帝国へお便り申し上げます, (//"teikoku he otayori moushiagemasu" - To the esteemed Imperial Government,)
I am reaching you today with the information regarding our recently undertaken private exploration mission in space to the "north" of Honshu. Following the initial observation period, our team managed to detect a system with potentially habitable planets under the working name of Sigma-63. Subsequent mapping and chartering was carried out both by automatic and piloted missions. Having mapped the system, we managed to successfully return to Honshu system via a jumphole, which appears to have stabilised as of now. This supports the opportunity for further piloted missions in the system. I would like to humbly request the esteemed Imperial Government to consider supporting further exploration and development of the system in question and officially claiming it in the name of our illustrious Emperor and the Empire.
Herein I share the logs on the exploration of the system, providing the details on the system, its properties, and possible valuable resources to be found there. In brief, the system is located on the outcrops of the Crow Nebula and can be triangulated using the systems of Honshu, Hokkaido, and Okinawa. Christened "Chubu" as a symbol of the claim on behalf of the Reformed Empire of Kusari, the system has a moderately bright yellow star and four major planetoids. The exploration revealed the second planet to be potentially habitable with breathable atmosphere, adequate gravity, and magnetosphere strong enough to protect the possible colonists from hazardous ultraviolet rays. The primitive life on the planet in the form of algae and moss is detrimental to breathing but can be filtered and used as fertilisers for agriculture. The planet is a candidate for colonisation. The other point of interest is the fourth planet, the gas giant which can be mined for Helium-3. The satellites of the planet can support mining operations with water and metal supplies.
The preliminary map of Chubu system
I hope, this information will be of use to the venerable Imperial Government. Availing the opportunity, I would like to request the permit for my clan and the associated organisations to continue the exploration and development of the system, as well as the land rights for the pioneers in the reasonable amounts (for the initial colony and adjacent agricultural infrastructure I would request 500 km2) on the planet of Sigma-63-β with possibility of additional land should the need arise. The decision regarding the name of the system itself and the objects therein, as well as the strategic plan regarding the development of system and the entities to be allowed to participate in such development is deferred to the esteemed Imperial Government.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
敬具島森正仁 (//"Keigu Shimamori Masahito" - Best Regards, Shimamori Masahito)
帝国へお便り申し上げます, (//"teikoku he otayori moushiagemasu" - To the esteemed Imperial Government,)
I bid you good day. This is to report that the first settlement in the system of Chubu has been established on the surface of planet Sigma-63-β. We gave the planet the tentative name of Nagoya, and the settlement - Atsuka. For now, it is a humble outpost with 48 loyal subjects of His Imperial Majesty dependent on supplies from Honshu. However, the colony will soon be able to self-sustain albeit in a "Spartan mode". We installed the necessary filters to provide for the clean air, and chemical compounds to produce primitive green soylent from the local algae as a supplement food source. Atsuka wa situated in a mountainous region near a glacier from which water can be filtered and where the presence of algae in the air is minimal to alleviate the work of the air filters. The local mountains are also a source of thermal vents from which geothermal energy can be harnessed for the growing needs of the colony. Subsequently, we consider the installation of a thermonuclear power plant if the energy needs grow exponentially. This said, we can now officially claim the system of Chubu as a patrimony of the Reformed Empire of Kusari.
The colony of Atsuka on planet Nagoya
As a humble servant of the Emperor, my best reward is serving His Imperial Majesty. Availing the opportunity, however, given the expenses for charting and colonising the system of Chubu in the name of the Empire, I would like to kindly request the Imperial Government to consider concessions for Shimamori Clan. Firstly, I would like to kindly ask the esteemed Imperial Government to provide Clan Shimamori with modest land on the planet of Nagoya on the plains in the vicinity of the colony of Atsuka. Relying on the wisdom and justice of the Imperial ministers, I defer the judgement on the size of land to you. Additionally, because of the increased necessity to support the movement between the two systems, I would kindly request permission to construct a new flagship for the clan. The ship in question is proposed to be an Imperial Yacht capable of both rendering fire support to the allied forces, and as a token of the imperial splendor of Kusari when engaging in diplomatic contacts with foreign entities. The clan can undertake the costs of the construction of the ship which will benefit the ship manufacturers. Should you kindly decide this in our favour, I humbly suggest that Kishiro Corporation constructs the ship on Yukawa shipyard due to proximity to the clan's seat of power and for the benefit of the local economy. We also pledge to share the process of construction with the respective representative of the esteemed Imperial Government should we be granted the permission to proceed with the project.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
敬具島森正仁 (//"Keigu Shimamori Masahito" - Best Regards, Shimamori Masahito)
Minister of State for Okinawa and Sigma Territorial Affairs - Noboru Higuchi
It is a pleasure. Humbly allow me to introduce myself: Higuchi Noboru. Minister of Special Affairs with focus on Okinawa and Sigma Territorial Affairs.
We are proud to observe the exploration but especially the colonization of Planet Nagoya progressing smoothly.
Your Clan took the burden of the first, most complex and costly step on all by itself. We are pleased to see such wealth and might from a Clan such as yours, Shimamori-san.
Following a relatively long discussion with the Finance Ministry and a voting within the Cabinet (with great support of 65.7% in favor of this endeavor, I may add), the Kusari Government will officially participate in the development of the Chubu system.
Due to the proximity to the Sigma Cluster, I was appointed to assist the colonization project and guide the Keiretsu involvement in a fair and unbiased way, as well as handling possible discussions with the Gas Miner Guild regarding the system of Sigma-63/Chubu as a whole.
While I am unable to make any promises regarding the Yacht schematics and building rights, I can however grant ownership of sizeable parts of land to your Clan (and by extension the Keiretsu) as it is the will of his Imperial Majesty, Emperor Kogen Tetsuya.
