(06-22-2022, 04:26 PM)Tyrone Harrison Wrote: I dont see any problem with putting three bases close to each other, its not as if its near Manhatten where there are alot of bases and also near Planet New London which is also quite a crowded area.
Also the bases are to be used as manufacturing facilities for equipment and also extra storage for GOLD ore, which personally I would think would actually attract more people to Dublin and improve our roleplay.
Since this is a public thread, could you tell the community where exactly in Dublin you wanted the
POBs to be placed, what IFF they will have, and if you plan to build weapon platforms?
Whether they are close to an NPC base of same of similar IFF and will have no WPs matters on the kind of impact your pobs will have. For example, a BMM pob without WPs right next to a BMM npc base will have no real negative consequences on anyone, while a Freelancer pob armed to the teeth 15k from a mining spot has the potential to be quite annoying to pirates and/or miners.
It sounds to me like it is being assumed that the request is that these bases be collected together at the current location of Ulster Base since, THAT location might be able to "lock down" traffic in Dublin, but this is not the case.
At the insistance of of BretGov, the requested resting spot for the moved bases was to be at least 15k from the
BS Essex and not less than 30k from the Mineable Zone.
The requested spot met these restrictions and is also 20k from Goldgeist station, the other POB there. It sit 10k below the plane to the North of the Dublin/London JG, making it's weapon platforms absolutely no threat to any ship but those who attack the base. And this request would remove the Core4 Ulster Base from it's current location.
The only people that would encounter this location are those specifically going there.
Not that this info really seems to matter much, only being asked as an aside after the denial.
Were THESE bases really built up from Core 1's in the middle of Nomad/Wild ZOI?
Just curious if these concerns are being universally applied.
User was banned for: Possibly compromised account.
Quote:Were THESE bases really built up from Core 1's in the middle of Nomad/Wild ZOI?
Just curious if these concerns are being universally applied.
From what I could find, there was two move requests approved. One was because of a patch and another was to adjust the realignment, but they all remained in the system they were constructed in.
(06-22-2022, 06:44 PM)Karst Wrote: Can't speak for the rest of the staff, but for me personally the sheer distance alone would have made this a categorical no regardless of reasoning and rp.
If you want a POB in Dublin, you build a POB in Dublin. You don't build or buy one halfway across Sirius and then demand that it be moved.
Makes me wonder who approved the move of Nichols Trading Center from Gran Canaria's Orbit to Omicron Theta, as that was a massive dump on OSI's legacy, a long-existing Core 5 unique model PoB with so many weapon platforms that it was basically unsiegeable.
This is a good example of why a system denoting exactly what actions can be earned or not, and how to earn them would help. Some say this can't be countered, but if there were in game requirements that require trade, it still can be countered. In these cases, just lay it out in advance and this could be avoided. As in, outline that bases only move X systems at a time, require doing X to make it happen.
The current base building system is terrible. We all know starting new core 1's is a joke most of the time. Ironic because unlawfuls should (oorply) want the interest these days.
POB's are said to be cluttering up the server, that can be fixed by changing the costs of starting a base, and changing how much you can upgrade a single POB.
-Add a requirement of 1 unit of a commodity with a 100 million/unit price, making building a POB cost at least that much to start
-Make the cost of base builders at least 100 million
-Increase starting HP to 100 million 200 million
-Switch starting turrets to real turrets with high damage
-Allow for more core upgrades, they don't need to change model but still add more cores to allow for more modules to be added to the same base, which may draw down stacking of bases to compensate. (Or, equally, add more modules per core, like 6 per core, not 3.)
(yes in a way they could be used by unlawfuls as battlebases to block routes, but at a cost of 100 million per attempt. Easily countered within days by any faction with capital access, it would get unlawfuls spending big more often, and give lawfuls more more in depth things to do)
In this case if it were clear in advance they might only get one move, one system at a time, every X months, no one winds up wasting time. So, although I support being able to do something, all the way across Sirius in one go might be a bit much. Say they get to earn one move, to one adjacent system at a time, every 3 months, they could work on moving one slowly towards Colorado, New York, California, at the very least. And perhaps also build a new one in Dublin, but upgrade core 1's and give them a chance, its ridiculous as is.
admins wouldnt let me move a pob from one side of new york no one flies through to the other side of new york no one flies through after dropping two NPC stations in that location
Well it seems that any sort of complaint or comments I am making here is not going to be even considered.
After so much roleplay that we did to have the request kicked into touch is just .... well Ive got no words that I could post here.
Rules for Player Owned bases should be more understandable and should also INCLUDE ... Once you build it you cannot move it anywhere else in Sirius, which is the excuses that are being thrown at us by the admins. Really dont know why I bothered even trying to get the decision looked into because it will never happen.
Another point I will make is --- We built a brand new base in Omega-3 which consequently there was an immediate declaration put on it and there was no way either my faction or the BAF could save the base, and I must say the BAF did try their best but the tactics to take the base down were very debatable.
Anyway for us to start building 2 new bases in Dublin will take a long time to get them where we need them to be and this setback as I said before has ruined our roleplay as did the Demolition of the base in Omega-3. Also the change of the interspace ID will probably go ahead so playing Interspace for us will not be a thing anymore. I lost members after the seige and most of the members of the faction are now not in the mood to log anymore because our ideas have all been shattered.
I will not be posting anything else here or posting anything else on the forum concerning TCL
Team Convoy Logistics will just disappear into the Abyss and most of the members will be transferring and renaming ships- You may see the odd one on the server for now.
(06-23-2022, 09:51 AM)Tyrone Harrison Wrote: Rules for Player Owned bases should be more understandable and should also INCLUDE ... Once you build it you cannot move it anywhere else in Sirius, which is the excuses that are being thrown at us by the admins. Really dont know why I bothered even trying to get the decision looked into because it will never happen.
Dem rules Wrote:Core One
- Players are not required to role play prior to building a Core 1 base, but any building or any attack must make inRP sense.
- Players are required to post a notice in the Attack Declaration thread, 8 hours prior to attacking a Core 1 base. - Location and IFF of bases are permanent, the name can be changed once every 6 months. Requests to do so can be submitted here.
Server Administrators will consider changes to a Player Owned Base (POB) IFF, name or location on a case by case basis. The requirements set out below describe the normal standards needed to be considered for a change. The team may at its own discretion waive these standards when appropriate.When determining whether a change should be approved, the team will have reference to the potential impact on the gameplay and roleplay of the surrounding area.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person