Quote:That seems a bit selfish to me. You are a part of a community, I believe they should have a say in what they will be dealing with in-game.
That said, if all that happens in the sub-forum is blatant flaming like you say will happen, down it goes.
What do you prefer? Blood spilled for RP's sake, or a ban-hammer brought down on every "ooRP" character in the name of "fairness and equality"?
Let the Admins be the judge, not the players. Unless an entire relevant player faction wants to shoot an idea down the players don't have the authority to launch a restrictive member like that. Much as I like him, I'm not going to give Jinx, a single person, the authority to dictate my unique Zoner RP simply because he commands the Persephone II. If I were going to try and, for purely hypothetical sake as this would be crazy, roleplay a Liberty Navy Corsair Dreadnought I would be answerable for that RP to the LN, as it's their territory and in the end I'm RPing as a member of the faction they represent, but largely outside of the chain of command. If, however, gafwmm objected I would take offense and ignore him, because he is an independent in a big ship, just like me, with no real policymaking authority. You have to bring legitimate authority to bear on my Roleplay if you want me to change something about it, and that authority should be administered on more private channels than a subforum. Said subforum will quickly become a flogging post, and believe me (I should know, I do it all the time), there are a lot of ways to flog somebody without breaking the ToS and necessitating a lock-delete. I have neither the time nor the patience to put up with another common players objections to my roleplay because he is not my superior. Only the Admins and the Player Factions should have the authority to object, and nobody should have the authority to object publicaly on something like that. If it doesn't work the Admins will remove it in their own due time.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
' Wrote:Let the Admins be the judge, not the players. Unless an entire relevant player faction wants to shoot an idea down the players don't have the authority to launch a restrictive member like that. Much as I like him, I'm not going to give Jinx, a single person, the authority to dictate my unique Zoner RP simply because he commands the Persephone II. If I were going to try and, for purely hypothetical sake as this would be crazy, roleplay a Liberty Navy Corsair Dreadnought I would be answerable for that RP to the LN, as it's their territory and in the end I'm RPing as a member of the faction they represent, but largely outside of the chain of command. If, however, gafwmm objected I would take offense and ignore him, because he is an independent in a big ship, just like me, with no real policymaking authority. You have to bring legitimate authority to bear on my Roleplay if you want me to change something about it, and that authority should be administered on more private channels than a subforum. Said subforum will quickly become a flogging post, and believe me (I should know, I do it all the time), there are a lot of ways to flog somebody without breaking the ToS and necessitating a lock-delete. I have neither the time nor the patience to put up with another common players objections to my roleplay because he is not my superior. Only the Admins and the Player Factions should have the authority to object, and nobody should have the authority to object publicaly on something like that. If it doesn't work the Admins will remove it in their own due time.
This is the current set up, Eppy. In case of off-base hardware, sanctions fly out, or the said player PMs an uber-busy admin and recieves a "No." or nothing at all. Reports of this have been relayed throughout this topic. It doesn't work.
I have neither the time nor the patience to put up with another common players objections to my roleplay because he is not my superior.
What? Are you reading what you are typing? Just because a player may have a lower volcabulary and RP skill, you are superior to him? No, we're all equals here, we're all humans with different levels of education and talent. That comment is really rude.
Quote:What? Are you reading what you are typing? Just because a player may have a lower volcabulary and RP skill, you are superior to him? No, we're all equals here, we're all humans with different levels of education and talent. That comment is really rude.
This is called the Fellow Hoodlum School of Thought. It essentially says that, if it doesn't majorly concern anybody else, tell the uninvolved to eff off. I don't want the community's opinion, I could care less if it doesn't involve the faction I only want involved factions and Admins, so, in essence, the people who set precedents. It is a PRIVATE roleplay. Normal players have nothing to do with it, and hence, unless I actually request it, I want nothing to do with their opinions. I don't care if Player X doesn't like it and thinks its crap, unless Player X has an influential player faction or FLHOOK controls his opinion doesn't matter. Nowhere does it say we have to accept so-called 'constructive criticism' (which is often just a flame masquerading as something useful).
What you are proposing is by definition a trial by forum.
Also, where did you get the vocabulary part? That has nothing to do with it.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
' Wrote:This is called the Fellow Hoodlum School of Thought. It essentially says that, if it doesn't majorly concern anybody else, tell the uninvolved to eff off. I don't want the community's opinion, I could care less if it doesn't involve the faction I only want involved factions and Admins, so, in essence, the people who set precedents. Normal players have nothing to do with it, and hence, unless I actually request it, I want nothing to do with their opinions. I don't care if Player X doesn't like it and thinks its crap, unless Player X has an influential player faction or FLHOOK controls his opinion doesn't matter. Nowhere does it say we have to accept so-called 'constructive criticism' (which is often just a flame masquerading as something useful).
