack Xander
Fleet Admiral
Commander of First Fleet
Crayter Military
Unknown Location, Omicron Alpha
28th of January, 826 A.S.
Sender: Geneviève Marie Mercier Recipient: Zack Xander, CrayterRepublic
Buenos diás,
You are in luck, your excellency. If the Don would 'ave seen your message with you referring to 'im in such a lax manner, 'e would not 'ave considered anything you were saying. Now, I can assume you do mean what you are saying. Therefore, I would propose that you rephrase your message, your excellency, as to reflect who you are speaking to. Then I will forward your message to the Council.
I do not know what kind of rephrasement you are after. I apologize if I was too blunt, but know that I am no diplomat. If what you seek is a more pompous and "diplomatic" approach, then I can certainly open this channel to Alicia Young, Foreign Affairs.
Xander, out.
Signed, Zack Xander
Fleet Admiral
Commander of First Fleet
Crayter Military
Unknown Location, Omicron Alpha
30th of January, 826 A.S.
Sender: Geneviève Marie Mercier Recipient: Zack Xander, Crayter Republic
I would certainly recommend you delegate tasks that are not suited for you to people who are.
Now, addressing the new diplomat, her excellency Alicia Young, the Council 'as 'ad a meeting regarded the paraphrased request of your leader. Their connondrum is as follows: With the decisive Victory of the Basilica in Tau-29, the Maltese Navy is now at the doorsteps of your current home worlds in Coronado. Their predictions indicate that the system of Coronado will be pacified within the coming year. From this perspective, any freedom the Council grants you will inevitably lead to your military recovering and therefore drawing out the fight that you are predicted to eventually lose.
To us, the Council has concluded, engaging in neutrality with the Crayter Republic is only asking for you to regain enough strength to put up a longer fight. The Council would much rather wait until they established dominance over the Coronado system. Therefore, your excellency, the Council requires the Crayter Republic to offer something to us that would weigh heavy enough to warrant jeopardizing their plans for the Coronado system.
The Council awaits the offer of the Crayter Republic.
Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: Alicia Young; Ministry of Foreign Relations of the Crayter Republic
Location: Coronado
Good evening Ms Mercier,
while I can understand your suspicion on the offer presented by Mr. Xander, I would be glad if you would consider it further, before you discard a chance that would be helpful to everyone involved.
While you have indeed had a victory in Tau 29 and have indeed won that battle, you have by no means won a war. We must admit, that you have achieved said victory, but we suggest that you do not forget, that we did fight as equals, without foreign involvment in space, that we both are interested in remaining free from involvement of other possibly larger entities. So do not misjudge your position. The Republic is offering you a ceasefire, as we have realized that we are fighting a war that, upon closer inspection, is not necessary. Said war has been going for many years, long enough that some of our children do not even know why it started.
The government of the Crayterian Republic has thus reevaluated our approach towards Malta and its citizens. For some time we have opened Tau 44 to groups that you consider your allies. As this has been beneficial to them, just as much as it has been for us, we intend to stop the fights that so far have gained us nothing, but dead bodies floating in space and instead concentrate on the real dangers lingering in our neighborhood.
The war between our nations has its origin in our background as United Nations expedition, the Crayter Republic still feels bound to ancient values that as a most important aspect, value human lifes and free will. Something that conflicts with an essential part of your economy, whose value creation is largely based on the antiquated concept of slavery.
The Republic, due to its comparatively smaller size and the corresponding lack of manpower and workforce, has been forced to make great advancements in robotics and automation technologies, allowing us to use our scarce human ressources for higher purposes than welding ship hulls or harvesting plants.
What we are offering you in exchange for ceasing the hostilities is nothing less than the exchange of enslaved human workforce with modern technology, suited for the task.
We will furthermore allow Cardamine transports, regardless of their size, free transfer through our space. Cardamine itself will still be restricted to quantities for personal use on Colonial stations and planets, as we do not wish to endanger our citizens.
As I see it, you can accept an offer that holds great potential for all of us, or you can continue fighting us, based on previous victory and assumptions that luck will remain on your side in the future, while the real enemies get stronger and stronger.
Very well then, your excellency. The Council has convened on your request and submits the following draft of a treaty to the Crayter Republic for review. Let us see how you do in negotiations.
