Federal Express FEDERAL EXPRESS Logistics Vessel LV-Hofvarpnir, Corfu Array
Corfu Administration
Please Sign for Delivery
To whom it may concern:
I am Reginald Fährmann, Procurements Supervisor of Federal Express, an independent logistical support company based in the Independent Worlds.
We have a shipment of Daumann Sidearms, Food Rations, and miscellaneous equipment en route to what appears to now be a defunct Zoner corporation on Freeport 9 - as the original buyer appears to be currently inaccessible, and the Freeport appears to have been taken over by pirates, we would like to arrange for transport of the supplies to your facilities while we attempt to locate the client.
We will, of course, arrange to have all docking and storage fees paid until this matter is settled. We await your reply.
Reginald Fährmann FEDERAL EXPRESS, Extended Logistics Division
My name is Jack Anderson, I am a representative of the group known as Phoenix, recently appointed to the administration position of the planet Pygar and Corfu station in these turbulent times. It's a pleasure to make an acquaintance.
We are happy to provide services to your organization, especially given the recent grim political realignments in Omicron Theta, the warehouses at Corfu station are more than free.
However, if you are unable to make contact with the contracted organization, I have a counter offer, we will gladly accept your supply for the price previously agreed upon the contract. At the moment, we are in dire shortage of supplies for the colony's basic needs and various weaponry and equipment, which could likely be needed in the foreseeable future.