To: All of GMG
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Aomari is under Hostile Occupation!
Priority: Critical
Message reads:
I'll get right to the point, we are facing a crisis from a hostile force!
Our administrative HQ Aomari Station has been seized and occupied. Not much is known of them as of yet but have been dubbed the term Phantoms.
It was only a few hours ago that I received the one alarm I always dreaded to hear. Aomari was under imminant attack! As I ran to the Tartarus I was chilled at the thought of how they got to Honshu without us noticing them in the Sigmas.
Aomari's hanger was a buzz of activity, pilots and technicians running every which way and yet with the speed at which the ships were leaving the docks it could only be described as orderly chaos.
When I got out into space I then realized how serious of a situation we were in. Aomari was surrounded!
The assault came and it came in hard. I must commend GMG's brave and valiant security. We dug our heels in deep and gave no quarter. It became a battle of atrition and infortunately we lost one ship at a time until the last ones were overwhelmed.
As you can tell we have survived and were tractored in by our rank and file and we are currently on Ogashawa
A few pieces of images were captured from one of the wrecked security ships.
I'm afraid not much more info can be provided.
All GMG are hereby informed to regroup at Ogashawa, we are opening channels with the KNF to co-ordinate our counter assault. It'll take a few days for GMG and the KNF to assemble a force needed to take back Aomari. I know this devastating news for all of you we all have many we care about there which is why we will not be sparing any resources in reclaiming our base. For now we must also hold them back from getting to our miners until the KNF are mobilized.
These are dark days but we will defeat this menace, we have learned in our history that we have always rose back up after an initial surprise
For the pride of GMG I hope see you all soon,
I have been designated as the head of the our security division for some time now, and I have gotten to know all of the brave men and women in our forces very well. You're an excellent group of people, dedicated to the preservation of our company and the safety of our people. Which brings me to my point.
My state of mind has not been what it used to after the Niigata episode, and while I don't believe my effectiveness in the field has diminished, I know for a fact that my availability has. I'm forced to carry out shortened shifts and do not have the facilities to lead this great division like I should. For this reason, I am left no option but to resign.
In light of the developments on the Aomori, I know that now is a crucial time in putting out warriors in the proper hands. Mine are no such thing. And it is my great honor, on behalf of the Guild Masters, to promote Lieutenant Taro Katsuo to the position of Security Supervisor.
You're an incredible pilot, Taro. And an even more incredible person. I know you'll do the job proud, and lead our forces to victory over those demons on the Aomori.
I will continue to to stand as an aegis of the Crow, defending our people and establishments. And have no doubt, I will show those bastards no mercy come the battle with the Phantoms. By no means do I resign from my commission to fight for the GMG, I simply place myself in a position better suited to my circumstance.
Congratuations, Taro Katsuo. Do us proud.
For the Guild!
To: GMG Private Archives
From: Newly appointed Security Supervisor Taro Katsuo
Location: Gas Miner Naha, Sigma-13
Konnichiwa brothers and sisters!
It is with great honour that I have been chosen to succeed Orin Hasting as the new Security Supervisor. The Guild Masters have put their faith in me, and I will not disappoint them! I have successfully kept Naha safe and secure in my role as lieutenant, and now I will do whatever it takes to keep all of our stations and personnel safe and free, including the men and women still fighting the Phantom monsters in the corridors of Aomori. I promise you this, my brothers and sisters, we will come to your aid!
It saddens me greatly that I wasn't able to help defend Aomori against the initial Phantom assault. Perhaps things would have turned out different had I been there, and many of our people might still be alive on-board the station. I will not fail you again, my friends!
The Phantoms are a cunning and vicious foe, I know, as I've fought them before in the defence of Naha. Repelling their assaults many times, either by the destruction of their ships or routing them from the battle. Nevertheless, our toughest fight since the Eighty Years War is upon us. The relief of Aomori from the Phantom menace!
To: GMG Security Division
From: Security Officer Kasugai Hatsumi
Subject: NovaPG at Naha, targeting Zoner transport
Priority: Medium
I had an interesting encounter with a NovaPG pilot today. Black box recordings follow:
Apparently, he was not aware of the 5k agreement.
I regret that I do not have a full transcription of the events that follow, but essentially, Mai Suma and myself talked to the Dragon on a secure channel. He was not content with how we shelter the traders who fuel Kusari's economy. We attempted to explain that we cannot allow any non-hostile vessels to take fire within 5k of our station for the welfare of our people. I hope our words did not fall upon deaf ears.
It is imperative that we set up a meeting with the Blood Dragons to take care of any misunderstandings. Mai-san and I attended to this matter in the most diplomatic way possible.
I would like to thank Kiri Hissori for watching Naha while we were talking to the Dragon. I asked the pilot to apply for a position in the Security Division... hopefully we'll see her again.
--Incoming Transmission--
--ID: Mai Suma--
--Subject: Engagement Report--
Returning from a training session with Kasugai-san, we received a distress call from Jin'ko-san, in the vicinity of Helgoland. Proceeding with all possible haste, we found our member engaged with a pair of Outcasts flying bombers. We immediately jumped into the fray. Unfortunately, we were too late to save Jin'ko's ship, the shield of which had already been shot off by the pirates. However, I was able to take down bothOutcasts with well-placed antimatter bursts, proving that the training session was not wasted, after all. We tractored in Jin'ko's pod and returned to Naha, victorious.
