To:Kurt Reber, CEO of Daumann Heavy Construction From:Julian Müller, Vertriebsleiter Location:Breuninger Depot, New Berlin Subject:Business Agrrement Encryption:Medium
Guten Tag Herr Kurt Reber.
Kruger Mineralien wants to request an Agreement for Aluminium ore mining Permission in Frankfurt system.
As our latest interest in Aluminium has bin increased we would like to get the Permission for a Time span of 5 Years at first with a Option for another 5 Years.
I'm looking forward that to this and hope we will get an good Deal for both sides.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Julian Müller
Vertriebsleitung Krüger Vorstandsbüro
Guten tag Müller
I am sympathetic to your request for a mining license, however, let us get down to business.
First and foremost, any licensee must adhere to some basic rules of conduct. We shall prioritize Rheinland corporations ahead of any other für the betterment of our glorious house.
So as such, the following guidelines shall be adhered to, otherwise any granted license will be void.
All license holders must not charge Rheinland Corporations for Aluminium ore extraction. If a fellow Rheinlander asks for help gaining Aluminium ore, you will aid them für the betterment of the Rheinland economy.
For the purpose of this license, ALG is not considered to be working for the betterment of Rheinland. They have proven themselves to be utterly self serving, and you are free to charge an arm and a leg for any ALG vessel asking.
All Liberty Corporations shall be charged a minimum of 2000 credits per unit of Aluminium Ore for their continued aggressive acts against our house.
As the extractor, you are free to keep any and all profits from the extraction process.
The license will be valid for 5 years (starting 21/01/830as, ending 21/01/835as), as requested. However given how policies in Rheinland are ever changing, we shall renegotiate any terms upon refreshing the contract.
The price for a 5 year license shall be 350,000,000Cr (350 million)
To:Kurt Reber, CEO of Daumann Heavy Construction From:Julian Müller, Vertriebsleiter Location:Breuninger Depot, New Berlin Subject:Business Agrrement Encryption:Medium
Guten Tag Herr Kurt Reber.
Im glad to tell you that we will accept the terms of the License contract.
We will try our best to support other Rheinland Companys as much as we humanly can, to keep Rheinlands economy floating!
Herr Reber, we have to say danke for your cooperation with Kruger Minerals, im looking forward for future communications.
Here is the proof of our Payments.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Julian Müller
Vertriebsleitung Krüger Vorstandsbüro