What you are proposing is by definition a trial by forum.
Also, where did you get the vocabulary part? That has nothing to do with it.
Quote:No hardware contrary to said faction's rules are allowed, with the exception of admin approval on the "Special Role-Playing Characters" sub-forum. All players using factionally unapproved of hardware on Discover RP 24/7 before admin approval are subject to sanctioning.
Note that independantly operating players are still subject to this rule. Just because you are not in said player faction's rules, you must obey their guidelines for hardware choice unless approved of otherwise.
A bit better?
I ain't trying to argue either, sorry. I just don't want to the rules become even longer and more complicated. I think more people will just not read them. >.<
No its not. (sigh) I'll try to explain why it isnt a better statement using the current LR as an example.
In the [LR] player faction, we have a list of ships that you are allowed to
fly. You work your way up the ranks. You train in a hyena or other ship or
get to Buffalo with Green Rogue rep - depends on what the recruiter
wants you to do. When you become accepted you start out in the [LR] in a
Greyhound. At Ace you can fly Sabre or Falcata, but only one.
We have our own ship list.
It's very clear what we can and cant use.
For an NPC faction rogue player (independent) there is no list. The allies are currently outcasts, so it makes roleplay sense to be able to use outcast ships and equipment. and they often do go straight to the sabre, but I have seen indy rogues in OC battleships.
What is OORP in their case? Theres no guidelines as to what people can and cant do when they are not part of the official faction of [LR], but they ARE an "indy" rogue. Only the infocards to go on, and many of them are screwed up.
Taking this example further.
Liberty Rogue Faction Status Wrote:Pirate Vessels
Rogue Vessels
Outcast Vessels (Limited)
Lane Hacker Vessels (Limited)
Borderworlds Vessels (Limited)
(Limited: Both the LR and DPL operate only one Destroyer each, and one battleship for the entire faction.)
Codename weapons are allowed on Bomber class vessels only
Nomad weapons are not allowed on any LR or DPL vessel, (we have no reason to go where those weapons can be found)
"Indy" or "casual" rogues have no guideline as to what is a good setup, other than LR faction status thread.
But how many people read them?
We have a lot of players running around with bad setups, and they see that. and copy it.
But and i say this here, "indy" rogues should not be subjected to the [LR] rules.
And unless the admins say otherwise, thats what I understand the current server situation to be.
If not then this needs to be made clear that players in the NPC faction need to follow the rules of the player faction, and in that case, they might as well join the [LR]
And I partially agree with what Epyon is saying too. Admins have final say. Not community.
But the rules are not clear on what roleplay is. So the rules need major updating.
but we also need guidelines on what the roleplay of THIS server is all about too.
We have too many people asking if they can be indy nomads, or battlestar galatica, or starwars.
As far as I understand, Disco is supposed to be Vanilla Freelancer based Roleplay.
But it is not clearly stated as such. And previously "accepted" players have not been that
Vanilla based thing. But from the future forward I think there should be no more imports.
And that is why I say a definte "No" to this thread. It is not Vanilla Freelancer based.
Irrespective of what people actually read, it is our responsibility to have clear and understandable rules.
If rules are clear what is and is not allowed, while leaving room for creative roleplay then I think that is
worth the effort NOW that we have to make to find a solution to the issue of this thread.
If that means more rules, but they are clearer to understand, then that is a good thing.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
' Wrote:Same thing. Sub-forum for unusual RP. The difference: Roleplay in said forum is not open to review unless the author specifically requests it.
Yeah, agreed. Just don't know how it'll fly if most of it falls on the admin team, as it will if that's an option.
EDIT: Understood, Hyuung. There needs to be a way to tell them that they can have freedom as an indy, just not total choice of anything. That's a hard line to draw though, and it's usually up to player's interpretations. If it's possible to have guidelines without being to strict, I don't know.
For the majority of them I imagine they can be fairly quickly dismissed. It's pretty easy to pick out a capwhore or a PvP whore's writing from a legitimate RP in bout five minutes.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Quote:For the majority of them I imagine they can be fairly quickly dismissed. It's pretty easy to pick out a capwhore or a PvP whore's writing from a legitimate RP in bout five minutes.
Agreed, but even the legitimate ones have been getting ignored or No'd recently...