It is with great pleasure that, today we promote 2 of our Junior operatives who have proved themselves in their roles and are now to be Regular Logistics Operatives and hopefully in the future will qualify for Senior Logistics Operatives.
Welcome to your new roles within Team Convoy Logistics.
Our new Research ships have been operating within Sirius this week and have been collecting information and data that could be useful and also valuable to other organisations within Sirius so we will be selling these data packages as soon as we are finished with them.
Any operatives who wish to be part of the research team please contact me directly.
TCL Recipient : Members of the Board / All Operatives
Message Details : Research Division Maiden Flight
Encryption : Interesting
Good day everyone,
Our research division has made its maiden flight, and has made some interesting discoveries to say the least.
Our initial findings have been very interesting and very educational for us to say the least. We sent out a Corvo class ship and our Command Bustard ship which is capable of scanning areas with our new technology which has been mastered by our engineers at Interspace.
When approaching the area that we picked to research we established some very broken trade lanes which looked as though they had gone through some trauma from the incident that occured here.
Once establishing the area we spotted a research Liner vessel that was obviously crippled by the accident but actually looked relatively secure in its hull structure, and we have the possibility of salvaging this vessel intact.
On this image it shows our Corvo unit which was scanning for radiation and warned us about an area close to the gate where there was a danger level of Radiation, which we think will need securing to make the gate safer.
Our last image is of the Bustard making a scan of the Jump gate with its highly sophisticated scanner which has proved very effective.
Scans were initiated and the area was very volatile with radiation spewing from one side of the gate but seemed to be concentrated into one area. The vessels established that the incident was more explosively volatile than first thought, and possible securing of the gate could be made if we get the right conditions and enough vessels to start the procedure, so our next visit will include a reinforced hull repair ship to try and secure more of the gate with also the research vessels again as back up in case they are needed and we will make sure the Fleet will be protected with escorts.
And judging by our findings we are hoping to either repair the gate or rebuild it to a better state so that it can be used once again, but our second visit could confirm whether or not we can do it.
Senior Logistics Operative Jamison, Commanding transport TCL|Cypriot here, Sir.
This ships stands ready at Roppongi Station to assist you in any operations relative to your new responsibilities.
Please contact me with any issues that may arise.
I thank you for the Oportunity to take on the responsibility of House Director to Bretonia for Interspace Commerce and Team Convoy Logistics in particular.
The premises aboard Waterloo-Station are being prepped as I write this Communique. We will be able to take up employment within a few days.
TCL Sending Operative : Senior Director Maverick Hawkins
TCL Recipient : CEO Tyrone Harrison
Message Details : Ulster Station Security
Encryption : Greetings Boss,
My visit to Kusari Rapoongi station was excellent, but it is nice to come back to Ulster.
I met Tahachi Yamoto an old friend who I haven't spoked to in years, it's good and surprising to see he is the Kusari director of TCL now.
Also, I didn't come back alone, I came here with a Freelancer named Hideo Black who from what Yamoto told me is ex military person with a lot of experience in battles across several spaces in Sirius.
He works as a freelancer these days and is intrested in supporting the security on Ulster Station.
HideoBlack:Greetings, It is my honor to help secure the station and its personals.
Good day everyone,
CEO Team Convoy Logistics Tyrone Harrison < signature here > replace mine
TCL Recipient : Members of the Board / All Operatives
Message Details : Good News
Encryption : Complete
Good day everyone,
It is with great pleasure that I announce the addition of two installations to our organisation and we will be establishing these installations to be moved to Ulster to compliment our new Head Office.
There may be alot of logistical work to do in regards to the move and details will follow very shortly.
I would like you to arrange to meet with me tomorrow to discuss this dilemma about the movement of the new Annex installations we have purchased and possibly bring some ideas to the table about how we can move these.
Please make it after 10.30 A.M and I will be free for a few hours then, and we can discuss.
The mentionend time works well for me. My staff is bringing around my personal vessel as I'm writing this. Expected docking time to Ulster Station should be around 10 A.M. tomorrow. Hopefully we can come to a conclusion as how to resolve this issue.