The National Council of Malta, representing the Nation of Malta, and the Crayter Republic (hereafter referred to as Parties) hereby agree to the following terms: Art. 1 - The National Council, representing the Nation of Malta obligates itself to do the following:
§ 1 [Cessation of Hostilities]
The Nation of Malta ceases its aggression towards the Crayter Republic.
§ 2 [Return of Prisoners of War]
The Nation of Malta releases all Crayter citizens captured during combat. Their free choice to remain within the Nation of Malta remains unaffected.
§ 3 [Recognition of the Crayter Republic as legal governmental entity]
The National Council is obligated to change its legislature to reflect the Crayter Republic as a legal entity with all the privileges and obligations that entails according to its fair and equally applied legislature. In addition, the National Council of Malta releases a statement, recognizing the Crayter Republic as a subject of international law.
§ 4 [Territories]
The Nation of Malta lays claim to the Tau-29 and Baffin systems. In addition, it will extend its legal influence into the Coronado system. The entire extend of the Barrier Rim becomes subject to the exclusive legislature of Malta.
§ 5 [Relocation of the MNS-Basilica]
The MNS Basilica relocates into the high orbit of Planet Yuma.
§ 6 [The Gallic War]
The Nation of Malta fights alongside the Crayter Republic to repell the Gallic invasion into Sirius.
§ 7 [Exclusion of independent entities]
The National Council is not responsible for the actions of independent Outcast families and organizations. Their actions cannot be held against the Nation of Malta as a whole.
Art. 2 - The Crayter Republic obligates itself to do the following:
§ 1 [Cessation of Hostilities]
The Crayter Republic ceases its aggression towards the Crayter Republic.
§ 2 [Return of Prisoners of War]
The Crayter Republic releases all Maltese captured during combat. Their free choice to remain within the Crayter Republic remains unaffected.
§ 3 [Recognition of the Nation of Malta as legal heir of the Hispania]
The Crayter Republic publically recognizes the Nation of Malta as the one true heir of the sleeper ship Hispania and as such, as an equal to the other Houses of Sirius.
§ 4 [Territories]
The Crayter Republic rescinds its territorial claim on the Coronado system in so far as it includes the Barrier Rim. It will furthermore rescind any other territorial claim on a territory that is being claimed by the National Council for the Nation of Malta.
§ 5 [Relocation of the MNS Basilica]
The Crayter Republic tolerates the relocation of the MNS Basilica into the high orbit of Planet Yuma.
§ 6 [The Gallic War]
The Crayter Republic fights alongisde the Nation of Malta to repell the Gallic invasion into Sirius.
§ 7 [Exclusion of independent entities]
The Crayter Republic is not responsible for the actions of Crayter entities not affiliated with the official governmental body. Their actions cannot be held against the Crayter Republic as a whole.
§ 8 [Amendment of legislature]
The Crayter Republic amends its legislature as to legalize the transport of Cardamine and slaves by anyone. It will outlaw Artifacts, Sorted Artifacts, and Xeno Artifacts. Cardamine is legalized for personal use, as to aid the dependent. The Crayter Republic amends any other legislature as necessary to facilitate the goals of this treaty.
Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: Alicia Young; Ministry of Foreign Relations of the Crayter Republic
Location: Coronado
Honored representatives of the Council,
we appreciate the work you have put into this draft, but we have to inform you, that we can not accept these terms.
There are points which are perfectly fine and within our mutual interest, so there is no need to debate those. We will gladly agree on the following terms:
§ 1 [Cessation of Hostilities]
§ 2 [Return of Prisoners of War]
§ 3 [Recognition of the Crayter Republic as legal governmental entity] / § 3 [Recognition of the Nation of Malta as legal heir of the Hispania]
§ 6 [The Gallic War]
§ 7 [Exclusion of independent entities]
However, we have to insist on the removal of the following:
§ 5 [Relocation of the MNS-Basilica]
While we certainly understand, that you would wish to establish a permanent base within the Coronado system, we have to consider that the utilization of a fully armed warship in close orbit to purely civilian settlements is certainly not acceptable. Even if you do not intend to use the vessels military capabilities, there will always be a risk of malfunctions or the vessels use for terroristic activties.
Firstly, we will gladly offer you access to bases owned by the Crayer Republic, so that your people will have a safe harbour within the system. Secondly, if you still deem it necessary to establish a shelter completely under your control, we will glady aid you in the establishment of a civilian base, which would be included in the final point introduced with this transmission.