To determine a fair share of land however, I would humbly ask for a rough estimation of landmass suitable for human settling.
Additionally, I would humbly request frequent status updates in order to determine when and what for I will have to reach out to the Keiretsu's.
Regarding the Yacht, please reach out to our Imperial Majesty himself or the Prime Minister.
With utmost respect, Higuchi Noboru,
Ministry of Okinawa and Sigma Territorial Affairs
拝啓大臣樋口殿, (//"Haikei daiji Higuchi dono" - Dear Minister Higuchi,)
It is my pleasure to make acquaintance with you. Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration. I am humbled by your praise of my modest endeavours in the service of His Imperial Majesty. While it is encouraging to see that my Clan is perceived as wealthy and powerful, it is exactly because of the opposite that I kindly plea to the esteemed Imperial Government for concessions. Worry not, however, clan Shimamori values its ties, albeit distant, to the Imperial Dynasty and will ever be loyal to His Imperial Majesty and the people of Kusari.
The diameter of Nagoya is approximately 6338 km. 39% of the surface is covered with a single ocean. Because of it, the most habitable areas are located not far from the ocean and the heartland of the single mega continent is an arid desert. Although it will be possible in the future to exploit the desert and establish permanent settlements there as well, it will be much easier to accomplish once large self-sustainable settlements are established near the oceanside. There also are a lot of high mountain ranges with ice caps and glaciers from where rivers flow into the seas. Due to the unhindered procreation of simple fungi and algae, the high altitudes with colder temperatures are preferable for settlement with smaller algae concentrations in the air. In light of the aforementioned reasoning, our estimations classify 14% of the surface as habitable. With greater financing into air filtering and increasing the scale of local production, the habitable area can be expanded to 39% of the surface and beyond. This would correspond to 17,667.8 km2 habitable as of now and 49,217.4 km2 in perspective. Because there is currently only one settlement planetwide which is currently managed by a team under my command, I would kindly request the lands for development in the vicinity of the settlement in question.
As for the Imperial Yacht - I am grateful for your advice and will heed it. I will contact the Office of Prime Minister and will refrain from disturbing His Imperial Majesty.
Please, allow me to reassure you of my highest respect and consideration to you and the Cabinet.
敬具島森正仁 (//"Keigu Shimamori Masahito" - Best Regards, Shimamori Masahito)
Minister of State for Okinawa and Sigma Territorial Affairs - Noboru Higuchi
Shimamori-san. Ogenki de irasshaimasu ka?
I humbly thank you for the detailed report. All measurements and figures will be handed down to the experts working for my Ministry.
I am also pleased to announce that my Ministry and the Office of Prime Minister, with the blessing of our Imperial Majesty, found an agreement regarding the exact share of land for the Shimamori Clan: 2.120km² (roughly 12% of the currently habitable land)
Due to your Clan's efforts, most of the land shall extend along a single, large coast-line and the Shimamori Clan shall receive additional 35% of all profits gathered through possibly discovered pockets of vital rare earths within this zone.
With utmost respect, Higuchi Noboru,
Ministry of Okinawa and Sigma Territorial Affairs
拝啓大臣樋口殿, (//"Haikei daiji Higuchi dono" - Dear Minister Higuchi,)
I sincerely offer my gratitude for presenting my case to the Cabinet and resolving it in my favour, Higuchi-sama. The privileges bestowed upon my clan are beyond my humble expectations. The land rights granted to Clan Shimamori will be used for the benefit of the Empire and I shall immediately commence subsequent expansion of the initial colony and its infrastructure. The keiretsus will be invited to participate in the land development and extraction of mineral resources. This said, I would kindly invite the Cabinet to consider the allocation of the police and navy forces for patrolling the entrance to the system to prevent the illegal elements from exploiting the weak status of the newly founded colony. However, I do understand the situation with the lack of personnel and vehicles after the war with Gallia and clan Shimamori will provide protection to the system with best of its capabilities for the time being.
Please, allow me to reassure you of my highest respect and consideration to you and the Cabinet.
敬具島森正仁 (//"Keigu Shimamori Masahito" - Best Regards, Shimamori Masahito)
Minister of State for Okinawa and Sigma Territorial Affairs - Noboru Higuchi
I humbly thank your patience and your Clans continuous efforts.
For your assistance and the well-being of the newly established colony, a detachment of the 66th Advanced Battlegroup will be transferred over to the system of Chubu. The detachment will consist of a Komainu-class and several escort and logistical vessels, being roughly 40% the size of the Akatsuki Battlegroup.
Regardless, it would be wise to gain the attention of the Keiretsu soon. Their security detachments - especially Samura's - have a huge expertise in protecting newly settled ground.
With utmost respect, Higuchi Noboru,
Ministry of Okinawa and Sigma Territorial Affairs
拝啓大臣樋口殿, (//"Haikei daiji Higuchi dono" - Dear Minister Higuchi,)
Many thanks are in order to your excellency for dispatching the battlegroup to the system of Chubu. The forces sent should be more than enough given the absence of any hostiles so far. The presence of the soldiers will also be an additional stimulus for the growth of the colony and I will immediately request the expansion of the living quarters to facilitate the dislocation of the garrison.
Your suggestion regarding the invitation of the corporations to the development of the system will be heeded and I will reach out to Samura and Kishiro at the earliest convenience. I sincerely hope the rivalry between the keiretsu will not impede the progress of the colony.
Please, allow me to reassure you of my highest respect and consideration to you and the Cabinet.
敬具島森正仁 (//"Keigu Shimamori Masahito" - Best Regards, Shimamori Masahito)