This thread serves as a place for the Discovery Community to freely voice their feedback. All feedback will be gratefully received and any discrepancies in conduct, resulting in a negative experience for anyone (regardless of faction), will be addressed where possible. It is my intention to treat all feedback with respect and where appropriate, updates will be provided where deemed appropriate.
In the event you wish to share feedback, but not on the public forum, please see below Discord and Forum details of our High Command:
Martin Kemp-Smith - Fleet Admiral
Faction 1IC
you should tell some of your caps officers/pilots to not AFK 20-30mins around manhattan to write a 30 words report on the forum. it's sad and almost farming time
@Ulon Having previously read your comment made in our Feedback Thread, we appreciate your concerns and are duly noted.
There were ways in which the encounter you refer to could have been more fluid and off the cuff, but the manner in which it was handled seems to be creating equal RP opportunities elsewhere.
If there are further concerns or feedback, we encourage and welcome them gladly.
This Sunday, "Juliet" squad will conduct another raid into Liberty Space. The number of our people will be specified, you will see the final figures already in space. We'll cross swords with the Liberty fleet at 3pm (15:00 UTC) and for as long as it's RP and PvP rich. Rules... There are none, only war!
We will be glad to meet you in a duel again, guys. Other members of Liberty playerbase are also invited (pirates, xenos etc.). We will be happy to see everyone.
Let's rekindle the flames in this House!
User was banned for: Mr.Mike
Time left: (Permanent)
A bit of feedback on your personal char dossiers: when writing military/professional-style letters or reports, don't use fancy words such as "ironically" to directly reference things. Use them only as descriptors, i.e. "During his years in the Academy, John Smith was described as a "nerd" by his colleagues".
On that, there should also be some trial and error with ChatGPT, with prompts like "improve, expand and rewrite in the form of a military personnel dossier" to make the file look much better. I hope this helps. Good luck!