We furthermore have to insist on the modification of the following:
§ 4 [Territories]
The Baffin system is controlled by the TAZ, who have granted us the application of Crayterian laws within very strict boundaries. Neither of us can and should challenge the status quo without the involvement of the TAZ.
Furthermore Coronado, with the exception of the area surrounding Barrier Gate, is considered purely Crayterian territory, thus the application of your laws will not be possible. Please keep in mind that the only thing even remotely justifiying a Maltese claim on territory within Coronado is the MNS-Basilica, a battleship that only exists within our space, as we, at this point, dont deem it dangerous enough to dispatch forces for its termination. Let me once more remind you, that you have won one battle, not a war, so there is no substantial reason to agree to this point.
We would be willed to agree a shared legislation within the Tau 29 system, splitting the system into two Zones of Influence.
We will furthermore agree to acknowledge the Maltese claims to the Omicron regions and the systems of Tau 23, the upper half of Tau 29, Tau 37 and Tau 53, as long as you agree to acknowledge our claims on the lower half of Tau 29 and the complete systems of Tau 31 and Tau 44.
§ 8 [Amendment of legislature]
As indicated in the previous transmission, we will agree to allow the transport of Cardamine without limitations within our space and we certainly agree to the presence of cardamine in quantities for personal use on our bases and planets, to ensure the physical and psychological wellbeing of people addicted to the substance, as long as there is no danger for other inhabitants.
While we can understand that you would like to restrict the trafficing of Artifacts to harm the economy of the Corsairs, we can not agree to this point. While the largest share of these Artifacts, especially the ones distributed by the Corsais and their lapdogs, are simple rocks, there are some that contain remnants of ancient technology. As you may know, there has been an ancient jumpgate within the Coronado system and our scientists are still studying its remains, which would certainly fall under this restriction. This has been a demanding, but also fruitful task. Declaring these objects contraband would certainly harm our development of scientific and technological knowledge. Knowledge, that we will also offer you, should you decide to put an end on this useless war.
As mentioned within my previous transmission: we value the basic human right of freedom and will thus not allow slavery within our sphere of influence. We will gladly aid you with exchanging enslaved human workers with robotic technologies that are able to do the very same tasks at an increased speed and with an increased precision. As this would directly increase the profits of your main income source, I do not see a reason for sticking to the inefficient use of human workforces.
This leads directly to the introduction of another point:
§ 9 [Exchange of scientific and technological knowledge]
Both parties agree to aid each other with non-military knowledge and technologies, in order to ensure mutual technological development and prosperity for their citizens.
I am looking forward to hearing your considerations regarding these points.
As it seems, there are a couple of misconceptions that probably need addressing before we can progress.
Regarding your objections to us demanding that you legalize you allow the free passage of people to and from Malta, you seem to assume that we merely abuse them as slaves on the Cardamine fields and that, if only we had the required machinery, we would not need these people. This is decidedly untrue. We are a space faring civilization, your excellency. We already have everything we need to automate our agriculture. What we do not have, however, is fertility. Cardamine makes perpetuating ourselves very hard, and as such, we need the steady influx of people to stabilize our civilization. To demand of us that we cease the flow of new blood to Malta would ask of us that we accept dying out because we cannot sustain ourselves. Obviously, we cannot accept that. Our cooperation hinges on the premise that you accept our right to exist. Therefore, you also need to accept the free passage of people to Malta. In time, they all become valuable members of our society and are valued as such. I would argue that living among us is preferable to a life in poverty in the mines of Pittsburgh or Manhattan, where Interspace Commerce holds them hostage to their debts.
Regarding the relocation of the Basilica, you need not be worried. The Maltese Navy consists exclusively of trained personell that volunteers for service. They are professionals. As such, misfires, or similar situations are nigh on impossible. However, even if they were, a high orbit would prevent misfires for harming civilians, as the distance to the planet would be too high. The Basilica would be there for your protection and in the most optimal spot to oversee the Cardamine routes. We both win in this situation.
Regarding our claim on Tau-29, we already demonstrated that we can police the system better than you. We lay claim to it all. Baffin is a vital part of the Cardamine route and as such, we are unwilling to consider anything less than total control of the corridor between Tau-29 and Coronado. The most efficient way of doing that is to lay claim to the system in order to prevent nasty legal disputes of conflicting jurisdiction. We will deal with the TAZ according to their own legal actions. They are adult people that don't need you speaking for them. Please refrain from involving legal entities that are not involved.
