Hola, my name is Alessandru Lorino newly appointed Administrator of the 101st Ghosts of Razgriz. With our return, it is obvious that we want Corsica Outer Sanctum. However, I am satisfied with a few labors for now, since we still have the keys for our vaults on the Station. Anyways, if you wish cooperation in the research projects, let me know otherwise we won't question what kind of experiments you're doing and we wish you to do the same, it'll be simple, no questions asked. I am expecting your message, senor Shadowwalker.
To: Alessandru Lorino
From: Administrator Shadowwalker
Subject: Re: 101st
Esteemed Alessandru Lorino of 101st Ghosts of Razgriz,
It's not an everyday occasion I get to speak with what remained of 101st. And now that banishment of your forces has been lifted, let Us welcome you back officially aswell.
Now to the matter of Your request. As We have already relayed through one of Your operatives, namely Ademar, all of the former laboratories and rooms have been carved out and moved into cargo storage on Corsica. You may wonder why We did it, it's because the entire Corsica, including Captana and Bastia have been reconstructed from inside to use their space and capabilities more effectively. A description of Corsica can be found here with non recursive access.
Currently, Istituto di Ricerca Militare Maltese is in charge of Corsica, Captana and Bastia, much of the space is used for foreign technology intelligence gathering, research, development and testing. And We are interested in what kind of projects You'd like to engage in, because with the recent changes on the political scene, Nomads and their assorted "allies" are not welcomed anymore, nor any non-Maltese entity inside Omicron Phi.
With the capabilities and resources of Corsica alone, we will surely be able to help you with your research, should you be in a need.
On another note, we discussed this matter and instead of stuffing in Omicron Phi, we would like to offer you a plenty of free space on Gallicia Research Station located in Omicron Beta which is known about in scientific circles for its shady amount of research. In addition, 101st are known as a force to be reckoned with and Omicron Beta is a system in a need of capable fighters such as Yourselves, where your years long experience in intelligence gathering would surely help Malta to keep The Order's Osiris-class Battleship Amenta and Corsairs in check.
So you rebuild Corsica Outer Sanctum? Good for you, and now you try to banish the righteous owners because you think your modernizations make you be able to claim the station? We'll see how that'll work out for you. It seems we're still outlawed and banished from Ishmael. Unfortunately, our current numbers do not allow us to operate Corsica Out Sanctum properly, we will inhabit the research station in Omicron Beta for now.