To: GMG Guild
From: Naomi Asuka
Subject: Trading ship under attack from own cargo
Priority: normal
Message reads:
Konnichiwa fellow gas miners,
Yesterday I was on patrol out in the Sigma 19 system at Gas Miner Ogashawa and upon reaching Ogashawa I found a recruit I believe of the Kusari Naval Forces, Upon further examination he stopped a cargo vessel which happened to be smuggling slaves into the Omicrons, This ship was a Whale. Upon hailing the said vessel I received a response that his ship had been taken over by the slaves and they were demanding to go to the nearest planet in the system, After spending time convincing the slaves aboard the ship that their were no inhabitable planets in the system, they settled for planet Kurlie. I proceeded to escort this ship full of slaves to the planet where they were all set free to start life anew.
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Guild Update
Priority: Normal
Message reads:
Konichiwa fellow Guild Members,
It is time to give an update. The Guild has seen plenty of activity in the last while and you all should get up to speed with where we are at right now.
First I'd like for all of your to check our faction status (//click sig) as the roster has been updated. I want to congratulate all of you for your hardwork, keep it up. We have an excellent group here at GMG| and if we continue what we are doing Sigma-13 will be viewed as a controlled system and not the pit of chaos that seems prevalent in the minds of Sirius.
On the matter of GMG| asserting it's control of GMG space: It is time to officialy make the order in here to broaden security patrols. Since we've started we've only maintained security for the bases and our tradeships. We did this because of our numbers and allowed the "rank and file" (NPCs) to handle the rest of GMG space. Since our numbers have grown enough to fill our roster and also due to the help of the bounty board we now have the manpower to assert our faction's presence in ALL of GMG space.
From this point on GMG will be patrolling for Pirates, Terrorists and Smugglers along all GMG trade lanes, GMG Jumpgates, GMG bases and GMG miners (both dockable and undockable).
Get to know where all our stationary miners are. We have many spread throughout the Cloud (i counted 28 so far). Make sure no hostile or smuggler is within 2K of those, 5K still applies for our dockable bases, no ship is to pirate our lanes and jump gates nor are the smugglers able to use them. You know what to do; drive off pirates and terrorists, seize the cargo of smugglers and fine them 5mil.
Next is our formal deal with the Order. GMG and the Order have taken the first steps towards building a friendship together. We have worked out the finer points of this arrangement and the terms have been agreed upon and all members should read and understand them, you may view them here:
GTS's may begin delivery as soon as possible.
Security, please assist in anyway you can in making this work, if there are any problem please direct it to us Guild Masters as we are sure there may be some misunderstandings in the beginning.
Another one of our Guild Masters, Marieki, has secured us another exchange of technology with IMG. A swap of some of our Taiidans for their Raven's Talons was made. Any security officer who wishes to use a Fighter may add that as an option for your patrols, all reports show that it is a well balanced ship.
The Armouri is now on safely on Sakhalin Station as GMG|'s weapons depot. Sigma-59 is the most secure system we have for our Armoury and it will remain so that we may always have access. It is now open again for the GMG|'s needs.
We have more developments coming soon but as of yet they are still topics to be discussed and a formal notice isn't ready yet. We will update you all with more info when it's all finalized.
To: GMG Security Division
From: Cpt. Kasugai Hatsumi
Subject: Outcast - Lane Hacker Gunboat at Naha & Red Hessian violation
Priority: Medium / High
It was a busy day in Sigma-13. First, a Red Hessian Cruiser, Lionheart passed by Naha, perhaps from Omicron Alpha. I asked him what he was doing in Sigma-13. He stated that he was just passing through, which we allow.
Moments later, I caught sight of a Lane Hacker Gunship lingering at the Chugoku hole. After a few minutes he started closing in on me at Naha. I gave the brute a fair warning. Luckily, Guild Master Kyieto had her bomber on Naha to aid in his destruction.
Afterwords, we received reports from patrols that the Red Hessian Cruiser was causing trouble by the New Berlin Jump hole. He'd clearly overstayed his welcome. Guild Master Kyieto gave the captain of the Lionheart fair warning to leave, but he refused. Naturally, we dispatched the cruiser. I feel sorry for his crew, and anyone else that was affected by the Captain's inability to follow instructions.
In the trading division, we are a bit short of higher ranked staff, not only due to the lack of trading personnel, but because we find it hard to find someone appropriate to the job.
Azuki Tamagochi, we are hereby promoting you to the post of Trade Planner, you are the right hand man to the Trade Supervisor, Hiroto Oshiro, wear this honour with proud, as the money you have raised for the guild has more than earned you the right to it.
It is indeed an honour, of sorts, to server under Hiroto-san. I look with great interest to the direction he will be taking our Trade Division. It is after all the lifeblood of the Guild.
My trading efforts will not be abated until we have secured full tenure in Sigma-59. Even then there is still much that can be done with a well-placed credit note...