This seems to me a bit poorly thought out event, given the current unbalanced manpower. Seps/HF are not just the underdogs, they're practically non-existent! Props for the team for setting it up anyways.
I feel this would have been better if the Seps / HF actually got some targets to attack (for example place a Battleship at Norfolk, a fuel depot and the cruisers in Texas, and maybe an ammunition depot or whatever in Bering). That way you split up the overwhelming Navy force and give Separatists a chance to "win" if they manage to sneakily take out, let's say, 2 out of 3 targets. The Navy would have to run patrols around the targets and prevent any Separatist counterattack to win. This kind of idea is proven to work in other (team based) games with shorter game sessions, where it's called Objective / Insurgency mode (although sometimes the objectives are hidden at first and the attacking team needs to collect enough intelligence to reveal them).
Unfortunately I have given up on the idea of "persistent" war that Binski is campaigning (against the windmills) for actually working with this game / community / universe. There just aren't enough player numbers / player slots / servers in different timezones for such a vast galaxy as Freelancer's. Way too many sides / factions / conflicts going on at the same time, and the already mentioned 3 am logging for lone sieges problem (although I feel that one would be partially fixable with a smart balancing plugin that would just make bases invulnerable if there aren't enough IDs of a participating faction logged on for both sides)
But I do believe it's possible to run bi-weekly / monthly events with a similar theme and a time-limit (to minimize the chance of low pop abuse), just for variety, so it's not always about pewing / collecting blue messages.
(I may sometimes sound a bit like a Binski alt account, but I can assure you I am not! ).
(05-27-2020, 08:23 PM)Binski Wrote: But to me these events are just to avoid putting HP bars on npc bases.
If factions suck, let them die. Kill them off as enemy forces.
No. You write about this like you spoke for the community, while in fact, you're the only one who's in favour of that "battle system". Surely it's applicable to larger games like EVE Online, but I assure you it does not work with Discovery for a multitude of reasons which you blatantly ignore everytime you post about it.
I don't believe those 'reasons' for a second. Events are a battle system already, it just needs more detail and it would allow for more and make much more sense. To me, the fear it wouldn't work or is detrimental to the server is completely irrational. If this were supported in any way by the devs, I'm willing to bet you'd see players warm up to it and be happy to have actual reasons and ways to apply themselves. The recent surge in player population proves we have more than enough people able to log, and we could have more live scenarios to jump into that are simply ongoing in real time.
(05-27-2020, 11:11 PM)Jayce Wrote: siegable NPC bases blow, because you end up with people doing the exact same as with POBs
3 am sieges at player pops of 6
That's exactly my point. Lets make it 24/7 again and have something to do anytime of the day. That's what turns that 6 people into 46. Its always daytime somewhere. So what if Liberty did lose an NPC dread to a 3 am HF or Sep attack. Maybe the same thing happens to them later on. In between are plenty of times for big standoff battles.
It used to be awesome to log knowing you can go be an actual scout or spy. or that there was some kind of ongoing conflict to get involved in, one that could actually be effected by in-game actviity!
Let Liberty have some caps to try and have some operations in Bering and hold the area, or if they wish to gamble, try to hold the FP2 area. Just let anyone get in on the attacks and make it so it only goes on as long as Liberty can afford to replace them, or succeed in defending them. And for that, even making such caps purchaseable by OF's would be amazing to let player factions get to work doing stuff and actually game against each other. Or with eachother as allies, but at least it creates a situation where we keep a ball rolling and each side has a fair chance to use its stuff and people to try.
Alright folks, keep it on topic so the moderator's job isn't made harder than it already is being flooded with reports worse than china gets flooded with propaganda
(05-27-2020, 08:23 PM)Binski Wrote: But to me these events are just to avoid putting HP bars on npc bases.
If factions suck, let them die. Kill them off as enemy forces.
No. You write about this like you spoke for the community, while in fact, you're the only one who's in favour of that "battle system". Surely it's applicable to larger games like EVE Online, but I assure you it does not work with Discovery for a multitude of reasons which you blatantly ignore everytime you post about it.
I don't believe those 'reasons' for a second. Events are a battle system already, it just needs more detail and it would allow for more and make much more sense. To me, the fear it wouldn't work or is detrimental to the server is completely irrational. If this were supported in any way by the devs, I'm willing to bet you'd see players warm up to it and be happy to have actual reasons and ways to apply themselves. The recent surge in player population proves we have more than enough people able to log, and we could have more live scenarios to jump into that are simply ongoing in real time.
