(03-11-2021, 11:32 AM)Greylock Wrote: To me, this place, this community, this mod, is a place for me to unwind, relax, write some sci-fi roleplay with people I've come to call friends over time. Some of them I started out greatly disliking. The key to saving Discovery, isn't making drastic changes, it isn't saying "lmao your opinion differs from mine so you're a toxic piece of garbage," the key to saving Discovery, is letting go. Letting go of grudges. It's not worth your time to hold a grudge over a video game. I'm still working on that part myself. Yes, we get upset, sometimes even angry over something that happens either in-game or on the forums. We can never hope to keep the community alive if all we do is tear each other apart because our ideals differ.
I think it can still be a place for some to unwind and some to wind up for others. So I ask you to let go indeed mate, let go of the old way of thinking. We must make some changes or we can only expect the same thing to happen as years gone by. To me, everyone submitting themselves to the system , and accepting that to stay strong in game you must have some time to play, rp, plan, keep your members active, etc, to ultimately be a success. That is letting go. Accept that to breathe life back into the place, its time for something new.
Players here need to act more like sports players and accept you may win, you may lose, we're all Freelancer players. If players can keep themselves mature, we can accept that the system determines who wins. Not rules lawyering or story influencing outside of the game. The current way if propelling things doesn't do much for keeping the game full.
I just want to see some real headlines. Once this were to start, people should form some news/press faction to go around reporting on sieges and their related developments.
It's always nice to see people trying to come up with new ideas on how to improve Disco or just talk about the issues. Unfortunately, this thread will die out in a few days and nothing will change. A new one will appear in about 5 months.
- Allow [limited] Multiboxing -
- Cut the ship/tech/ID compat system almost entirely -
I agree in making this changes, i mean, everyone wanna make "Freelancer" as real "Freelancer it was" ... Let your ship put whatever gun you could afford (personally i build them because how it looks or how it have his effects specially in capital weapons) and obviously make RP do the rest ... or ... your ship has nerf issues because you have bretonia guns on kusary ship? no! ... that spice things a lot more because if someone would not like to see you using it, there will be RP Consequences, alliances and some oligarch ... but that is the funny thing of the game ... or maybe not?
People could create a lore of that thing ... like "Reverse Enginnered, or just giving it a test, or somekind of salvage after a war" (Liberty actually have a Valor, it could be interesting if Navy would allow use for example Gallic Heavy Weaponry for Battleships at least for a small time (after that someone could suggest there were catastrophic issues because ship core malfunction or something) as a way to advice using the "All know Sirius Weaponry" put some effort in that ...
even Gallia could have done the same, since it has some Kusary, killed lot of Liberty and Bretonia Vessels ... so ... make it fun!
And for allow multi-boxing ... or let players log at maximun 2 accounts at same time, at least temporaly ... we are no longer in old disco 4.84 and 4.85 where find a slot to connect was a really annoying (server at 195/200 rejected lot of times your login) but inside you will find traders, pirates, lawfuls of nearly all houses, and even miners who you can get a request of cargo for a relatively small fee ... we barely reach almost 50 active ... put a limit like 2 executables but needed to be different accounts or even the same ... a carrier would have something to "send" as exploration or early warning craft ... and all that RP is shined by lot of people doing great RP in here ... specially because maybe some players have no way to maintain a base to store his goods ...
Long Term Changes:
-Add CD's to all ships - We could say "Add CD's to all ships" ... or let Capitals maybe not have CD (because makes no sense) but a Thruster ... maybe get small boost, but sometimes that small boost if you know your ship can let you evade ... something
Cut the server into 3 major sections. I would like more than "Division" seeing something like more faction activity, terrorist in real world can make a serious problem, and our terrorist factions in server are ... well , just a joke ... like small puppets, make them form a "Mega Alliance thing" that can impose fear on the houses ... because even Coalition ... well ... are joke, but they have nearly all ship-types available at disposal, giving some from this or that ...
Make order hack into jumpgates to close in due this things ... make aliens get some kind of invasion ... so that "The Order" actually can pop-up to assist lawful forces due a uknown alien activity in some systems ...
-Add new consumable commodity for POB Weapons Platforms - This is a great idea, reading it like making the base "deploy" more platforms to defend but using a commodity like shields? okay, that is a lot awesome, i could request having a little more hold space for each lvl of base storage capacity ... but is ok. Really needed to implement this
Personnal Opinion
The only "Issue i saw in server is the faulty lore and ideas users can make, even for create a pretty small faction or group or just a kind of "Admiralty code" or something ...
Server Rules don't help it, and Users don't want get out of comfort zone, but if we don't act fast ... well
don't expect have lot more opportunities to fix ...
