The Angels were a good idea that were supposed to fix this sort of thing, but they are hardly ever around.
The normal server response when a newbie does something wrong is to screenie and report it rather than try to help, and that's sad. Sanctions are way out of whack here now, with cheaters getting a slap on the wrist when they should be permabanned and guys who are trying to play but make a mistake (or sometimes not even that) getting far to heavy a whack by the admins. On top of that sanctions have become as much a means of getting even as a method of keeping the rules enforced here.
I once put forth an idea called "friends of the angels", when characters could have a tag at the end of their name that denoted them as helpers of newbies, like the angels. Since they would still be in their normal character it wouldn't be as hard to find one or as inconvieniant for the player to be one, and these characters would help newbies for as long as they can or care to (it's hard to help newbies when you want to play, and it gets old quick, I know, and it's easier to either shake your head or fly away or report one, but if we want the server to be better we have to make the effort).
The other thing that is needed is a "setting up" ID, so if you aren't a newbie but are setting up a new character people know, because it's hard to tell which of the several starfleas are newbies and which aren't on any given day.
That is if there are any more newbies to be had in this dying game.
A few of the newbies surfaced here. In fact one of them went to the trouble of posting four or five times to ridicule another one's pretty discourteous initial post. Much of this is a question of simple courtesy and netiquette. Posting in a thread gives you the false impression that you have the final word. Or that what you say is somehow important in the grand scheme of things. People come and go from the server all the time. It's the way things work. Some leave quietly. Others leave not so quietly.
' Wrote:So im just going to leave t he server, i cant keep doing this. And when i demanded the cargo, ofcourse i was in a destroyer. It didnt say anything about that, it said cruisers and battle ships.. Now can some one tell me if a destroyer is a cruiser because i thought a destroyer was just that, a destroyer. And if so, then why does it say on the outcast ID that we can do this on a "Limited" number of destroyers or what ever and on the other part of it it says we "Cant" now which is it "Limited" or "We Cant"
I mean outcasts are pretty much pirates right? they can shoot whom ever they like right? or am i missing something here...
Limited...if you didn't know what it meant why didn't you ask? It means you can't pirate in those ships. Notice the lawfuls do not have that stipulation in their IDs.
Very few people on the server can shoot whomever they like. There are rules for every ID. Reading the rules would have helped to reduce some of your stress.
It may be annoying to get reported for every minor rule but the obvious way around it is to not break them.
My advice: Take a few days off and come back with the attitude of making the server better.
Quote:The normal server response when a newbie does something wrong is to screenie and report it rather than try to help, and that's sad.
I tried my darndest to be nice and knowledgable when Mr. Hunter proceeded to ooC assault two guys on a perfect, inRP, legal kill above Manhatten. I explained (in PM) to him that he needed to stop ooC or PM the "offender", that was no rule about PvP over Manhatten, and that threatening players that they should be banned whether or not they did do anything sanctionable (which they didn't...) was sanctionable in itself. Guess what he said back to me? (I won't post more screenies, for courtesy...)
He told me to "shut up", "cut the attitude", and "dont tell me whatto do".
Then he proceeded to give insight into my life, that I had no life and just wanted to bully others online.
I totally believe that a newbie rule-breaker deserves a nice talk explaining what he did. He got that, but he responded to it with hostility and rudeness. Now he comes online whining and moaning that "i'm gonna leave because the server doesnt work just like I want it to".
Sorry, but he deserves any and all of the rude comments he is getting, because if he can dish it out he deserves to take it right back.
' Wrote:The Angels were a good idea that were supposed to fix this sort of thing, but they are hardly ever around.
Have a REAL good think about why that might be bud.
Orin Wrote:Sorry, but he deserves any and all of the rude comments he is getting, because if he can dish it out he deserves to take it right back.
Gotta disagree with you there. He does not deserve the shoddy behaviour
displayed in this thread by you or anyone else. No one does.
Stop deriding and ridiculing him. Leave him alone.
How would you feel if you made a series of mistakes and continually get pulled down and told to leave?
That is an immature reaction. And that attitude is killing discovery.
Seriously people, stop being little kids and ripping other people
apart to satisify your teensy weeny fragile insecurities.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.