Today, while mining in Tau 37, an SCRA Talarca light cruiser approached my vessel and tractored in my materials, floating in space. Upon enquiring as to the reason for this, he reponded, stating that "I wont give it back" and "I want to kill you".
This brings to mind a security issue. We need the escorts to be ready for this kind of stupid behaviour. I in no way provoked the response from the SCRA cruiser, and being threatened is dangerous enough when you have a full hold.
In short, an IMG frigate needs to be stationed here to discourage actions that other factions, like the SCRA may regret. Mabey we should teach them a lesson.
Shortly after the SCRA cruiser left the system, it returned and again tractored my materials. I am not happy with the SCRA who said they were there to conduct a "special" meeting on Falkland. I find this hard to believe, as the IMG would never deal with the Uneducated SCRA, especially the captain of that cruiser.
This cannot go unpunished, in my view, it is a blatant disregard for our authority over the cloud and its contents. I suggest an act of restricting SCRA movement through this system as they seem quite content to distupt the PMG's activities in the area. I also suggest that one of the IMG frigates that will soon be in service be stationed in a hidden location somwhere in the system to "discourage" any agressive factions foolish acts.
On a lighter note: Thankyou Miner Echo and R.Waverly Esquire for your constuctive critisicm of my suggestion earlier
That Cruiser was acting under my orders in telling you to leave the system, we did indeed have some high level buisnees on Falkland base, although it was not with the IMG. However, the Cruiser in question was not authorized to tractor your cargoes, as we have no intrest in raw materials. Since you did comply with his request, we may consider returning those tractored goods. However, any Frigate you may station would be merely a plaything for the SCRA vessels in that sector, I would not advise attempting hostilities. Send me a list of the tractored cargo, and I will see if that captian still has any of it. If not, too bad. you can always mine more.
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
incomming Transmission To : Grand admiral Mcintosh
The tractored goods was all niobium. Please return it all (at least 200 units) to a PMG trader, as the hold of my Miner is full. I was waiting for a trader to finish his lunchbreak, but was cut short by your freind in the Talarca.
However, i do advise strengthening our hold on the cloud, if not the whole system itself. We cannot have intruders threatening to harm our workers arrive in the system on a regular basis. We must take steps in all our holdings to reduce the number of pirates distrupting a perfectly lawful mining operation. No forces of any kind should be allowed near the miners unless freindly, allied or hired status. But then again, im paranoid about this kind of thing. To many people all over sirius die in their spaceships every day and i dont want one of those to be me.
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
This is captain of the Asgard Warriors Cruiser, Xiaxus. Our newly... "Acquired" Rheinland Cruiser will be stationed in Tau-37 and will be willing to take any defensive contracts, should you be willing to pay.
Regarding your stationing at Freeport 10, we would like that. But, we have a low profit margin, unless our operation in the area becomes very large. At the moment, it is small and our profits per pickup are 800k. Compounded by the fact that my wares have only been bought by PMG traders. No other foreign party is willing to buy our niobium as it is cheaper to buy it on Falkland base or Java base.
That means that my total profit has been 1.6 million credits. Not very much, but its enough for a days job. Working with BMM was like always being kept under some other persons thumb.
If you can compete with the prices that the sso| set out then you will probably be hired. Our organisation needs to make it somewhere.
End transmission
OOC: thats why i think that the prices of all goods (except non mineable materials) needs to rise exponentially. From 160 on Falkland to mabey 1000. Then the Ring from 1400 to 2400. This would mean that we could make a decent living out of mining, and our operation in some areas will expand due to people travelling to us to get a significant discount on the goods that they are trading. It would be good to see 5 miners in Dublin and still a shortage of gold for sale. Even better to see 4 miners in Tau 37. If the PMG could make that kind of profit, then we could afford to hire people to defend us (for a decent price). There would also be a market for pirates trying to steal our stuff / pirate us. I know it would take a long time though, but if its a matter of changing numbers, it shouldnt be too much of a problem. There would also be alot of requests to "buy a cloud" which is what were looking to do at the moment. If mining became popular enough, then most profitable clouds would be owned by some party of miners. Wars would even spring up over them if one cloud owned by a rival company had more profitable/easier to mine rescorce. I think that would make the buisness of mining expand, not just from people joining because they love to mine.
(OOC: I agree with McNeo completely. Raise everything so that mining can make a decent amount of money, without the need of a "mining mine" or things like that. Sell it for 1K per unit after spending a long time mining could still make decent cash.
And yes, I signed up to be an escort, though the ship has yet to be bought... I'm still building up my ships for AW. After my fighter I'll be making my PMG ships. Already have my cruiser and BS, so it won't be long until I have adequate AW ships to start working on other things.)
**SenderID** CODENAME:PhoenixFeather
**ReciverID** PMG and HIgh Chancellor Guy of those Revolutionairies.
After reading McNeos post about the SCRA violation I got very mad. What the Hell are you doing sending your guys in our cloud and taking our profit and threatening to kill our miners if they dont leave?! Yes you have buisness on Falkland and It dones matter if its IMG or not! We can still say to our IMg bretheren eniying you acesses to our bases. If you have Non Mineral related buisness, go do it on Freeport freaking 10! Our cloud! Our Nobium! Our Base! Next time you do that im gonna pay AW to kick your revolutionary butts back to OMega 49!
CN:PhoenixFeather out
OOC: Alright that may have sounded harsh but if i was really the owned of a mining corp and some guy walk into my quarrys with a big dump track and took all my stuff? I would be pissed, Not to mettion come and say, off my quary now! I was just respond how a corporation own would. But down do that kinda shennanagins again mates!
Another outburst like that, and will personally make sure you people never have the ability to mine anywhere in Sirius. We had buisness on that station, and where we conduct our buisness is none of your concern. Perhaps you think that a mere cruiser could destroy my new flagship? I'm quite sure that it could be moved into that system. No compensations will be made for the Niobium taken by the captain of the Protrepic, and if you know whats good for your pathetic mining guild, you will back down now. I offered to return the minerals, but apparently you cannot comprehend that an Albatross is cannon fodder for any of our capital ships, and that making threats based upon hiring an AW cruiser is asinine. Any more demands made upon my time reading such drivel will result in your destruction, and that of your entire corperation. I assure you that we will hunt you at every turn, and with every ship. No-one threatens us, for we are the untimate threat. You do realize that not every pheonix will return from the ashes, and I don't think its your lucky day.
Mcintosh out.
OOC: I hope that this will not affect our genial relations with the Helghast.
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
I feel that we must ask for assistance from the kusari navy, or perhaps the sso to deal with this new scra threat to our operations. currently there have been minimal threats to my miner, but we must either beseech the naval and police forces to protect us, or pay protection fees to the criminal orghanizations. I dislike either one of the options, as i find paying tribute to other men intolerable, but there are few options besides starting a war with the SCRA.
There is another option, that is the retraction of all our members to the tau-37 nobium cloud as a defensive and economic protection measure.
Allen James MacDarby
End of Transmission
fmr Lord Solar Admiral of the Helghast, fmr.RAHF-Olsav-[Cpt], fmr. {Helghast}(LSA-vhf)~Olsav, fmr.{Helghast}(LSA)~Olsav, aboard HCS. Kesselring