(05-27-2020, 11:11 PM)Jayce Wrote: siegable NPC bases blow, because you end up with people doing the exact same as with POBs
3 am sieges at player pops of 6
That's exactly my point. Lets make it 24/7 again and have something to do anytime of the day. That's what turns that 6 people into 46. Its always daytime somewhere. So what if Liberty did lose an NPC dread to a 3 am HF or Sep attack. Maybe the same thing happens to them later on. In between are plenty of times for big standoff battles.
It used to be awesome to log knowing you can go be an actual scout or spy. or that there was some kind of ongoing conflict to get involved in, one that could actually be effected by in-game actviity!
Let Liberty have some caps to try and have some operations in Bering and hold the area, or if they wish to gamble, try to hold the FP2 area. Just let anyone get in on the attacks and make it so it only goes on as long as Liberty can afford to replace them, or succeed in defending them. And for that, even making such caps purchaseable by OF's would be amazing to let player factions get to work doing stuff and actually game against each other. Or with eachother as allies, but at least it creates a situation where we keep a ball rolling and each side has a fair chance to use its stuff and people to try.
if you spent half as much time actually playing the game that you do on typing these walls of text you might actually have a half decent opinion
(05-26-2020, 03:21 PM)Lord Rhemalak Wrote: Can my SRP be added for the reward against LN? Amenhotep has done extensive RP aiding harmony and the seps. You can confirm with Skorak.
I'm still going regardless but just curious
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
(05-27-2020, 09:48 PM)Drakaisyl Wrote: Just saw that I didn't get the Point for a kill on [HF]-HFBC-Invictus within Bering a few minutes ago. Point goes to LNS-Iron.Sun
This confirms my suspicion of certain [HF] ships being immune to the plugin.
Some of the [HF] ships have SpecOps IDs, so they're inherently incompatible with the event as far as I'm aware. If there's a way to add tags to the event tracker, then they would be a great fix, but I would like to state otherwise that some of the [HF] ships just won't apply to the event tracker. Extra busy work, but that's a consequence of the prior management for making half our caps SRPs.
The main problem is people don't treat it like a game, and will happily stack one side in order to "win" the event or just "win" in general. The end objective is to force one side to not log any more and therefore they are "too scared" and your side "wins". This is not limited to events, but a general trend in Discovery.
There are no winners in this scenario, and I think it probably best we not even publish kill numbers if the event is poor (player) quality.
I can appreciate not wanting to encourage or reward the approach / attitude you're aptly describing @Markam, but I think the transparency of publishing kill numbers so that we can further discuss and analyse the imbalance is a more inscrutable choice than burying them.
In the spirit of staying precisely on topic, other posters have been right, I think, to suggest that there was an imbalance to begin with. All of the Separatists + Hellfire + Independent Pirates still don't add up to the forces that LN and LSF can muster, considering also ship class imbalances, which I know has been discussed. Not saying this was an intentional bias, but I think there are inevitably oversights in an ecosystem as complicated as Discovery balance, and we must actively identify venues for, and work towards, improvement.
Guys let me mention balance and play numbers from Dota that's the n1 game in terms of comp prizes and literal millions of dollars hang on every balance change.
When a hero is underplayed
They make it intentionally OP and buff it
So more people play that hero
When they do and player numbers start to balance or play it too much, they give slight nerfs.
I think you shouldn't be afraid to make a vastly underplayed faction OP and rules lopsided to attract players to it and make them used with playing it. And nerf factions that are over played.
E.g. This event give higher rewards to seps +legion
Make it 15 mill vs 2 for lawful
To reflect the difficulty. You see the kill numbers - why not dynamically adjust the prizes based on kill ratios?
Buff the IDs to have access to more technology
Make the legion ID locked ships even stronger like fixing secondaries range on arbiter, boosting stats etc.
You shouldn't be afraid of this
Will get a lot of flak "forcing people into playing what you want" but fuck it - it will make the game op on paper, but balanced and more fun for everyone in reality
I'm more concered that i havent seen a Rheinland Imperial ship yet, why did'nt this just run the seppie material in to another point aswell like Thuringia and the demolition charges could be supplied by the Federalists aswell. Supposedly the Federalists are helping them and this would make Rheinland interaction on that side possible too.