I quite commonly use the words "Frak" and "gorram" on my junker, just because they're from serenity/firefly and fit the bootleggin space cowboy well, without being abusive to other players.
I just think that as long as you arent using the severe words (which would all be censored here) and as long as you arent using swearing to verbally harass another player, you'll be fine.
' Wrote:For those who seem to be lacking in common sense and continue to ask for lists of words that they can use ingame, please reference this:
As said before, use your best judgment.
' Wrote:Out of line, Akumabito.
Absolutely out of line for someone in their 40s.
Keep the discussion on topic, or take a walk and let it cool off.
/signed. Cool it down a little.
' Wrote:Fair enough.
I understand and agree that the rule has an up to Admin interpretation aspect to it that could be frustrating for some and yet I never seem to have had a problem with falling afoul of it.
Perhaps my role play is too Leave it to Beaver era to push those boundaries.
It seems quite obvious that none of the Admins are willing to put the list together, myself included.
Perhaps if someone else wanted to assemble a list and submit it for review (through Email not posting it on the forums) there might be some action taken beyond whats been suggested. Though I would not guarantee that any such list would ever be posted for anyone to see.
' Wrote:How is it mayhem? Use your head before typing. If you don't, you may suffer consequences.
It's only mayhem if you decide that, since the rules don't slap a sticker on your face with each and every unacceptable word, you are being unjustly sanctioned for not thinking your usage of obscenity through.
Again. Use your head. If you aren't sure, don't type it. This is a much smaller issue than it's being made out to be. Honestly.
It's mayhem when virtually all the rules are done this way, secret offenses with widely varying sanctions and no clear guidelines.
It's mayhem when the admins tell you publicly that they are going to be more open about what they do then they go behind their closed doors until everyone forgets about it.
It's mayhem when admins use fuzzy rules enforced chaotically with the appearance of possible bias rather than clear rules and an open and fair and equal to all sanction process that sets knowable boundries.
This isn't a small issue, it's a rather large one, as large as anything else on the server or forums.
' Wrote:It's mayhem when virtually all the rules are done this way, secret offenses with widely varying sanctions and no clear guidelines.
It's mayhem when the admins tell you publicly that they are going to be more open about what they do then they go behind their closed doors until everyone forgets about it.
It's mayhem when admins use fuzzy rules enforced chaotically with the appearance of possible bias rather than clear rules and an open and fair and equal to all sanction process that sets knowable boundries.
This isn't a small issue, it's a rather large one, as large as anything else on the server or forums.
It's also an issue in which you seem to be the lone worried party in.
I'm not going to feed into your relentless crusade against admin incompentence. I think it works, the server hasn't imploded from the situation you obviously agree has been a long one in effect, and you're still just about the only one complaining here.
' Wrote:It's also an issue in which you seem to be the lone worried party in.
That's not true.
' Wrote:I'm not going to feed into your relentless crusade against admin incompentence. I think it works, the server hasn't imploded from the situation you obviously agree has been a long one in effect, and you're still just about the only one complaining here.
You're complaining here :lol:
There is a lot of concern here, but most people only care about it when it effects them. Since the largest part of the forum presence is tied to factions, many of whom are represented by the admins themselves, most people who are active here have a vested interest in keeping things fuzzy and allowing bias.
Even admins who admit on PM's (but not on the forums or in the sanction itself) that the largest part of someones sanction was payback for their posting rather than what the sanction was for.