Which brings us to our claim on Barrier Rim in Coronado. As I said before, there is a need for you to offer us something substantial in order for us to even remotely be able to convince the most influential families on Malta to consider your proposal. Imagine our position similar to a feudal monarch under many. If we cannot explain to the other influential figures in our political landscape why we shouldn't just take the entirety of Coronado by force, then we will both fail. As outlined in the document, I believe that we can convert a significant portion of the Maltese plutocracy to our side if you, the Crayter Republic, engage in a display of humility and rescind your claim on Coronado insofar as it includes Barrier Rim.
In regards to artifact trade, you seem to have misunderstood us. With no word was it mentioned that the Crayter Republic cannot engage in the research of artifacts and ancient technologies. What we want to achieve is, as you rightly put it, to harm the Corsair economy. This goal is also reached if you outlaw artifact trade. In doing so, you only restrict it for third parties, however. The Crayter Republic remains at liberty to engage in the study of them as they please. You will even have a legal basis for the confiscation of artifacts, and therefore you would save transport costs. As such, your thirst for knowledge will be sated and your objections to our proposal in the document are unfounded.
The Council has no objections regarding your proposal to add an amendment allowing for scientific exchange.
Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: Alicia Young; Ministry of Foreign Relations of the Crayter Republic
Location: Coronado
Honored representatives of the Council,
while your suggestions certainly seem tempting, the government of Crayter had to discuss them further in detail. With recent changes within the command structure, we have come to results that will certainly be satisfying for both parties.
Knowing the unfavourbale side effects of Cardamine, we certainly understand your situation. Thats why the Republic will allow you to carry out the travel arrangements of those unlucky souls to Malta, if the people in question are given a free choice to join your ranks or to stay within our Republic. This way we can ensure that you are not forcing people to join you on Malta against their free will, which certainly would ensure that they are not to be seen as 'slaves'.
After careful consideration, the government of Crayter is willed to grant you control over Barrier Rim, except for the region around Barrier Gate, as the base is and should always be considered a safe and neutral harbour. As Yuma is protected by Carrier Malachite, it is unnecessary to station the Basilica there, moving the vessel closer to the Barrier Rim will allow you to monitor the traffic in the region much closer, which should be in your own interest. Considering that the vessel might be a critical asset in future war efforts, we consider it a mistake to make its position a subject of this treaty.
The government of the Republic has agreed to accept your claim on the system of Tau 29, considering that free access and transit for all of our ships is ensured. This furthermore comes with the condition, that the Council accepts the Republics claim on Tau 31.
As previously mentioned, we can and will not agree on any commitment regarding Baffin. The system belongs to the TAZ and we do not intend to undermine their legislation. Any treaty regarding the legal status of Baffin has to be concluded with the TAZ.
The Crayter Republic has come up with the following treaty, which we believe is favourable to both parties.
The Treaty of Coronado
The National Council of Malta, representing the Nation of Malta, and the Crayter Republic (hereafter referred to as Parties) hereby agree to the following terms:
§ 1 [Cessation of Hostilities]
The Parties mutually agree to cease any act of aggression towards each other.
§ 2 [Return of Prisoners of War]
The Parties agree to the release of all citizens that are considered as prisoners of war. Their free choice to remain within the sovereign space of the other party remains unaffected.
§ 3 [Mutual recognition of legal governmental entites]
1. The National Council is obligated to change its legislature to reflect the Crayter Republic as a legal entity with all the privileges and obligations that entails according to its fair and equally applied legislature. In addition, the National Council of Malta releases a statement, recognizing the Crayter Republic as the legal successor of the United Nations and thus as a subject of international law.
2. The Crayter Republic publically recognizes the Nation of Malta as the one true heir of the sleeper ship Hispania and as such, as an equal to the other Houses of Sirius.
§ 4 [Territories]
1. The Nation of Malta lays claim to the Tau-29 system. In addition, it will extend its legal influence into the Coronado system. The entire extend of the Barrier Rim becomes subject to the exclusive legislature of Malta.
2. The Crayter Republic lays claim on the Tau-31 system. The Crayter Republic rescinds its territorial claim on the Coronado system in so far as it includes the Barrier Rim.
3. The Parties will respect the claims defined in this treaty and will mutually allow free access and transit through the space under their legislation.
