First off, my buddy, KingOfSirius, and I, went on a small raid to Bretonia. Upon arrival in Leeds, we encountered a BAF pilot. After a short duel she was disposed of.
After this, we returned to Trafalgar base to restock our weapons and do a quick patch up job on our Titans. Soon after undocking, we encountered a Bounty Hunter, eager to kill us for money. He was quickly eliminated within 30 seconds of the start of the duel. The kill goes to KingOfSirius.
Shorty after that battle, I received a strange message- from the Wilde. Long range scanners showed the pilot in Omega 5, so we headed there as quickly as possible.
The Wilde pilot continued messaging me (through private comms) about some sort of lost artifact. It seems he was eager for the Corsairs to give him the artifact, because the "masters" needed it.
After explaining we have many artifacts, not just one special one, he began to grow angry. He shot down Corsair pilots left and right, wreaking havoc around Cadiz. We decided the "masters" where the Nomads, after we continued talking to him- and there was no way we were going to help the nomads.
After he shot down a couple more Corsairs, we opened fire. Sadly, an Ion storm swept through the area. It did not completely take our systems out, but it made targeting devices malfunction. It became very hard to fight.
I am sad to report that eventually my ship, as well as King's ship were badly damaged beyond repair. We both were forced to eject, hoping the Wilde would not tractor us in, or blow our pods up. Luckily, some passing corsairs picked up our pods and returned them safely. Heaven knows what the result would have been if the Ion storm had not raged through.
However, I am worried that the Wilde threat is not over. I have a feeling that they will be back to gather what is "lost" what is "the masters". We need to keep an eye out.
I may upload any scraps of guncam footage that were transfered to my pod, tomorrow. But now, I need my beauty sleep.
**** Incoming transmission ****
ID: Independent Corsair pilot Vikas
To: S.Ashcroft
Well, me and my brother Karolis, were a bit outraged at that moment, for you calling us stupid, that we even didnt thinked about all that gold you supplied us then. Please accept our apologiese, and let as compensate your lost cargo:
------Incoming Message----------
Comm ID: Elder Enrico_Beniez
To: The Benitez Family of Crete and to all Corasirs
---Encryption in progress -----------------
Hola Hermanos
I selden show on this net.
But it is with great honor that i Present you with the 2 newest Benitez members i found.
The First is Pedro i found him onboard my trader ship i hired him when i was docked on planet Honchu, He was hired as a stand in for my normal astronavigator.
And when we startet talking on a long nightshift i understand that he was a lost Benitez.
When landed on Planet NY i hired a Hespanio as my loadmaster, he did not talk much . but on along watch
i had him and Pedro on the bridge togheter. An then Hespanio also admittet that he was a Benitez.
I will fly both Benitez to Crete as fast as i can so that they can be unitet with the rest of the familiy.
Roadruner out
Link terminatet
I am not a native English Speaker, so i make grammar errors.
But it annoys me when people make silly comments about that... especially brits who for the most part can't speak their own language let alone anyone elses!
------------------------------Incoming Transmission--------------------------
To: Benitez Familia and Allies
Comm ID: Commandante Don Carlos Benitez
Source: Myrtos Villa Ceremonial Plaza
RE: Benitez Ranks and Positions Reshuffle
Hermanos and amigos, this message is intended for all who where not able to make the festivities today, when many of our familia where honoured by receving new positions of responsibility.
We also bid farewell to Praetor Zavier Benitez who retired this week. Whilst his decision was a sad one, his retirment is well deserved and we wish him well.
His successor, Preator Ximen Benitez has my utmost confidence and has already proven himself many times over in the equally prestigious role of Consul.
Our new Consul, Jose Benitez has already spent many years as one of my most significant diplomats and advisors and I am certain he will do the familia proud.
His brother, Chico Benitez has been granted the position of High-Elder and the assoceated responsibilities, and I am confident High Elder Chico Benitez will rise to the challenge and make us all proud.
Finally, two long-serving soldatio finally recieved the recognition they deserved today and where granted Benitez Elder Crests. I am looking forward to seeing how Elder Mateo Benitez, and Elder Ronaldo Benitez adapt to their new responsibilities, and I am sure, like their bretheren within our council, they will do the familia proud.
Viva los Corsairs, Viva los Benitez.
---------------------------------------------Transmission Ends--------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------Incoming Transmission----------------------------------
To: The Benitez Familia and Allies
Comm ID: Commandante Don Carlos Benitez
Source: Battleship Delos, Omicron 94
Amigos! Today is a great day for the familia!
Today, after months of instability, the jumphole to the Omicron-94 permanently re-stabilised, allowing safe transit into the system from Omicron Gamma.
The operations to develop the region, spearheaded by the Benitez familia, had been underway but halted when our hermanos in the system were stranded when the jumphole destabilised.
The construction operations had been starved of resources, and some of our best engineers had been stranded in the system with no way of reaching us.
Today, however, one of our patrols journeyed safely to the system and confirmed that the jump hole is now stable. We can return to assisting the construction operations there, and watching over the frontier and border between the Corsair Empire and the mysterious void beyond the charted areas of the Sirius Sector.
