Fair simply isn't a relative thing. What's fair to one is not fair to another. How is your interpretation the right one?
For you, if everyone is forced to fit into a single mold, regardless of what they think, it will be fair.
To me, if the current ones who are stray from Vanilla are given leeway to continue, and further imported material is not allowed, it would be "fair" in my eyes since not only is it keeping to Vanilla to a degree, but is also a compromise.
Compromise is a form of being fair. That's undisputable. Don't forget that.
Tell me how it is fair to Igiss for his vision, and his project that he has put so much time and effort into to lose its way by doing as you say?
That's if all imports are allowed. One way of your "fair" solution.
And if no imports are allowed, explain to me how it is fair to all those who have put their time and effort into their work, only to lose it by a blind ruling of "fairness".
Explain to me how your solution is fair to him. And explain to me how it is fair to them. Respectively.
' Wrote:And if no imports are allowed, explain to me how it is fair to all those who have put their time and effort into their work, only to lose it by a blind ruling of "fairness".
Explain to me how your solution is fair to him. And explain to me how it is fair to them. Respectively.
It's pretty simple, actually, it's fair to everyone to have the same rules apply to everyone. Those that have characters invalidated, those very very few, get to go forward under the same rules as everyone else, they can rewrite their backstories and reapply, or start new characters, fairly.
Their work isn't lost, any more than any authors is when the write "the end". No one is saying delete all their posts. What I am saying is that to be fair to everyone, when a rule or policy is changed it should be changed for everyone.
I guess one way to look at it is which way is fair to the most people, overall. The same rules for everyone or favoritism for a few?
If I could convey my slowly degrading outlook on society via the internet, I would. But as it stands, I'll simply let you all know that I'm crying a little bit on the inside.
In any case...
Quote: Calling favoritism compromise doesn't actually make it compromise.
Excuse me if I misunderstand. We're talking about how imports are now shunned whereas they weren't before? Excellent. Again, correct me if my tirade is misdirected.
It's not favoritism, its, "Oops, I'm not sure I like this idea anymore. Snip!"
Igiss and the community once allowed imports.
We were also much more lenient on RP.
Behold - the faction request of 2006:
Quote: Hi all This is F.E.A.R Admiral!
We need more ACE pilots in discovery!
F.E.A.R= First Equipment Assassin`s Rationalistic`s Grope
We are hired assassin! We need to have more members all who want to join Reply here!
Right. We decided, over time, that given we're a RP community, we should set ourselves aside with complete and utter awesomeness. We decided that we wanted to smash other "RP" communities into dust with our excellence.
We decided that we should be the role-play elite.
However! Seeds planted in old soil will always take root in the new world.
Such was the case with the Phantoms and =CR=. They formed long before we decided to become hardcore about our community. Now, in all fairness we can't exactly dig the old crops up and toss them to the pig's trough, as they're all still perfectly harvestable. These factions, buried in our elitism could easily be converted to match the rest of the bushel. Nobody is going to notice the difference between an old stalk of corn to a new one, so long as they're both boiled and edible.
It isn't fair to those who lose something. Period. It is fair to those who are allowed something new, or are kept to the same situation.
If your solution was implemented, ones who do not have imports would continue to not have imports. Fair to them. Ones who do have imports would lose them. Fair to them?
That's by perspective again. You may say that since everyone has equal rights now, it's fair. While another may say that a blind judgement in the so-called name of fairness is just the opposite.
How about you make a poll, Akuma? Then we will know what the community thinks is fair, and what is not.
Then, if your solution is voted to not be fair, the community is horribly flawed, and it will be proven that you alone are the lone beacon of justice and equality in our troubled server.
EDIT: Please don't feed into him. If you don't have a point, don't post. Akuma has a flame shield that he keeps in excellent working condition.
' Wrote:We decided that we should be the role-play elite.
Excellent! I think you are close to Asgard in it's prime, before it self destructed.
Now, if you wanted an elite wine (to keep with you analogy) and you got some elite grapes, but there were these bitter grapes in the vinyard, shouldn't they be replaced?
The CR and Phantoms are part the people making these choices that, as you put it "Oops, I'm not sure I like this idea anymore. Snip!", aren't they?
As such, I would think they would be the first to say "Lets be the bigger men here and start fresh, to make this the RP elite that Igiss wants with no stain of these yucky old imports", but I guess that's sadly not the case. They want to keep the sour vines in with elite grapes.
Then it becomes the master gardeners responsibility to the new product to pull up those sour grapes and replace them with the new elite ones, because only then can you truly say you've put your hope for rp elitehood above the selfishness of those that flourished under " lenient RP".
' Wrote:You dodged the question.
It isn't fair to those who lose something.
I didn't dodge the question, no one lost anything, they still got to drink the import koolaid under the old system, they enjoyed it, and now they get to have that great no import wine with the new server direction.
They aren't sour grapes, they're a different strain. They add to the flavor, and although the flavor might be better to some if they were replaced, the current flavor is loved by many, and it would be a shame to change it.
Of course, maybe we should add more strains to give it more flavor? Perhaps, but do you pour salt onto a steak forever? Or do you do so until there is enough? Who decides when it's enough?
The head chef. Igiss.
End of story. If you are so worried about this, which you are, take this all up with Igiss. That's where you'll get your answers. We are just the commonfolk who know nothing compared to you.