And for god's sake! give back Razor on Crusiers or at least put it for Battlecrusiers (they are needed of more heavies variety outside of common) ¬¬ just Mortars and Missiles ... where is the "Wide range of weaponry for different types of players"
I would like see 2 types of "Primaries and Secondaries for capitals, Kusary have it ... why other houses don't?"
I have seen everything in this server ... and my lovely *main* vessel is the proof of how long i have been playing the server.
Just chiming in to say, I'd love to come back and be playing but there are still things that inhibit activity and we have a bit of a systematic unfairness that is the normal mode of operating, and I won't play until there is the adoption of a fair system. Please don't shoot the messenger, I have never forced any changes upon anyone here to suit myself. I've never sieged any of your bases out of boredom. Days and months go by, its extremely frustrating. There's nothing wrong with the game, its what we have to do with it that's a problem. We are wasting a potential that could be fixing this place's interest problem!
I stand by everything I put in the OP. Is there anyone else that thinks if some changes were made to allow for us to do more, the place would keep a higher level of activity and life in it? There is a lot more that can happen here, being able to do cool stuff brings people here, not being forced to do this or that the long way. I still can't believe most people wouldn't want to see new things tried, and believe keeping things the same isn't what's killing this place?
Instead to get my space fix I load up Pioneer and have been just sitting on a launch pad near the north pole of Ganymede, orbiting Jupiter in real time for weeks, with the Wave Fighter. Come to think of it, this ship and a few ships from Pioneer would look pretty good in Discovery! I'll continue visiting Jupiter's moons over the course of the summer I suppose.
Regarding the Core disbandment, I run a hypothetical scenario in my head, and ask what the Omicrons would look like if we did have the 6th OF right to siege other faction 's NPC bases and take them over via earnable siege events. It seems that a lack of meaningful activity in-game is what deters interest in those kinds of factions. The Order and the Core are not simple shipping companies. So if the factions could actually fight controlled fights over control of important bases, wouldn't that still be better than it is now? If one faction manages to get so many members that they dominate the other, how is that worse than a faction disbanding from having nothing to do to keep people interested?
In that scenario, either the Order or the Core could eventually control most of the other side's bases, and force the other into a suppressed state. Either way, one faction forms an empire, and the other can be used as a smaller enemy, and under the system actually can allow for player driven change if the players can really find people, forge alliances, negotiate, etc. So maybe every so often it would invert and underdog faction would switch to be the one that owns those bases. The point is it would allow for there to always be something a faction could form around, being the recapture, or holding of your bases.
I'm not ever going to PM admins or devs demanding or begging for such a system, and they need to hear from people other than me that would support these changes! So please, seriously, write a letter to your admin/dev (like writing your Senator, or in Canada we have MP's ) and the more of you that support it the better!
Upcoming changes will push even more people away, but the devs don't really care. It's their playground and you are allowed to play on it, so if you don't like it, leave this playground and join another one.
Also, importing such ugly ships... please, we are not in 2009 anymore where literally everything got ported into the game.
@TheShooter36 I mean Binski's Idea isn't so bad - some bases are not used much and could be contested
Like who ever used Rogue base in Kansas lol. Thing is Binski this is a rp server, not a pvp one - pvp players and mass siegers shouldn't really matter for big story changes on their own - you'd need some other way to or combination to decide fate of (a limited number of unimportant) bases.
Then you'd need player factions to decide what bases aren't used much and can be put up for contention - e.g. factions could be asked to put X% of bases up for contention, the ones where even one base would cross that threshold would be exempt. This has the same flaw however as @aerelm 's 90 to 75 thing - there's way too many factions without an OF and/or active HC.
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PvP contests between the factions aren't the solution. Just look on the PvP events - two factions clash, one gets/manages to scramble more numerous or competent players and just steamrolls the other faction. And then the PvP events usually die.
People are tired of getting killed by the same people over and over again, people are tired of being ganked and when you fight for something like PoB or faction pixel power, scummy tactics will be all around and you discourage even more players.
This system works in EVE, because EVE is one giant server with tens of thousands players, countless corporations and alliances with flexible diplomacy. Basically every war in there means new allegiances, but neither of those conditions are here.
The thing is if people really enjoyed a base/territory conquest system, they already have the option to do it.
They could build a pob in a place that is bound to get it sieged, and get it sieged, and the stronger party gets to build there. But they dont do it for reasons, maybe it really is a lack of making up and writing down rules (more like conventions of war) and trying it. But seriously, if you think it will work, try writing down those conventions completely yourself and getting people to participate in it on a consensual basis in locations where they wont bother anyone who doesnt want to get involved, instead of compulsively repetitively trying to make someone else write down the conventions and force them down the throat of the entire population, who have told you again and again that they dont want it, and why.