Our colonists have prospered despite the hardships they have faced, marooned in a harsh and unforgiving system. Siros Shipyard is still up and running, and construction of the secondary dry-dock is well under way. Tinos Outpost has been quiet during the time of separation, but is now ready to resume its role as the waystation between Omicron-94 and Gamma, relaying messages and receiving captured Bounty Hunters, and shipments of mined artefacts from the Maldava Cloud ready to be sold off to smugglers.
Thira Colony, established as a haven for Corsair families should Crete ever fall, is prospering, with a hydroponics deck and plenty of room for continued expansion.
The Battleship Delos, cut off from the rest of our fleet, has continued it's on-going mission to patrol the frontier and protect our assets in the system, and I have ordered the captain to continue these patrols after the crew return from well deserved shore-leave on Crete and elsewhere in the empire. Whilst the Delos has had an un-eventful few months, I still believe the threat along the frontier is great. My order to suspend all patrol activity into the Aegian Nebulae still stands. I do not want to hear of ANY ships entering that region of space when the risks are so high. Under NO circumstances enter the Aegian Nebulae in Omicron-94
To assist with the construction of dry-dock-2 at Syros Shipyard, the Benitez Prison Ship under the command of Enrico Benitez, has been dispatched to Omicron-94 to provide it's inmates for hard labour.
Coinciding with the monumental return of some of the Empire's greatest engineers from Omircron-94, engineers at Tripoli have released new designs for the Praetorian, m26 Gunboat and Praefect Cruiser class warships. The Praetorian has recieved new hull plating, the M26 has had it's design almost completely overhauled with a more compact profile and the same vicious firepower we have grown to love.
The Praefect has recieved new hull plating and space saving techniques have been utilised to decrease the size of the Cruiser as a target, and imporve it's engine efficiency and agility.
I recommend that Benitez Gunboat captains head to the nearest shipyard for their ships to receive the free refit. You won't be sorry.
Although stranded in Omicron-94, the missing engineering team have not been idle, and have returned to us with not one, but 3 new ships to bolster our fleet and offer us technological superiority over our enemies once more.
The Decurion prototype has been refined and developed, and the new model is now in production at our shipyards.
Cannibalising parts from wrecked Titans, Centurions and even freighters, our hermanos have developed a formidable Combat Freighter known as the Correo. I'm told it's ruthless in battle, and has a sizable cargo hold with capacity of around 500 units, making it an ideal ship for pillaging house transports.
Finally, a Benitez engineer also stranded in 94 has been busy working on a solution to the agility issues of our old Titans, and has come up with the Gladiator Heavy Fighter. A little less heavily armed and armoured than the old Titan, the Gladiator is more manoeuvrable and I am told will revolutionise the fleet. All Benitez are welcome to trade in their Titans for Gladiators if they wish.
What's more, data collected from prototype weapons we've been using for a while now have been invaluable, and refined versions of capital ship weapon systems are now available. It seems our engineers have been saving all this for the time when their colleagues returned triumphantly from their imprisonment in 94.
However, amigos, although today is a day for celebration of the achievements of our amigos, and the spoils we have won through our determination and ingenuity, we must look to the future.
Although we now have a biodome for our own use in Gamma, it is far from enough to sustain our population and we must continue to work hard to feed the empire. In addition to this, construction in Omicron-94 is far from complete, and we must continue to make an effort to supply Syros Shipard with raw materials (particularly hull panels) so that the 2nd drydock can be completed on schedule. Alien Artifacts, harvested from Maldava, are being stockpiled at Tinos Outpost in Omicron-94 to be distributed to smugglers far and wide. We will continue our distribution of artefacts into house space like never before, and profit from their greed.
I have no doubt that the technologies now available to us will give us an advantage over our adversaries, but this advantage will be short lived, as I have no doubt the Outcasts and their allies will quickly make efforts to counter our new hardware. We must therefore press our advantage and capture as much ground as we can during the next few months. The mighty Battleship Talos; guardian of Crete, is fast becoming an antique, and must be refit as soon as possible. For this reason, it will shortly be moved to Syros Shipyard for it's hull plating and weapons systems to be overhauled.
Once our fleet is in top condition, we must put the Outcasts and Hessians on the defencive, and drive them back to their cardimine-infested strongholds. With the new tools given to us, we will reclaim our rightful place as the kings of piracy.
To: The Benitez Familia and Allies
Comm ID: Enrico_Benitez
Source: Benitez_Prisonship, Omicron 94
After we were told that the JH to Omicron94 was again stable, The Prison ship was called to O94.
As a movement of a ship of this class tru 3 Systems can be a high risk operation, Don Carlos and Hermano Hespano was flying escort.
The whole operation was conductet right after the book. Only 12 Inmates lost their life during the jump from Gamma to Omicron94,
There is afterall a reason of why we are strapped to our seats while jumping. A cleaning detail of Inmates was quick and cleaned up after the jump incident now known as jump pancakes.
The Prison ship is now moored at syrus Shipyard where the inmates will be used as labor to make dry dock 2 and 3 ready for operation.
