Bombers are good, they now require you actually playing and not just pressing torp button by cooldown in 4k or whatever was the nova range before.
(06-26-2021, 03:02 PM)StyleR Wrote: 3) heavy revision of faction system - no more monopoly, freezing all faction assets and letting management members pick some assets. Who has appointed some guy to be the leader of some faction? Who voted on this? All the base game bases cannot be owned by any faction, like for example the special IFF for Zoner subfaction on Freeports which is a joke, they are no longer FREEports. Wanna make a faction? 10 human members minimum. No cross-faction-ing. Pick one and stick to it. It may produce some genuine organic storyline.
Lol. Ye, dude, with current online this is the smartest decision ever. 10/10
(06-26-2021, 03:27 PM)Charo Wrote: I think we did it, we found someone with worse suggestions than Binski
(06-26-2021, 03:32 PM)Groshyr Wrote: Bombers are good, they now require you actually playing and not just pressing torp button by cooldown in 4k or whatever was the nova range before.
(06-26-2021, 03:02 PM)StyleR Wrote: 3) heavy revision of faction system - no more monopoly, freezing all faction assets and letting management members pick some assets. Who has appointed some guy to be the leader of some faction? Who voted on this? All the base game bases cannot be owned by any faction, like for example the special IFF for Zoner subfaction on Freeports which is a joke, they are no longer FREEports. Wanna make a faction? 10 human members minimum. No cross-faction-ing. Pick one and stick to it. It may produce some genuine organic storyline.
Lol. Ye, dude, with current online this is the smartest decision ever. 10/10
(06-26-2021, 03:27 PM)Charo Wrote: I think we did it, we found someone with worse suggestions than Binski
This tbh.
Then no factions until or if there is ever10 people, see its logical enough. The fact that you have a yellow tag is disturbing enough for me.
It is expected that 2010 players will whine cuz someone poked their nest. Keep em coming.
Disallowing cross-factioning would not make people play just one faction, it would make people stop playing the game because they can only do very few things on the ID they have chosen
(06-26-2021, 03:46 PM)Lucas Wrote: Disallowing cross-factioning would not make people play just one faction, it would make people stop playing the game because they can only do very few things on the ID they have chosen
Correct. They will use more generic ID's then and melt into the sea of average joe's.
(06-26-2021, 03:02 PM)StyleR Wrote: 1) reducing the number of systems by at least 30%
(06-26-2021, 03:15 PM)Kherty Wrote: There's been an incredible reduction of systems already. A LOT of systems are just gone. I find it bad, because I LOVE travelling through Sirius, discovering new stuff on my own and just, you know, DISCOVER(y). Plus, 30% is too arbitrary.
What it needs it more choke points, concentration zones, stuff where stuff that involves others happens. True systems of interests.
(06-26-2021, 03:31 PM)StyleR Wrote: 30% reduction in systems needs to be done. It can be compensated with increasing the existing systems and putting more stuff in it, something for everyone to do. Merge systems, im sure people will have good idea's here.
It's possible to focus players into certain systems and routes without removing any content, with very little effort, by changing the jump hole connection policy from "every system must have 3-4 JH connections" to "1 or 2 far JH connections to systems that are IRP empty/isolated, more and fast JH connections to systems/routes that are IRP busy travel hubs. Like this:
(06-26-2021, 03:01 PM)Haste Wrote: I feel like the "aces" people are shaming here can't actually be aces if they allegedly take pride in sealclubbing much weaker PvPers.
Yet you used to do it too, like most Reavers. Now it looks like you're trying to suggest that people who spent lots of time in order to increase their ability to blow people up with ease don't enjoy blowing people up with ease, and that there is some sort of equivalence or interconnection between pvp skill and moral superiority.
(06-26-2021, 03:01 PM)Haste Wrote: Does this thread consist solely of complaining or does it have an insightful post buried somewhere in here?
It's full of insightful posts, as is the rest of the forum.
However they will always remain lost on those who don't even want to understand something if it isn't pleasing to them for one reason or another, or feel that things that contradict their worldview cant exist.
(06-26-2021, 03:55 PM)Karlotta Wrote: It's possible to focus players into certain systems and routes without removing any content, with very little effort, by changing the jump hole connection policy from "every system must have 3-4 JH connections" to "1 or 2 far JH connections to systems that are IRP empty/isolated, more and fast JH connections to systems/routes that IRP busy travel hubs. Like this:
This is how it should be, IMO of course and with an update, I guess. Not just a tangled mess that looks more like my attempt at making spaghetti for the first time. Example, look at all the possible routes to go from a region to another; Liberty to the Taus. (I know its ugly and quasi-unreadable, but please bear with me)
There shouldn't be a single checkpoint of course, plurality of routes should be maintained, but not to such a large extent. Pirates, gankers, other hostiles, and generally dislikeable players will obviously take advantage of a singular chokepoint between regions in order to bully them. You should find a good balance, but this isn't impossible.
(06-26-2021, 03:51 PM)Skorak Wrote: How does that affect the story line?
What would that even do at all?
Please don't get offended.
How did your storyline so far affected player count? I would say it did affect it negatively. For 2 years of me checking the forums and seriously out of laughs, at no point in time i was intrested in a least bit about the storyline. Why? Because as an outsider i had no real place in it, nor did I have time to read for days the 10 year RP posts just to understand the story, let alone the drama between individuals. Another obstacle was a requirement to join at least some faction which I would not do under any circumstances. Discord included. The only thing i did was wait for an event that allowed generic ID's to participate. There were very few of those.
As for your question, i don't have a specific answer but making small events to put small fires while a huge fire is getting bigger is also not the answer. I believe you need to go back to basics, unlawfuls vs lawfuls and do some sort of FL hook that automatically cashes out on player kills lawful vs unlawful. The goal here is to make fresh events that have no requirement of understanding the previous events, generic ID's fully supported and a simple storyline. This is solely for increasing player count, as for "intricate" inter-faction stories im sure you can manage those for veteran players, but know it will stay between them and will bring no new players or interest. The current meta is for a very small niche of veteran players. Continue on this path and you will shut down.
This was an outsider take on everything here, so take it as you want, im out with this one. Did not plan on commenting at all but i seriously believe this can be a great game and a large community but you must rethink everything you are doing here and start in a new direction. Good luck!
Every time someone offering "go back to very basic" and then offers standard PVP-focused mod I'm dying of laughing because there is a plenty of PVP-focused servers with average online 0-0. Disco offers people alternative to mindless PVP - it offers them to RP, pick a role, sometimes even position in faction hierarchy, develop something new and unique (even if 'new and unique' for majority is zoner military/navy/armed forces or another attempt to make a mini-house). Take this off, and you will have another <insert_name_of_pvp-focused_server> with their 0/0 online 'till hosting rent ends.
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I wouldn't be reducing number of connections between the systems, because there are choke points alredy - Cortez and Tau-31 if we are using Taus as an example. Interesting connections between various systems make travel or scouring about interesting.
Don't forget, that people might want to have some ability to move around without being easy to spot and intercept, and there is nothing wrong about that. If encounters with your opposition sucks, you should have a way how to evade them instead of just logging off.
We already have plenty of complaints about people, who watch player list, and use it for their /1 /2 'interactions'. 'Forced' interactions like that sucks and that's what people drives away if these are their only ingame encounters.
Instead of making all of that easier, we should promote more interesting interactions, options and goals available within the game. To make people log into the game and enjoy it - no matter if they are into PvP or not.