' Wrote:frankly there's way too much rules on this server
just keep it simple. all bounties need to be auto-scripted :-
pirates: allowed to kill police and traders. gets bounties for these.
police: allowed to kill pirates & police. gets bounties for these.
traders: allowed to kill pirates. gets bounties for these.
Also -- no rule against relogging into system after death. You can come back and fight again if you want. If they spawn camp, someone else will come help.
FINALLY -- No need for individual factions IDs. All factions are either pirate, police or trader. AND THATS IT.
Simple. You can rp if you like but essentially the above is all there is to ruuning an mmorpg game of that type.
The above suggestions are insane, confusing, and would effectively turn Discovery into a PvP server. 99.9% of the players here would disagree as I am now. No offense, but those are horrible suggestions.
To jpo, however. The rule lawyers, capwhores, ooC, and PvP whores are everywhere. Just make sure you know the rules better than them and ignore em. There's a command for that y'know. If you don't feel like RPing forum side. Don't. All that matters is that you have fun, some people enjoy RP serverside more, you might be more inclined to that. So roll with that and see how it is.
The rules, with I think the exception of the fleeing is equal to death rule, are well thought out, good for the community, well balanced, and when used properly they allow a constructive, fun, and amazing strong balance between RP, and in RP PvP.
jpo, your post and method for dealing with the issues you've run into are inspiring and absolutely fantastic.
This is a game, we take it seriously and work hard at it, but the main thing to remember for all those who are rule lawyerers or who are tempted to become like them, is that the rules are there to serve the RP.
Not the reverse.
To put it another way, the rules support the RP, the RP is the master of the rules, the rules should give way to the RP. The RP should not suffer because of the rules, or there is a problem. Since the problem isnt with the rules, it is with a person or persons who abuse them.
The long and short of it is, aside from totally blatant and obvious massive violations, just kindly mention the issue to the person, and if you get a nasty response move on.
I would propose that threats of sanction should BE a sanctionable offence, and that there should be a very very very stiff penalty for people who deliver a request for an illegitimate sanction.
Sanctions should be very rare, with the exception of one thing I have seen on server, and a few people who accidentally stepped slightly OORP, everyone I have met is dedicated to the community and their Characters, so a sanction should be a very rare thing indeed.
And threats of sanctions are un-necessary. period. the mature thing to do in the extreemly rare event that someone does something thats truly sanctionable, and excessively repeats this offence, targets you specifically, or causes major grief, is to simply go file the sanction. But only as an absolute last possible resort.
Sanction threats are nothing more than a low-brow way to cheat and powergame. End of story.
As for Lupusy's suggestions, remember, where something as complex as RP and community are involved, there is such thing as oversimplification.;)
"Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to several friends of mine, they like to keep a fixed distance from me most of the time, and they have a tendancy to spin and gyrate on multi-directional mounts faster than you can compensate for. They disgorge 75 isojoules of subatomic disruptive destructive energy. Fear the tachyon cannons"
i actually had a PM the other day that didn't have anything to do with rule lawyering. it was a momentous occasion. i took a screen shot, framed it, and hung it on the wall beside my computer.
*sigh* Looks like we need some clarification here....
The 'Hunter' was me, I was only stating some facts because you began spewing that hunters were your sworn enemies and thats fine and dandy to me. Thing is I am a merc, slight difference in that mercs work both sides and generally don't care whats going on around unless they are getting paid to care.
The point about the local police and miltary was because I couldn't see any patrols of any kind anywhere near us, makes me a little bit suspicious when there haven't been any capital patrols deployed near New Berlin to oust a Hessian Cruiser. Bit strange no?
Another thing... I didn't mention ANYTHING about sanction reports. Frankly I believe that they get you absolutely no where and the best way to sort something out is to infact sort it out by talking and explaining.
Now the thing is that you had no desire for any of that, the only thing you were keen to do was throw insults at me for doubting your 'godly rp'. Now I have no desire to continue this as a trial by forums so I'll shall leave it as that. I am merely giving you my side of the story and my views on the issues, what you do with them is up to you.
If your flying in anything larger then a gunboat expect everyone to bitch when you kill them and say you are ooRP, and threaten to sanction you...thats just how it goes.