By the command of King Charles the destructive power the GRN demonstrated over New London has been massively deployed on Leeds to render the retaken planet nothing but a burden to the Bretonian war effort.
A concentrated force of the GRN's remaining Triumph Destroyers are now operating under firing orders in comms isolation, scouring the surface of Leeds. With multiple passes from many more beams than were available at the Burning of London even the planet's mega arcologies and underground cities are at risk of horrific devastation.
The horror of the weaponry is not lost on the rank and file of the GRN. While the hardline royalists are committed to fulfilling the absent monarch's command, there have been mutinies in the fleet, and a general laxness in regard to maintaining a security cordon around the planet. Vessels that ought be treated with utmost hostility need only steer clear of Gallic forces and fly a humanitarian banner, and their presence is not contested.
The Royalists are evacuating to Aquitaine and accepting as many refugees as their ships will hold, and a Sirian evacuation is also underway. Though the Leeds resistance has been able to smuggle tens millions of refugees from Leeds in the past decade, and though hundreds of millions of the Leeds population has been shipped all across Gallia by the occupiers, there still remain orders of magnitudes more people on the planet than can possibly escape in front of the encroaching beams.
The New London - Leeds jump gate is sealed for the duration of the week.
There is no limit on the number of Leeds Refugees and Gallic Personnel that can be moved.
The number of Bretonian Serfs that can be moved is limited.
There is no profit in this event, as the number of commodities moved will represent the exact number of people evacuated in lore.
Wednesday, August 21st - Saturday, August 31st, 0800 server time.
Event Type:
Trade Event
Allowed IDs:
All IDs.
Rule Changes:
For the duration of this event, Gallic Lawful IDs are allowed to engage other Gallic Lawful IDs inside the Leeds System
The Leeds Refugees commodity may be treated as contraband and demanded by the following IDs (official and independent) within their ZOI:
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
Gallic Royal Intelligence
The Gallic Personnel and Bretonian Serfs commodities may be treated as contraband and demanded by the following IDs (official and independent) within their ZOI:
Bretonia Armed Forces
Bretonia Intelligence Service
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Crayter Republic
NO- Natio Octavarium
Trade Routes:
Leeds Refugees from Planet Leeds Atmospheric Entry Point to Planet New London, New London OR Mayfair Sanctuary, New London.
Gallic Personnel from Planet Leeds to Planet Bordeaux Atmospheric Entry Point, Aquitaine.
Bretonian Serfs from Planet Leeds to Planet Bordeaux Atmospheric Entry Point, Aquitaine.
> Council
I am not sure, but I highly doubt that Council will disrupt any kind of evacuation. More over, it would be logical to give them access to Bordeaux so they can participate too. If GRN are not against it, of course.
...The Council fight the Royalists. Bordeaux is Royalist. The Council would be shooting down transports full of people destined to become serfdom of Royal Gallia and taking them to somewhere that they would get to actually live free.