Interspace Commerce is the exception to all the "so-and-so shouldn't dock on corporate/lawful bases" rules- they fund half the terrorist groups in Sirius, the Golden Chrysanthemums and Bundschuh being among those. They aren't terribly fond of the Xenos as I recall, but are reasonable tolerated compared with truly foreign companies- then again, DSE funds the Xenos and pays for hits on corporate opponents here and there, so the niche is still covered. Roppongi has featured GC NPCs in the bar since vanilla and it was no mistake- the rumors occasionally thank Interspace for giving them safe refuge and supplies, provided they do their movements quietly- dock and undock when there are few to no people/NPCs about to notice, for instance.
IC is easily the shadiest company around and I wouldn't think it unreasonable that they hand the Junkers information for light things here and there so they can justify spiking insurance premiums- but this would all be under the table and not done in front of a curious fighter group, much less a warship wielding considerable influence. So, in the instance Telbasta provided that was a bit tacky, but the principle behind it isn't unreasonable.
Same as "Hogosha in NY" topic.
Junkers are allowed in Kusari by the rules. But in RP, KNF and Hogosha players won't welcome them.
That means, yes, they can dock on Ropponogi, but they better be prepared to fight if Hogosha/FA/KNF are online.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
New Tokyo is a watched planet, both planetside and in orbit, and if a Junker was seen docking on Roppongi, he would not make it out. Junkers might be legal everywhere else, but in Kusari they are as much criminals as the Blood Dragons and GC, and they are treated as a slightly less lethal version of the criminals they supply. Thusly, in roleplay, it would be as wrong as a Corsair docking on a Xeno base. If a Junker wants to land somewhere in Kusari, it better be Ainu Depot, because they're the only people in a position to give berth to criminals, and they're the only criminals that like you.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
Lawfuls can dock on Junker bases *occasionally* and with very good reason- realize that the lawful bases Junkers can land on are usually quite large- I wouldn't expect that a Junker could land on Fort Bush frequently, but he would easily find refuge on Manhattan. Also, lawfuls aren't exactly allowed to shoot people because they feel like it, that lands you in prison. Whereas, on, say, Rochester, while the Junkers might be as unhappy as the lawfuls at someone snooping about, the other guys on the station are directly hostile and would quietly stab you and drag you off if you weren't very careful. The occasional visit is okay, regular stops will find you quietly removed.
New Tokyo is a watched planet, both planetside and in orbit, and if a Junker was seen docking on Roppongi
It's about Ropponogi. Not New Tokyo. And Ropponogi isn't KNF or KSP base.
It's Interspace base, and as far as I know, Interspace has nothing against Junkers.
So, yes, they can dock on Ropponogi without people screaming "OORP1!1!!!!11!"
And what happens after the Junker undocks the Ropponogi remains to be seen. That's on players to decide.
On Ropponogi, Junker is as safe as on Manhattan, I'd say.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
Here's another one I got today. A Junker Tagged and Id'ed Firefly, carrying a full load of Cardimine, docks on Deshima to avoid a stinger and a Griffin.
' Wrote:Here's another one I got today. A Junker Tagged and Id'ed Firefly, carrying a full load of Cardimine, docks on Deshima to avoid a stinger and a Griffin.
That's bull. Junker + BHG base = :nono: anyway, and FULL LOAD OF CARDAMINE????/?slashslash
Here we go again. Junker's land anywhere but hogosha. Enough with the stupid thread's asking this question over, and over again. Just replace the planet, and it is a copy of 5+ other thread's.
' Wrote:Here we go again. Junker's land anywhere but Hogosha. Enough with the stupid thread's asking this question over, and over again. Just replace the planet, and it is a copy of 5+ other thread's.
Well first off, I would send a violation report on any Junker landing on a FA, or Xeno base as well. I also think they ought not be landing on Bounty Hunter Bases, as well as House Military bases, nor Kishiro or Samura or any planet in Kusari. But I guess your right, Junkers can go anywhere and land anywhere except Hogosha:mellow:
And there is a fair point to be discussed here. IC's Roppongi station is there by the will of the Kusari Government. If it became routine for Junkers to be seen docking there, the Kusari Government might re-evaluate IC's rights in Kusari, and nationalize Roppongi station. While I don't know whether it should be a sanction able offense, there should be RP repercussions to the actions.