§ 5 [The Gallic War]
The Parties agree to fight alongside each other to repell the Gallic invasion into Sirius. Territorial claims gained though the war efforts will be subject to further agreements after the end of the war.
§ 7 [Exclusion of independent entities]
The Parties are not responsible for actions of independent citizens and organizations. Their actions cannot be held against any of the Parties as a whole.
§ 8 [Amendment of legislature]
1. The Crayter Republic amends its legislature to legalize the transport of Cardamine within its space. The legislation regarding Cardamine in doses higher than those for personal use on Colonial bases and planets remains unchanged.
2. The Parties agree that the transport of people towards Malta will be legalized, as long as the persons in question are given the free choice between a life within the the Maltese Nation or the Crayter Republic.
3. The Parties agree to outlaw the possession and transport of Artifacts, Sorted Artifacts, and Xeno Artifacts with the exception of Crayterian citizens for research purposes.
4. The Parties agree to amend their legislature as necessary to facilitate the goals of this treaty.
§ 9 [Exchange of scientific and technological knowledge]
Both parties agree to aid each other with non-military knowledge and technologies, in order to ensure mutual technological development and prosperity for their citizens.
We are ooking forward to your considerations regarding this offer.
Very well. The Council, after having deliberated the counterproposal, agrees as outlined below. There is only a slight amendment we would propose in order to guard our interests in the Tau-31 system. The agreement is the final written expression of these terms and with your signature, you proclaim that your intentions are confined to it. If you are willing, add your signature and send it back. We will then enact the contents.
The National Council of Malta, representing the Nation of Malta, and the Crayter Republic (hereafter referred to as Parties) hereby agree to the following terms: § 1 [Cessation of Hostilities]
The Parties mutually agree to cease any act of aggression towards each other.
§ 2 [Return of Prisoners of War]
The Parties agree to the release of all citizens that are considered as prisoners of war. Their free choice to remain within the sovereign space of the other party remains unaffected.
§ 3 [Mutual recognition of legal governmental entites]
1. The National Council is obligated to change its legislature to reflect the Crayter Republic as a legal entity with all the privileges and obligations that entails according to its fair and equally applied legislature. In addition, the National Council of Malta releases a statement, recognizing the Crayter Republic as the legal successor of the United Nations and thus as a subject of international law.
2. The Crayter Republic publically recognizes the Nation of Malta as the one true heir of the sleeper ship Hispania and as such, as an equal to the other Houses of Sirius.
§ 4 [Territories]
1. The Nation of Malta lays claim to the Tau-29 system. In addition, it will extend its legal influence into the Coronado system. The entire extend of the Barrier Rim becomes subject to the exclusive legislature of Malta. Barrier Gate Station remains neutral.
2. The Crayter Republic lays claim on the Tau-31 system. The Crayter Republic rescinds its territorial claim on the Coronado system in so far as it includes the Barrier Rim. The free passage of people and Cardamine through the Tau-31 system is guaranteed by the Crayter Republic.
3. The Parties will respect the claims defined in this treaty and will mutually allow free access and transit through the space under their legislation.
§ 5 [The Gallic War]
The Parties agree to fight alongside each other to repell the Gallic invasion into Sirius. Territorial claims gained though the war efforts are subject to further agreements after the end of the war.
§ 7 [Exclusion of independent entities]
The Parties are not responsible for actions of independent citizens and organizations. Their actions cannot be held against any of the Parties as a whole.
§ 8 [Amendment of legislature]
1. The Crayter Republic amends its legislature to legalize the transport of any quantity of Cardamine within its space. The legislation regarding Cardamine in doses higher than those for personal use on Crayter REpublic bases and planets remains unchanged.
2. The Parties agree that the transport of people towards Malta will be legalized, as long as the persons in question are given the free choice between a life within the the Maltese Nation or the Crayter Republic.
3. The Parties agree to outlaw the possession and transport of Artifacts, Sorted Artifacts, and Xeno Artifacts with the exception of Crayterian citizens for research purposes.
4. The Parties agree to amend their legislature as necessary to facilitate the goals of this treaty.
§ 9 [Exchange of scientific and technological knowledge]
Both parties agree to aid each other with non-military knowledge and technologies, in order to ensure mutual technological development and prosperity for their citizens.
§ 10 [Exclusivity]
This agreement signed by both parties and so initialed by both parties in the margin opposite of this paragraph constitutes the final written expression of all the terms of this agreement and is a complete and exclusive statement of those terms.