<span style="color:red">Viva los Corsairs</span> <span style="color:blue">viva Los Benitez</span> Viva Don Carlos
In the past The tradewing Espicially The Elite Trade Wing From Jupiter Guild have had a good Supply relationship with Not only you but also the rest of the Corsair World, In Flying Food to Planet Crete.
Some things have changed, The Elite Tradewing have changed, and can be recognised by the [ETW] or (ETW) after the ship name.
We continue to fly Food to Crete also.
But now we are offering ourself to fly the Supplyes you need in O94.
As i understand your Shipyard need Hullpanels, And your BS need Mox.
I will look forward To your Reply.
Elite Trade Wing Commander
Trade Captain onboard The Supply_Ship.1-(ETW)
I am not a native English Speaker, so i make grammar errors.
But it annoys me when people make silly comments about that... especially brits who for the most part can't speak their own language let alone anyone elses!
Incomming Transmission
Comm ID: Chico Benitez
To: The Benitez, Corsairs at large
Today, the Benitez has made a trade pact with the ETW, the Elite Trade Wing. They came to us offering services of cargo haulage of both food and artifacts in and out of Omicron Gamma and Omicron 94.
The terms are as follows.
The ETW will be allowed to use Corsair bases for the purposes of trade and refuge in Omicron 94.
The ETW will regularly ship food to Omicron Gamma and Omicron 94.
Other terms are private matters between the Elite Trade Wing and the Benitez and will not be elaborated on nor discussed outside of the Family, the Corsair Council and the Elite Trade Wing.
No Corsair ships are to harrass or fire on ETW vessels without good reason. An example of a good reason would be the shipment of goods such as Cardimine (Outcasts), or Blood Diamonds (Hessians). An example of a bad reason would be that they refused to pay you for passage of our space.
This has been agreed on by a key member of the Brotherhood, Elder Sephardi and the Benitez Family.
Full rights to Corsairs bases in Omicron Gamma have yet to be confirmed by the Corsair Council but your case is being heard as I write this. As soon as I know, you will.
I will inform the ETW Captains, so that they can start delivering the supplyes you order.
Elite Trade Wing Commander
Trade Captain onboard The Supply_Ship.1-(ETW)
I am not a native English Speaker, so i make grammar errors.
But it annoys me when people make silly comments about that... especially brits who for the most part can't speak their own language let alone anyone elses!
-------------Incoming Transmission---------------------
Comm ID: Commandante Don Carlos Benitez
To: The Benitez familia and fellow Corsairs
Source: Myrtos Villa (Benitez HQ), Planet Crete
With renewing interest within the Council regarding our relationship with the Colonial Remnant last night we decided to take a heavily armed shipment of goods through Bretonia to our CR allies.
Flying the Lucrii (a Correro freighter) escorted by capitan Luis, Elder Enrico and Soldato Aurelio, in tight formation with Ximen piloting the Correro class Minotaur, we loaded up with Basic Alloy, Super Alloy, Mox, and Tizona-Del-Cid weaponry and headed for Bretonia.
The journey through the Omegas was quiet and we passed un-noticed into Cambridge, before jumping to Leeds. A Bretonian battleship was detected , and we returned to Cambridge to evade it's scans, before finding a Zoner VIP transport at the jumphole. Our escorts were able to extort a total of 3 million credits in fees from the transports passengers, and Aurelio scouted ahead into Leeds to ensure the Battleship was no longer in scanner range.
Our convoy jumped to Leeds, and Enrico intercepted comm chatter suggesting the BAF were doing a patrol sweep, looking for us.
We headed for the location of the Edinburgh Jump hole as a Colonial squad sped through Leeds to ensure the path was clear, before jumping to Edinburgh.
When we arrived, we passed by Islay Base and headed for the 31 jumphole, after which we met with the CR stationed on the other side, closely followed by the CR fighter wing.
We then took a trade lane journey (a very odd experience) to Holman Outpost, were we were attacked by the Kusari Battleship Yamagochi.
We had no idea why it was firing at us, and Enrico was caught off guard. His fighter was destroyed, but we tractored his escape pod and continued with the mission.
The CR lead us to their base of operations at Java in Tau-23. We met with a CR heavy transport vessel ready to receive our cargo, and a heavily armed freighter to receive the Tizonas we had carried from Gamma.
Each of our ships docked, in turn, with the larger CR vessels and before long we had exchanged our cargos. After being thanked extensively by the CR, and chatting about our hopes for the future of the alliance, we loaded up with Niobium (provided free, as a thankyou by the CR) and headed home.
The journey to Tau space was long and eventful, but rewarding. Hopefully this is the beginning of a new golden age for our relations with the CR and IMG, and we look forward hearing from them again soon.
I'd like to thank Aurelio, Enrico, Luis and Ximen for assisting with this important shipment, and applaud their skill in ensuring the whole operation went ahead safely and as planned.
However, our convoy did not go un-noticed and the galactic media have already published a report about our convoy. We must be more careful in future.
Shipping necessary supplies and weapons to the CR is now on our agenda, given the importance of their work against the Outcasts, so if possible, we should make an effort to work with this.
Viva los Benitez -------------Transmission Ends---------------------