After spending spending years traveling through the Sirius sector to find a proper planet to colonize, a certain Zoner Colony ship arrived in the Vespucci system.
"Sodeju, moet je dat zien!" a surprised proclamation from its captain upon seeing the scenario before him:
Liberty, Bretonian and Insurgency ships locked in deadly combat with ships evacuating the planet at a rapid pace.
It was clear the Insurgency was trying to save what people they could, while the other factions seemingly enjoyed shooting down what they could.
Deciding this was a deciding moment, captain Willem of Orange the MVth ordered the colony ship to hide behind planet Iridescencia,
a bit of an uncomfortable squeeze but sufficient for now.
There they would stay until the fighting was over, sooner or later Liberty and Bretonia would lay chase to the Insurgents after all.
Free real estate
As predicted the combat eventually died down, the insurgency had seemingly tried their best to hold their own for as long as they could, but in the end it was only a matter of time.
"Opstaan schavuiten, tijd om aan het werk te gaan, die kolonie gaat zichzelf niet neerzetten!" another command from the captain; now that everyone had left it was time to do what captain Willem of Orange the MMVth was best known for; colonizing.
It would take some time to properly reprogram to docking ring so it would broadcast the proper name of the newfound Zoner colony, but it was good enough for now figured captain Willem. There was plenty of work to do after all. As he figured the houses of Sirius had their chance and clearly none of them had obtained the upper hand. Even Gallia, which had been allowed to develop free of foreign interference for centuries, was no less prone to infighting. No, it was clear it was time for a new contender to arrise, one who understood the values of Liberty, free commerce and the glory of spices. As well as some other less relevant things that people wouldn't pay much attention to, such as legal prostitution and drugs, they'd simply have to build a few windmills to keep the attention off that, distract the tourists.
Planet New Amsterdam
Months passed, the houses still waging wars and border skirmishes against whatever flavor enemy of the week appeared, letting the colony freely develop on the world formerly known as Vespucci. The extreme temperatures of the planet allowed a great variety of produce to be planted, albeit in very select areas or with significant artificial aid. It helped, of course, that the former inhabitants had laid down most of the ground work. The newly dubbed Planet New Amsterdam was developing nicely, spices weere being produced in the old bio domes of the now deconstructed colony ship, a small improvised constructionyard had been erected so the colony could make a few freighters to trade with the neighboring houses and even a windmill had already been built to distract tourists from the first redlight district that had opened near the spaceport.
And still, despite all this success, captain Willem of Orange the MVth was not yet satisfied; the planet was a nice start, but they'd have to make their approach grander if they really wanted to change things.
House Hollandia
After a year or two the time had finally come to bring change to the universe; Planet New Amsterdam had become a focal point of trade for spices and for...uh..recreational activities, the profits of which had all led up to this moment: Stadhouder Willem of Orange the MVth addressed the people of Planet New Amsterdam.
"Mijn broeders en zusters, wij hebben deze planeet gekoloniseerd zoals onze voorouders dat over de hele wereld deden, nu is het tijd dat we onze economische welvaart verspreiden." The speech, which went on for several hours with the anthem playing in the background, inspired pretty much everyone who heard it, ended with the grandest of proclamations; the birth of House Hollandia. A sixth house to join the great houses of Sirius and Gallia.
At the end of the day Stadhouder Willem looked back on the long journey they made; colonizing the world, obtaining glorious spices, the first windmills. And now, with the newfound house aiming to spread its influence, he knew that the future would be just as good. With a smile on his face he sat back in his chair, a wide variety of spices behind him, and gave the camera one last satisfied smile before cutting the transmission.
Vergeet niet een muur te bouwen om alle Libertonians buiten onze kolonie te houden.
Transl: Don't forget to build a wall to keep out all the Libertonians from our colony.
This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.
(05-26-2022, 08:02 PM)Jeremy Hunter Wrote: Really blazed it in taking over old Insurgency bases I see.
4/20 bb
This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.