I want to draw the attention upon few things that create a kind of permanency and keep forum customers informed.
1) Bravo to LSF leaders + Republic of Liberty for the CNS official Press release here
Clearly stated, perfect font, draw the attention and the most important it is under a thread everyone should consider "Official".
2) Bravo to everyone trying to create some kind of reportage to show that Sirius is alive. The problem is that it is so hard to find the different topics.
3) Bravo for the Royal Edict here, but once again, the question is : is it an official or unofficial event ?
Could we just create a sub-forum, strictly moderated, under the forum Discover Role-Playing Hub, call "Discovery Official RP release" with sub-forum like :
- Laws of Sirius (ex: post of Xoria + declaration of Liberty)
- Press Releases (ex CNS press release, and all volounter that post very good things already in the Watering holes)
- Major Events (like the King George event in progress, or tension between Corsair)
Why am I asking such a forum ?
Because I have the feeling that most players are lost between what we should consider official on server and what we read on the forum (when they can find the right post)
When LN declares in the CNS official Press release the joint venture, ALL should consider that is an official event on the server. This is the kind of informations that everyone should know to feel how words written on a forum become a constant key to interact on server.
Everything that fall under the Sub-forum Official Info should become THE reference for all the players and characters. Everyone, i said everyone, should be able to get into a major Event. We must dare to declare that major events can change Sirius, and they are "events for all".
Easy to read, easy to find, strictly RP, strictly moderated.
What is a major event and how to run it ?
Most of us have already played on MMoRPG with Admins running events. Disco server is different, but not so much. We need a bunch of dedicated Admins who do not make the police (with superpower) but help to develop the Major Events, to diffuse the official informations on server for ALL the players and especially those who barely consult the forum.
If such a team exist, then the Laws and the history of Sirius itself will have a solid, official and permanent ground.
When the ground is permanent, everyone, even a new comer, can feel how Disco server is organized. They will not feel the unfairness of "old conservators", they will not hate "the factions", the "rules" but they will understand that they are entering on a server which has an common RP ground where they can develop their own RP.
Official info release should be a perfect reflect of what happened, happens, or will happen on our dear Disco RP server.
Remember folks, it is the one of the last FL server and one of the most active. Make it PERMANENT. Cast aside the strife and all the childish "i'm right, you're wrong" to work together.