' Wrote:Actually, as Connecticut is a pvp-oorp system, using it to launch attacks should be against the rules. Also, I personally consider fleeing to Connecticut worse than using F1.
Actually, that's beyond his point. It is currently NOT against the rules.
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' Wrote:If the system is being used to launch attacks from, then it will possibly be considered as OORP behaviour,
and reputations can be adjusted accordingly ... Not good form at all.
' Wrote:If the system is being used to launch attacks from, then it will possibly be considered as OORP behaviour,
and reputations can be adjusted accordingly ... Not good form at all.
Yeah, having those Patriot and Defender NPCs hostile at them will make the exploiters see the error of their ways instantly:P
No longer active online due to a dwindling amount of non-PvP (trading, pirating, mining, etc.) fun in the new version.
Staging attacks from Connecticut? Why it sounds such a good idea I think I'll call on the Order and a few Nomads to being using and abusing the system.
All in all Liberty shall sink into PvP hell. I'm sure Fort Bush and Baltimore Shipyard would love the company from the hole.
It may not be against the rules, but there are 'unwritten' rules of conduct between us. Those who abuse the PvP realm, get out.
' Wrote:I said it 'should' be, not that it is against the rules
Man all i have been seeing is nothing but complaining, they admins or igiss should have seen this as one of the cons when he made the mod. So much drama and whining