' Wrote:First off, I'd like to hug both Orin and Blunt and thank them. It is nice to know that people can actually agree to reasonable things in poo-slinging fests like this has turned into.
Now, to answer your question ScornStar, since we apparently didn't answer it well enough...
Just because you "scanned" the whole shipyards, evidently, does not mean you know the blueprints for the Liberty battle cruiser. And as I remember it, you first asked for three of them. Scans and pictures would be fine for discerning a load-out, maybe a sub-system here and there, but not enough to replicate the entire ship from scratch. Plus, I don't recall any consultation with the Liberty Navy higher-ups about this... What, would they let a blatantly hostile ship like a Harvester just wander up to their ship yards and get away with using high-intensity scans to peer at their latest hardware? F- No!
So stop complaining about not getting battle cruisers! You have -plenty- of other ships to pick from and use! Ships that are good!
I like it calm cool polite and well thought out. Ecspecially the F- NO! part.
First of all if you look at the scans the Navy was there and did nothing.
Second I did PM them and they never responded. In the PM I told them my intentions and told them to tell thier men to stop us.
Third how would you RP a nano infultration?
Forth did you see how many and the ranges of the LSF and SA present? They did nothing.
Just points not to be over looked.
Not to mention we have harvested plenty of BHG with them in Gamma.
' Wrote:Again 1 ship. Maybe 2. Not mass produce. Also I edited my last post.
You got the schematics. That makes mass production possible for those that have shipyards. Just because you don't, doesn't mean others can't do the same on a larger scale.
Again, that would mean BAF could do the same and make Chimaeras and Catamarans. That isn't on.
' Wrote:Because their would be a lack of internally consistent logic if this were allowed but militaries weren't allowed to steal schematics and reproduce the ships on a large scale.
Generally military technology, when acquired, is incorporated into existing designs.
' Wrote:If your technology is more advanced than humans though, why steal their ships?
Are you saying they should be given time to produce their own designs instead? There is a limited number of availible ships and they have to choose one until there are custom harvester designs.
' Wrote:The point stands. If you need human technology, they likely have your technology.
That cuts all ways, and it's logical conclusion is that there should be no ship restrictions.
' Wrote:Discovery Community has always been reputed for an high end RP standard. You have a huge database of players RPing any kind of characters according to the preset NPC factions they are affiliated with. However, some players always have the desire to innovate and go into an undiscovered zone of RP. Some kind of exotic Role play can we say. Yet, in the past, most of them were able to RP their ships without any major issues. In the late days, it has been quite noticeable that some players have abused the leeway that the system was giving. Thus, the community as well as the admin worked to create a new system where RP would be reviewed and criticized. However, right now the problem is that the system, while being quite young, is still crude and underdeveloped. Many solutions could be applied to improve the new instated system, such as asking for a sum of money to get the request considered, a system letting players post positive feedback and a more detailed response from the voters (whether admins or players).
Asking for a precise sum of money to have the request for special RP considered would be a very good first step to improve the current deficient system. Such concept, if applied, would have the sole purpose to filter willing RPers, and simple PVP orientated players. Reasons are as follow, a person that desire a ship solely for RP and originality will pay the sum asked for submission of the RP if (s)he consider that his/her story is worth it. Whilst others that may just maybe want an easy to go RP just to claim a ship might get discouraged to make a request and pay a sum. The money requirements could be as follow:
15 millions for a special RP involving a fighter (bombers included) or a transport*
50 millions for a special RP involving a Gunship or a Gunboat*
100 millions for a special RP involving a Cruiser, a destroyer or a battle cruiser*
200 millions for a special RP involving a Battleship, a Dreadnought or a Juggernaut*
Therefore, such idea would reduce the load of applications to read and consider, and allow more feedback to the RP stories that need one. Positive feedback would also help to the situation.
In Conjunction with the precedent idea, allowing good feedback would help to give more chances to the applicant to see his RP getting accepted. Due to the fact that some players willing to RP in an unusual may be still new around, they should not be ignored nor wrongfully treated by any other members if they are still respecting the rules. They are to be trusted. This is where the concept of positive feedback is important, any player, to get his/her RP accepted must primarily be trusted by the reviewers. While some players may be not known to others, they are still subject to be rejected because of that (the You havent been here long enough sickness). However, if a more known, trusted and respected member knows him well, he (known player) should post in the topic to indicate other reviewers that the player can be trusted. Of course, if the supporter of the RP has no reputation either, is will not change the situation of the applicant. Allowing positive feedback to be posted will also make the RP request tread more positive and may reduce the tendency of some members to bash the player around just because others are doing so (The wannabee syndrome). Positive feedback is vital to get an RP considered, trusted, and accepted by the community and the administrative members. Giving a deeper explanation when rejecting a submission is also extremely important.
Giving a sufficiently detailed reason for a refusal of a player submission is an extremely important point since they sole purpose of feedback is to direct the player in the good path to improve himself/herself. If the player has no clue on how to improve his/her proposal and see himself/herself getting refused (s)he will, consequently, be frustrated about it. Giving an ample feedback, whether positive or negative is relevant to the tread and will benefit the player. The idea is that replies of less than two line should be ignored by all reviewers and the submitter, since most of the time, such posts are not needed nor giving any useful tips to the applicant therefore frustrating him/her. On the same note, replies that are whether aggressive or negatively exaggerated should also be ignored or deleted (the I love to extrapolate and whine syndrome). Giving detailed feedback is vital to a better in-forum and in-game environment, and will contribute to the development of the players RP and to the fairness of the system.
To finish on the idea, the special RP system, whilst being crude can still be improved by instating submission fees, allowing positive feedback and forcing all members of the forums to post more detailed replies. To improve the system, Discovery will need the cooperation of everyone. Players that are considered having a personal agenda or too Me, myself, and I should be totally ignore and not even bothered to respond to.
PS: Note about statements marked by an "*" : please note that those numbers are simply mere examples of the concept and are to be altered*
This is Feedback and opinion.
Although, it takes a while to type especially when Im not English native (French)
EDIT: forgot the " * " XD
Bump ^^ I think some people have missed what I posted here
' Wrote:Admins = Doing their best, not many of them, human
I disagree that they do their best. Locking a thread and not giving a logical, calm reason why isn't doing your best. Being insulting in sanctions isn't doing your best. Playing favorites isn't doing your best. Hiding instead of being transparent isn't doing your best.
Have fun in HK, I just got back from there a month ago.
King, I think you for having a logical and, while perhaps not concise point, one that is calm and collected. Rest assured, we will take it into consideration.
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
' Wrote:I disagree that they do their best. Locking a thread and not giving a logical, calm reason why isn't doing your best. Being insulting in sanctions isn't doing your best. Playing favorites isn't doing your best. Hidiung instead of being transparent isn't doing your best.
Have fun in HK, I just got back from there a month ago.
They did make these mistakes. They're trying to fix them, Akuma. What more do you want?